Thanks lah kat readers blog yang kata I dah selim melim….
terus rasa kembang kuncup I, hahahahahaha….
I ni sebenarnya have an unbalanced body shape, atas kecik bawah besar.
Kalau I gain weight, dia akan terus tuju ke peha and bottom and then waist area.
So, in order for me to keep the unbalanced shape not that obvious, tu yang I kena make sure my weight tak naik sangat….
Susah weh kalau nak beli suit sepasang sebab I kena cari different sizes for top and bottom!
Luckily lah I tak pakai suit kan so lega on that part, hahahahaha…..
And since I ni jenis yang hari2 akan masak and orang kat rumah ni semua jenis yang suka makan including me, terpaksalah I buat something else to make sure my weight tak naik.
Kalau 2 years ago masa The Other Half and I beria berdiet and ber exercise bagai nak rak, I memang betul2 jaga what I cooked and what we ate.
No goreng2, no fattening cheesy food, no santan2 cukup lemak, no fattening dessert….
Our weight turun dengan lajunya! .
Sekarang ni, we all still jaga our food intake…
We eat everything but in smaller portion lah.
I still have the occasional cakes/sweets/chocs, I still cook food with santan and loads of cheese, I still have all the food yang bergoreng but tak banyak lah…
I still eat nasi, kadang2 twice a day but tak lah bertambah2, hehehe….
And I make sure I makan banyak sayur/salad.
I memang dari dulu jarang sgt minum air bergula so skrg pun I tak minum air bergula.
My coffee in the morning uses stevia and kalau I minum cordial with ice, I guna no-added-sugar cordial.
But the most important thing is I exercise regularly sejak early January.
Minimum 4 nights a week I will do 45 minutes on the elliptical each session.
I slalunya akan start around 8 oclock at nite and I will watch an episode of something to pass the time.
Sekarang ni I tengah go through House Season 1 balik.
My pace on the elliptical tu biasa2 aje, bukan laju giler and bukan jalan2 makan angin…
in that 45 minutes, I slalu buat 16 kms on its odometer and around 660cals burn.
Berpeluh2 jugak lah!
Tak lah banyak mana cals burnt but I dont mind.
Like The Other Half said to me, “at least you are doing something to keep fit.”
In 1 week I will have 1 free night and the other 2 nights I will do sit ups and push ups.
Tu sebab bila I makan pizza for dinner tadi, I tak risau sangat, hehehe…..
I made sausage pizza. My pinggan penuh jugak dgn salad .
I said to The Other Half, “it feels like Friday because we are having pizza for dinner!”
salam kak.. Laju je nak baca rahsia org slim melim.hahah.. Thanks share nak maintain tu mmg kena gigih n need support each other..baru bpanjangan laa slimnya kn.. Hehe.. Part minum air kosong xde ke kak? Bleh disiplin 2 liter sehari x?
ReplyDeleteas salam, LG...itu macam kalu..rahsia slim..okey..chek mula 2day ikut resepi tu...taaaapiii makanan yg x bersantan....yg ni chek rasa mcm tersusahhh chek try..lah jugakk sbb nak kuruihhhh mcm u.
ReplyDeleteHomaiiii.... 16 km? Kalo saya harus terduduk terus. 3 km pun lom tentu dpt habiskan.... sobsss
ReplyDeleteooo itu rahsianya...
ReplyDeleteok nak tiru gakla...
Yes slim betul nampaknya.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes betul the elliptical mmg best kan.
kak min pkai skirt mesti nampak lg kuruss.. hehe.. sbb leh sorok kaki.. hehh. ;)
ReplyDeleteermm .. i think u look nice tak le gemuk giler pun dulu. Yess .. ur thigh nampak besar ..tapi tak perr .. ur belly ok je :) Thigh besar boleh cover .. belly besar ..susahhhhhh .. macam ngandung sepanjang tahun !! :) Frankly speaking .. u look fine. Kurus sangat pun tak cantik juga sebab muka u bulat n tampak besar nanti. Tak balance .. Congrat yer for being success in ur mission to put down ur weight :)
ReplyDeleteAkak mmg rajin exercise & jaga pemakanan semua, mmg patut badan akak slim!
ReplyDeletethank share tipsss =)
ReplyDeleteI masih ingat awal2 baca blog sis yg citer pasal seris diet tuh..yg yr huby very hepi semua seluar dah longgar gile kan...hehehe..everytime u talk psl diet ingat citer tuh..anyway baguslah 1 family maintain diet..kalo sorang jer mmg ssah jgk rsnya...
ReplyDeleteSalam. I pun laju aje nak baca klu ada orang bagi tips nak selim, hahaha.
