Monday, 1 July 2013

Our briyani dinner

Dulu2 I tak berani nak masak nasi briyani sebab rasa macam susah sangat2 nak masaknya.

Bila dapat makan, rasa macam in awe aje kat tukang masak yang obviously terer giler dapat mendalami rahsia memasak nasi briyani yang sedap tu.

Paling berani I masak was just nasi berperisa and then makan dengan lauk pauk ala2 briyani.

Until one day I said to myself yang I have to berani kan diri untuk masak nasi briyani.

And now, dah banyak kali jugak lah I masak nasi ni sebab dah tak rasa takut lagi, hehehehe…

And all thanks to youtube yang mengajar I cara2 nak masak nasi ni Smile.

(I banyak belajar masak from youtube ni!)

Macam2 cara ada kat youtube tu, from the most simple one to the most complicated one. And macam2 jenis daging were used.

And seperti biasa, I akan ikut video yang senang aje lah kan.

Selalunya I masak chicken briyani yang you cook the chicken and the rice separately first and then cook them together for the final 30 minutes in the oven.

But for our dinner tonite, I made the other version where you dont pre-cook the chicken.

You put the raw chicken into a pot and layer the parboiled rice on top of it and cook it on the stovetop.

And it turned out really good for a first timer except that the rice is a bit overcooked I think!

The rice was a bit too soft, but tak pecah2 or tak lah lembik macam bubur. Cuma soft aje which I guess some people will like and others might not like.

But the most amazing thing is that, the chicken was well cooked, takde langsung raw bits walaupun I didnt cook it that long!

(Ayam tak masak tu lah yang I paling takut sangat).


We had it with acar timun and some leftover beef curry I found in the freezer, hahaha.



Next time boleh buat macam ni lagi sebab dah  berani masak bryani Smile with tongue out.


  1. lepas ni kak min panggil nasi berani la kan.. :)

  2. Sy pon xberani lg kak msk nasi briani ni tkt nasi xmsk..berani beli jer..hehe

  3. Salam..da boleh bukak kedai bryani ni...nekcik pun suka yg di masak sekali...da mcm briyani gam

  4. mmg nmpak POWER ur nasi bryani tu...akak mmg tak berani masak nasi bryani tp bab makan sgt BERANI,hehehe

  5. salam sis. my name is ain. macam mana nak email sis? tercari cari email address. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. lg, cer masak briyani gam...kambing. Rasa di youtube ada. Kalau di johor, makan briyani kena lawan ngan bandung selasih ais krim soda...kaw giler...

  8. Irma,
    hahahaha...kena berani masak nasi biryani :-P

    kat sini boleh jugak nak beli tp bila dah duduk overseas ni, mmng tangan gatal nak mencuba masak mcm2. Nasib menjadi, hahaha

    biryani gam tu tak berani nak cuba masak lagi sbb rasa mcm lagi complicated kan!

    Kak Badar,
    kalau saya duduk Msia, rasanya mmng tak kan berani cuba sampai skrg, berani beli and berani makan aje, hehehe

    Salam. My email is

    I tak berani lagi lah masak biryani gam kambing tu sbb I rasa lagi susah nak make sure daging kambing tu melt in the mouth and at the same time nasi tu tak overcooked kan.
    I suka sgt air bandung ais krim soda tu! memang sedap gilers kan!
