Monday, 8 April 2013

The busy phase….

I’ve been busy lately so memang tak cukup masa nak balas comments from you guys kat this blog.

So sorry about it, I will reply each comment soonish….

Kenapa busy?

Sebab baru kelam kabut nak punggah shed cari barang2 yang I dah lama beli untuk dipack bawak balik Msia.

Our guest bedroom sekarang macam tongkang pecah di langgar garuda!

Penuh dengan boxes, luggage, clothes, mountain of chocs! Surprised smile

Bole sesat tak jumpa jalan keluar lah kalau masuk situ, hikhikhik…..

My siblings memang selalu kirim barang from here. They kirim barang yang susah jumpa kat Msia and yang mahal kat Msia.

Diaorang kirim dah lama throughout the year and I will buy the stuff when they go on sale kat sini.

Lepas beli, I akan simpan dalam boxes in the shed.

Tu yang bila dah dekat nak balik, baru kelam kabut punggah shed cari all the barang2 kiriman.

And kadang2 buat gelaknya, diaorang lupa apa yang diaorang kirim and I pun lupa apa yang I dah beli for them, hahahaha….

Tu sebab kadang2 The Other Half pening tengok shed ‘dia’ tu sebab penuh dengan my boxes.

That’s why half of our luggage allowances memang penuh dengan barang kiriman sahaja!

Tu sebab for the past 2 nights, I haven’t been spending much time in the kitchen cooking dinner.

So, tu yang tadi I rasa rindu pulak nak masuk kitchen masak something nice for everyone.

I wanted to make chicken cordon bleu.

Well, a variation of chicken cordon bleu anyway since I’m not using ham nor prosciutto nor any meat inside the chicken.


The ingredients to make chicken cordon bleu my style.

Plain flour, eggs, breadcrumb, fresh sage leaves, semi dried tomatoes, bocconcini and chicken breast fillet.

Bila dah siap kita isi dgn the tomato, bocconcini and sage, salut dgn tepung, eggs and breadcrumb.

Then I guna lidi sate to pin the opening so tak lah terkeluar the filling masa nak masak.

Keep it in the fridge for about 30 minutes so the crumb doesn’t fall of when you fry it.

Ini rupa the cordon bleu in the pan.


Pan fry both sides until golden brown and put them on a tray.

Masa ni the chicken is still not properly fully cooked yet because they are quite thick.


So, after you’ve panfried them, put them in the oven at 180C for about 10-15  minutes so the inside is cooked too.

Takde lah nanti yang sakit perut makan ayam mentah kan!

We had our cordon bleu with pasta and steamed veges.

I had mine with angel hair pasta in garlic and chilli breadcrumbs.

While they had theirs with mac n cheese Smile.


They like their mac n cheese while I like my angel hair pasta Smile.




So, everyone’s happy.


  1. Looks yummy the food. Uhmm

  2. wah bestnyer nak mesia dah...welcome home kak...moga perjalanan akak selamat dan diberkati oleh Allah...amin....=)

  3. Takpe, takpe. Kalau ada barang yg takde sape tuntut, blh pass mai kat i :-)

  4. Mesti superexcited kn nk blk mesia? :)

  5. Kak, you're the most organized person, right, with your to-do-lists. Did you list down all the orders from your siblings?

    Don't tell me the list also went into the shed?

  6. ermmm selera jerk tgk salad kak mynn tu.. dr yg tak makan sayur pun boleh terjebak makan sbb their colour..

  7. i baru tengok jer pun dah happy sis....kalau dapat makan lagilah happy...:-)

  8. Ooh... i love your plate! Angle hair dengan garlic dan chili flakes..mmm..simple je tapi fulfilling..

  9. susunan je dh cantik!

    x smpat2 pon ttp dan msak yerp kak.

    mak2 mmg macam tu kan :)

  10. Adeeya,
    memang yummy kat tekak we all :-)

    thanks for the doa :-)

    Hahaha...kalau tertinggal kat sini, alamatnya I lah yg guna :-)

    superexcited sbb dah lama tak jumpa some of my siblings and anak buah :-)

    I did but some of the things I've bought a year ago so tu yang dah lupa :-). But I've rewritten a new list so all good now! hahaha

    I love salad tu yg I suka buat my salad mcm2 colour so I pun lagi teruja nak makan, hehehe

    hahaha....klu dpt makan, senyum sampai tidur kan ;-)

    I love this kind of pasta, boleh aje mkn mcm ni every other night tapi orang2 lain kat rumah ni sure mengamuk, hehehe

    Mak2 memang sentiasa fikir pasal perut family kan. Sbb kesian tengok anak2 n hubby klu berlapar or mkn benda tak sedap, hehehe