I pun cuba jugak minum air kosong bnyk2 ni, kdg2 berjaya, kdg2 kureng...
Wassalam. I still masak santan food tp bukan hari2 lah and tak tambah 2-3 pinggan, hehehe. Tapi yg paling penting, mmng kena exercise klu nak makan sedap ni :-).
klu exercise sambil tengok movie atau cerita, memang tak sedar tiba2 dah bnyk aje the odometer bergerak.
Kena set small goals at a time. Kalau kita kata nak turun 1-2kg dlm seminggu, pastu tak berjaya, kita akan rasa frust pastu terus diet n exercise kelaut. Kalau set kata nak turun 1kg sebulan, pastu bila turun lebih dr itu, kita terus rasa sgt2 motivated and keep on doing it :-).
The elliptical tu klu guna sambil tengok movie, memang tak sedap tetiba dah beratus2 calories burnt kan :-)
hahaha...klu pakai skirt, terus I rasa feminin sgt2 gitu :-)
my thighs memang besar, tu yg kena make sure I tak gain weight sgt2 or else nmpk quite weird. I kena beli pants/jeans yg boleh muat peha which are usually too big for my wwaist so kena pakai belt tiap masa. But betul jugak you ckp, org tak ingat I pregnant sbb flat aje belly :-).
I tak rajin mana tp sbb I ada reason kenapa kena kuruskan badan, tu yg nak tak nak terpaksa jugak merajinkan diri :-)
you are welcome :-)
Skrg pun my hubby happy sgt2 sbb seluar semua dah longgar balik and dia dah boleh pakai all the 'kurus' pants, hehehe
I'm back on my exercise bike again. Tp boleh buat hanya 15 minit je. Rasa nak tercabut my kepala lutut. I still ada joint pain all over. Pilates pun I dah lama tak buat maybe sambung balik next school term. Itu pun dah janji ngan my trainer n not full 1 hr. Ok lah. I dah tak kurus mcm dulu lagi. My weight slowly naik sbb masa treatment ada steriod bagi nafsu makan. Apa lagi terus nafsu makan naik walaupun dulu tak dpt taste. So nowadays mcm you, my food intake, low carb, protein n green stuff. Tp kkdg perut tu masih lagi nyanyi2 kelaparan...
ReplyDeleteYes lg...
ReplyDeleteFor me target a day to lose a thousand calories.
2 years ago mmg burn 1000 a day but now tgh malas ya allah help me god.
Thanks for the tips sis. I suka sangat :-)
ReplyDeletejelos ok..tgk akak ni mmg jenis kuat tulah exercise kurang..nasib ada anak kecik..terbakor jugaklah kalori tulah..dah hint2 kat hubby nak jogging balik tu..harap2 jadilah weken ni..
ReplyDeleteLG........semlm i masak ala2 u!!!thank u to u and ur photos terutamanyer....
ReplyDeletehurm pizza. bila lah nak try recipe kak LG ni.
ReplyDeletesaya berazam nak buat sit up tapi belum terlaksana...takde motivasi sungguh...
ReplyDeletepape pun excercise jugak yg paling bgest nk selim melim ni kan LG, mmmm lama da x terjun swimming pool kt bawah tu..hehe
ReplyDeletefuhhh excercise wehhh. kene ikut nih
ReplyDeletebest tipsss! tunjuk ajar ku sifuu kak lg. :p
ReplyDeleteKalau I jadi you pun, I think lambat lagi kot I nak get on the exercise bike. Takpe, at least you are starting to do it kan even sekejap aje. My perut jarang menyanyi kelaparan but my brains and my tastebuds slalu pujuk2 I supaya eat everything. tension!You take care ye!
I pun rasa mcm you, dulu senang jugak nak burn all those calories. Skrg ni rasa mcm nak tercabut segala joints in the body klu nak exercise.
you are welcome :-)
tu lah, dulu masa ada anak kecik, mmng senang nak burn calories. Skrg ni takde nak kejar sape2, kenalah exercise, hehehe. I pun suka makan!
you are welcome :-)
try lah. Recipe I slalunya simple2 aje, hehehe
I ni pun sbb hubby buat sit ups most nites, tu yg teruja sama.
tu lah, exercise ni penting utk keep fit and kurus, tp I ni pun liat sungguh nak exercise, hahaha
Miss Cool,
jom sama2 exercise :-)
tips biasa2 aje, hehehe
hiiiii kak ^^ i was wondering during the time when you did not eat anything fattening, cheesy or goreng2, what recipe did you make? because i am trying to adapt to that kind of lifestyle but sadly most of the recipes that i find are not that tasty hehe. kisses to the girls ^^