Thursday, 11 July 2013

His birthday dinner

First day of fasting went smoothly yesterday.

Walaupun Miss 9 kejap2 mengadu perut dia dah berbunyi2, hehehe.

Miss 14 seperti biasa kata tak lapar langsung.

Ada best and tak best nya bila puasa masa tengah cuti sekolah ni.

Yang best nya, boleh sambung tidur balik lepas sahur and subuh sampai lah zuhur kalau nak, hehehe.

Boleh lepak aje main games atau tengok dvds atau baca buku sepanjang hari (the girls lah not me!).

Tak payah penat pergi sekolah dengan homework and what not kan.

Tapi yang tak bestnya bila duduk rumah ni, dekat aje dengan dapur so panggilan dapur tu kadang2 adalah kuatnya, hahahahaha.

Especially bila dah petang and I sibuk masak kat dapur dengan bau2an yang sedap kan Winking smile.

Malam tadi for our first Iftar, I masak lah ‘sedap’ sikit since it’s The Other Half’s birthday.

He requested for crumbed lamb cutlets with buttery garlic mashed potato for his bday dinner. And tiramisu for his bday cake.


I made 1kg of cutlets and cuma tinggal 3 ketul leftovers aje last night.

I makan 3 ketul, Miss 14 makan 2 ketul, leftovers 3 ketul, yang selebihnya dimakan dek The Other Half and Miss 9!

Tapi dia tak nak gravy langsung sebab he said “if the mash is good enough, you dont need anything to make it nicer”.

Birthday dia kan, I pun ikut aje lah and lagi senang kerja I sebab tak payah masak gravy, hahahaha.


Birthday boy tak mintak salad tapi bini dia buatkan lah jugak salad, hahahaha….


The tender meat inside….


And the tiramisu for dessert.


I made decaf espresso coffee tiramisu for us sebab kalau guna espresso biasa, maulah tak tidur satu malam.

And for the girls pulak, I made choc tiramisu cos they dont like the taste of coffee.



I made 1 bekas pyrex ni.

The birthday boy makan separuh malam tadi! Giler tak kenyang lepas makan so many lamb cutlets as well!


  1. Sedapnyaaa kak.. Terasa macam dah masuk ke tekak lak tiramisu tu..

  2. Happy birthday to hubby lg.
    I dont eat tiramisu but that picture I tengok terliur liur.

    MIss 14 like my lil tween. Tak lapar and dahaga langsung.

  3. tiramisu tu.... menggugat iman. yes, please share the recipe

  4. Hadoiii..tension tgk makanan..hahaha

  5. sis..can i get the tiramisu recipe?

  6. lamb cutlet tu memang dia dah sedia macam tu ke LG?

  7. mmg betul2 special nih kak... terliur nengok lamb cutlet tuh


  8. terliur akak tgok lamb cutlet tu ...

    Happy Birthday 2 ur OTHER HALF. Parents in law tak join ke bday celebration?

    p/s am having difficulty nk pi ur website ni.

  9. Kak LG.. i betul2 dah terliur sesangat ni. Rasa2 macam nak masak sebijik macam ni jgk besok. Siap dengan tiramisunya skali. Nak2 resepi kak LG...

  10. Kak LG.. i betul2 dah terliur sesangat ni. Rasa2 macam nak masak sebijik macam ni jgk besok. Siap dengan tiramisunya skali. Nak2 resepi kak LG...

  11. Nurulhuda,
    bila berpuasa, semua nmpk sedap kan ;-)

    thanks for the wish. I guess klu budak2 yg jenis mmng tak berapa makan, mmng dia tak rasa lapar or haus kan. Lucky for them :-)

    Ice, June and Elle,
    Insyaallah nanti I letak ye.

    Chekgu Azrine,
    hahahah...bulan puasa masuk blog makanan waktu mlm aje :-P

    tak, I beli rack of lamb pastu I potong jadi cutlet and crumbed mcm nak buat schnitzel/chicken chops tu.

    nasib baik dia tak mintak benda2 yg amatlah lecehnya nak masak, gerenti I tak bole buat, hahahaha

    Kak Badar,
    why is it difficult to get to my site? Ada virus ke?
    My in laws ada hal so tak dapat datang.

    I ni kena tunggu ada requests on special days aje baru lah rajin nak masak benda2 macam ni, hahaha

  12. Ye betul. Lucky them kids yg tak berapa suka makan
    You goreng goreng ayam tu pakai apa again.
    Ada hati mau belilah.
    Because I ni asyik menggoreng ikan merecit recit minyak.
    Tension I.

  13. Kak lg,

    Resepi tiramisu please...tq..:)

  14. Kak lg,

    Resepi tiramisu please...tq..:)

  15. Hai kak LG,

    i'm your silent reader since i pindah ke Abu dhabi. Perantau baca blog perantau kekdahnya..hhehe..
    nice blog!

    sedapnye nmpk tiramisu tu.i Love cakes..

  16. Assalamualaikum akak..

    Selamat menyambut ramadhan almubarak :)

    All these foods look stunning and deliyummy..

    taun depan akak try masuk masterchef australia kak..boley masuk top 12 nie.. :)

  17. comelnya lamb cutlets tu sis. kalau comel mcm tu mmg ada harapan my bro bleh habiskan 1/2 kg sorang...heheheeee...Last but not least, Happy Birthday MR. LG! :-)


  19. Salam kak. nak resipi tiramisu bole?

  20. lamanya tak buat tiramisu pdhal senang je tu.nantila...klu k.long ada buat b'buka pose kat umah dia leh la bwk ni for dessert.klu utk mkn ayu 1 family takut tak abis je sbb ainnur dah pose penuh.hrpkan si faris jela yg mkn....dia pun klu xde geng slow gak.huhu...
