Monday, 25 February 2013

SS photos with ig….

Sejak dua menjak ni, camera iPhone I selalu sangat digunakan.

Boleh katakan hari2, ada aje benda yg nak dicapture…

Nak kata, dah makin pandai and mahir ambik gambar guna iPhone, tak jugak, hahahaha….

Probably dah makin pandai editing kot so everything looks ‘cantik’…

Even kulit I yang tanned ni pun boleh jadi lebih cerah dari kulit The Other Half dek editing!

Sangat lah over nya kan!

Laughing out loud

Even Miss 9 pun dah mula tanya, “why do you want to take photos all the time?

And dia lah yang selalu kena jadi my model since Miss 13 sejak dah anak dara ni a bit allergic to the camera being pointed at her.

Pagi2 dalam kereta sementara nak tunggu time nak cross the road to her school pun sempat lagi nak bercamhoring ni.

I guess inilah penangan ber IG kan, asik2 nak ambik gambar, hikhikhik……

Layan lah ye some of the syok sendiri photos ni, hehehe…..



Saje je nak tunjuk persamaan yang sangat ketara antara Miss 9 and I, our chubby cheeks and also our non botoxed chins, hehehe.


(Masa ambik gambar2 ni, Miss 13 dah jalan ke her school dulu since high school starts earlier than primary school. Tu yang Miss 9 stay sekejap with me in the car until it’s time for me to take her across to her school).

Sampaikan pagi tadi, I suruh Miss 9 tolong ambik gambar I full body kat luar kereta just before crossing the road.

Sure lah Mak@ and Pak2 yang antar anak2 diaorang pagi tadi geleng kepala tengok perangai I, kahkahkahkahkah….


Tapi I tak boleh lah nak buat outfit of the day sebab semua yang I pakai takde brand terkenal, setakat brand OZ aje, Handbag pun I tinggal in the car aje, hehehehe….

Tapi, mana boleh cuma tayang photos syok sendiri aje kan, kena lah tayang photos of our dinner jugak.

I made green chicken curry malam ni.


I added terung and canned rebung in the green curry.



The Other Half suka green curry ni, I makan aje….

Which is good sebab since bukan makanan kegemaran I, I tak lah teringin nak tambah2 nasi tadi, hehehe.

The girls pulak I buatkan ayam masak kicap aje…..


  1. 1/2 MULAN = 1 LG or 2 LG = 1 MULAN.. tapi i tak de kisah sangat sbb molot i 2x molot u kan kan.. hehehee... amvooii alim melim dia.. jeles sikit ni, so kena start lah buat apa yg patut.. yg tak patut macam melahap tu gotta slow down2 very down kan kan.. sedih la i camni..

  2. slim melim... not alim melim..

  3. slim n cantik n ms 9 mmg potostat u lah..hehe

  4. wow .....u dah SLIM MELIM gitu. akak jelessssssssss ni.

  5. Sangat slim...jeles tengok...huhu...lg ngan miss9 mmg sama la...

  6. As Salam. LG....Amboi.....slimnya..depa...tiap2 malam dok masakmakan.pun...badan depa..dok..elok comei mcm anak dara...!!!....bila chek nak kuruih lagu tu...taktau.

  7. Cantik nyer akak.. Bergaya sgt..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. wah..wah...dah selim giler sis..syabas..hehehe..nanti letak byk2 lagi yer gambar selim melim nie...heheh

  10. kurusnyaaa akak...what's your IG account number? nak followwwww..hehehe

  11. Min SANGAT slim sekarang!!! Congrats! (I know you worked hard). Memang cantik2 tengok gambar iG kawan2. Skrg ada instaplace, weather semua...nampak pro je semua gambar2.

    My mom has an iG account. And she's 68. Tapi tak aktif la setakat berapa gambar je dia ada hehe. I takde, sebab I still guna my banged-up blackberry :P

  12. bila la nak merasa badan macam akak ni.

  13. sesekali nengok tuan umah nih syok gk, akak makin kurus lah... ni pun akak kata nk diet lg huhuhui...

    nsb tkde sambal belacan, kalu tak agaknyer bertambah2 mkn,... hehehe

  14. piwittt..adik manis boleh kenal ;)

  15. Phewiiittt... ni jupe kat Carousel sure kena mintak autograph nih :p

  16. phewitttt !! dah selim melim seyh akak LG kita ni.. gigih menguruskan badan nampaknya.. kena ikot ni.. p selalau masak mcm akak memang takkan dapat lah selim melim macam tu.. !

  17. impressed sgt ngan akak..

    selim melim kalah anak dara.. :D

  18. Cantik potongan badan lg walaupun anak2 dah besar tak macam kak Zai.

  19. sangat slim melim lah u sis...why nak reduce ur weight lagu? huhuhuuu

    finally ur other half dapat jugak his green curry ya sis...:-)

  20. slim sangatttt kak lg! jelessss nii.. hahaha.

    ig acc pelis. again. lol.

