Sunday, 7 April 2013

The cost of a tissue

We went out for very late lunch/afternoon tea petang tadi.

We went to a food court ala2 asian style food court.

And what did we get there?

The girls asked for roti tissue with extra drizzle of susu pekat manis….

I had chicken bryani and The Other Half had roti paratha with chicken masala……

Woit korang! Takke dah nak pergi Msia so tunggu lah makan kat sana nanti!

Hari2 nk makan roti tissue pun boleh Smile with tongue out

But The Other Half kata bila kat Msia, dia nak makan fast food puas2 like KFC and McD and Burger King hari2 instead of makan roti canai hari2…

Betul jugak dia cakap tu….

Bila lagi nak makan KFC and McD and Burger King puas2 kalau bukan kat Msia kan.

So, kalau sape2 terjumpa we all kat KFC or McD tengah melantak dengan beria2 nya, you all tau lah kenapa.


Ini lah rupa budak berdua yang sangat teruja nak makan roti tissue


And kalau ada sape2 yang terjumpa the girls kat mana2 kedai mamak tengah beria2 makan roti tissue dengan susu pekat meleleh, biarkan aje lah ye…..



And ini pulak rupa my chicken briyani.


It was so pedas! I tak larat nak makan so The Other Half yang habiskan.

On top of habiskan my chicken briyani, he also finished off his roti canai set.

You want to know how much roti canai set costs here?

2 roti canai with chicken masala rege dia $8.50 which is considered cheap Perth standard.

I can’t imagine makan roti canai 2 keping rege RM8 kat Msia, hahahaha.

My chicken bryani was also $8.50 which was ok for the amount.

And the roti tissue pulak rege dia $4 each!

Tu sebab the girls jakun bila jumpa roti tissue sebab Mum & Dad diaorang jarang bawak diaorang keluar makan sbb rasa macam tak berbaloi nak pay $4 for a roti tissue! Open-mouthed smile.


  1. K LG: nnti boleh mkn puas2 kt restoran zafarullah khan kt ijok and mkn fast food puas2. dah boleh buat senarai nk mkn apa kt m'sia nnti!

  2. Assalamualaikum Mrs Lemongrass, i have a wee suggestion - methinks that a lil box saying "made me hungry" next to "made me smile" would not be out of place :) saya teramatlah addicted with your blog but i have to remind myself not to read it bila saya lapar. uhm.. ok the peti sejuk! ta...heheheh

  3. You beli kat Suzie ke? I tak pernah try roti tissue kat sana. Selalunya I tapau roti telur je. Sbb murah. $6 utk 2 keping.

  4. Nanti balik malaysia, boleh i belanja anak2 makan roti tisu banyak2 hahaha, my twin pun love roti tisu soo much tapi no problem laaa kan , kat sini senang nak dapat roti tisu.

  5. dekat tassie nasi beriani $15 sepinggan, big portion lah, tapi ayam dan nasi je

  6. whereabout is this place? a bit of a jakun living in NOR ni :P
    ... been a long time tak makan roti tissue, my daughter loves this. Kalau dia tau sure mau every week pergi :D

  7. Akak pandai buat roti tissue?

    Siapa mamat duduk sebelah The Other Half tu?

    The Other Half looked exactly like Steve Jobs.

  8. kurusnyer your other half ahkak :) he could inspired all the obess husband kat mesia nie. dah kawen pun kena pandai jaga body and yg penting keep fit and healthy :)

  9. betul tu kak min... kalau balik malaysia kang melantak la puas2.. nanti dah balik Australia leh diet pulok.. :P tak per la kuat semangat cam kak min.. kalau jadi nani ni.. diet always hancussss!!

  10. been reading this blog for a while.
    i'm currently in perth for studies. suka juga ke spencer village makan iga penyet! :D

  11. Salam LG,

    been reading your posts...

    roti tissue kat m'sia pun lebih kurang harga tu jugak...begitu jugak, beriyani tu... RM=OZ$. :)) jangan di-convert :).

    not surprised if tiba tiba i see yr entry with home-made-roti-tisu....haaa time tu i boleh pengsan! u such a good cook

  12. sesekali makan kat luar tak apa hehehe...tapi nanti balik Malaysia, bolehlah makan macam-macam

  13. sis, kalau org msia gi sana mesti lagi tak berbaloi nak makan roti tisu sbb nak bayar $8 tu pun dah rasa mahal, kalau convert to RM lagilah tak lalu nak makan....mahal giler...hehehehe...

    Sis, Ur Other Half mmg dah nampak kurus sangat....jelousnya...

  14. Pendragon,
    zafarullah memang dah masuk dlm list yg wajib pergi, hehehe. Nanti I tepek gambar we all makan kat zafarullah ye so boleh you reminisce as well :-D

    Waalaikumsalam. I think that's a brilliant idea you've got there! I should have done it a long time ago. Thank you for the suggestion :-)

    ha'ah, beli kat Suzie. Roti telur dia sedap tak? Next time boleh try that.

    hahaha...definitely my kids akan bantai makan roti tisu bnyk2 masa kat Msia nanti. Sure montel budak berdua tu bila balik sini balik, hehehe

    Kira Perth memang lagi murah dr Tassie lah kan. But klu slalu2 makan luar kat Perth ni, kurus gak wallet :-)

    It's on Spencer Road in Thornlie. It's called Spencer Village. It has a small foodcourt inside that small shopping village. The stall we bought it from is called Suzie and it's at the back corner inside the food court.

    I tak pandai langsung buat roti tissue tu. Tu sbb kena pergi kedai utk mkn roti tissue, hehehe.
    That's our friend :-)

    dia memang kurus skrg sbb nak menggemukkan diri balik masa kat Msia makan mcm2, hahaha

    kalau balik Msia and tak makan puas2, rugi kan! Tu sbb kena diet skrg so bila balik Msia, tak lah ketat sgt pinggang seluar nanti, hehehe

    I thought a lot of students like going to Karrawara shops and all the shops along Albany Hwy? :-). I haven't tried their ayam penyet yet, maybe one day :-)

    Makcik Kantin,
    Salam. Roti tissue pun mahal jugak ye kat Msia skrg? I guess kat mana2 pun skrg semua benda dah naik harga kan :-). But I don't think I will ever try to make roti tissue though sbb tebar roti canai pun tak pass lagi, hehehe

    memang we all akan makan macam2 kat Msia tu. Food heaven kan :-)

    hahaha...Sbb tu kdg2 rasa mcm tak berbaloi betul nak makan roti canai kat sini. Tu yg I asik belik frozen roti canai aje utk budak2 makan, sbb lagi murah :-D

  15. Terimakasih for the info :D

    Kalau nampak I kat situ, makan sampai tak ingat dunia tu... do tap on my shoulder and say hi :D