  21. mak ngan anak sama comel.. sama cantik!

  22. salam from england! just been catching up reading your blog...lovely posts...the roses esp ( I love roses) and the food of coz...and the latest of you...amazing how slim u are whilst serving and cooking all those delicious food daily! anyway, do visit my blog sometime, take care!

  23. ala jeles, kurusnya. you ada ig iye. Nanti kalau i nmpk nama you I add. Kalau sudi accept kalau tak, tak pe.

  24. Pendragon,
    hahaha, thank you ;-)

    I paling suka bab2 makan tak hengat dunia ni. Tapi lepas tu, nak nangis bila tengok scale. Tu yyg this year azam baru nak lose a bit and maintain :-)

    bila ambik gmbr mcm tu, memang nampak Miss 9 tu potostat I kan! hehehe

    Kak Badar,
    takpe, pelan2 kayuh, lama2 sampai jugak :-)

    Peha I tak selim sgt, still mcm kayu balak, body atas aje yg selim terlebih, tu yg tension, hehe

    Wassalam. Kayuh pelan2, lama2 boleh selim walaupun tiap malam masak sedap2, hehehe

    hahaha...bergaya? takde lah, tp thanks sbb kata cantik :-D

    lepas gambar tu di edit, terus jadi lawa, hahaha

    peha I still tak slim mana, kena tunjuk top part aje baru org kata selim habis, hahaha

    you cari ig user mynnm, pastu you pilihlah mana satu I, hehehe

    you cari ig user mynnm, pastu you pilih mana satu I ye ;-)

    Your Mum ada ig account? Wah, cayalah dia, sgt2 up to date kan older people nowadays :-).
    Only people who exercise regularly tau betapa penat exercising ni kan, hehehe

    illusi optik aje tu, I tak kurus mana, hahaha

    Ida Shazana,
    kalau kayuh pelan2 tp hari2, insyaallah sampai gak kat kurus tu one day, hehehe

    I ada sebab kenapa nak kurus sikit lagi tp nanti later2 I bagitau sebabnya, hahaha...

    adik manis jauh2 jugak, dekat2 tada manis, hahahahaha...

    nak autograph, kena dtg rumah I, hikhikhik

    Boleh aje nak kurus walaupun masak and makan sedap2 hari2, tp salad and sayur kena lagi banyak dr benda lah. Tu yg kadang2 mcm tak sedap aje kan, hehehe...

    anak dara semua nya pert and pejal, I ni mak kepada anak dara so semua dah ekna tarik gravity, hahaha

    Kak Zai,
    Anak I 2 orang aje, tu yg senang sikit nak maintain shape badan :-)

    I ada reason/ goal kenapa kena reduce weight tp tak boleh bagitau skrg. Nanti2 later2 lama lagi, I will reveal :-)

    ig I bnyk gmbr camwhoring aje, hahaha. You cari user mynnm, pastu you pilih lah mana satu I ;-)

    Yg tu sorang aje yg lebih kecik dr I skrg, kakak dia dah lagi tinggi and lagi besar dr I, hehehe

    Salam. thanks for dropping by again. My roses are sufffering because our Summer is so hot this time. I wish I can hv some of your cold winter, then it will be heaven :-)

    mana boleh lawan you. You pun kurus what! :-).

  25. u always be my inspiration! Pandai masak, berkebun and pandai jaga diri...i really like your personality sis!

  26. huwaaaaaa.......sgt cantik n KURUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!jeles i!

  27. u looked so slim kak. keep it up. and dont stop exercise :)

  28. Never fail to read yr blog.....sgtlah slim nya LG..sama naik dgn anak2

  29. Kurussssss. . Jeles. Nak carik Ig akk. . :-)

  30. Assalam Kak Min, TQ for sharing. In shaa Allah will try your way...been trying nak loose weight by controlling my food intake without exercising tapi mcm x gerak apa pun.

    Kak min, try cari ur iG ID tapi x de la mynnm tu.

  31. Kak Min...found your iG acct. I hope I got it right.

    Tunggu kak min approve je :) My iG M4lita

  32. Neny,
    Awwww....thanks ye for the compliments :-)

    hahahahaha...kurus sbb buat gaya mcm tu. Kalau tengok betul2, peha I still gedabak.

    itu yg a bit difficult to do, sbb I do no tlike exercising. I exercise ni pun sbb I know it's good for me, hehehe.

    Nanti orang ingat I kakak instead of Emak ye ;-)

    kurus tu ilusi gambar aje, hahaha

    Mel's tale,
    Wassalam. Nak lose weight dgn diet aje, boleh jugak tp lambat sikit lah unless you mmng diet yg giler tak makan apa2 tu, hehehe. Kalau tambah exercise mmng cepat sikit lah slalunya :-)
