Monday, 10 December 2012

Trying something new….

I made something different with chicken wings today.

Selalunya I akan marinate the chicken wings using the usual marinade that I’ve been using for so long.

Sekali sekala nak lah jugak guna recipe baru kan.

But it was quite funny sebab when I was baking the chicken wings in the oven, the whole house smelled as though I’ve lit an incense in the house.

Puas lah I cari dari mana datang nya bau wangi ala2 incense tu satu rumah!

Little did I know that it was the chicken wings giving out the nice smell Smile.


And then when it’s time for dinner, semua orang muka lain macam aje sebab first time nak kena try this recipe.

The Other Half tanya, “what’s in it? I really can’t figure out what you put in the marinade.

So I told him that it’s a mixture of allspice, cloves, paprika, chilli powder and garlic.

Then he said, “Now I know what the marinade is, it doesn’t taste too bad actually.


Makan pulak dengan pasta salad and cheesy toast.


It’s just the usual bean salad but I added some cooked pasta to it to bulk it up.


Miss 9 said, “I like your usual chicken wings more but this ones are not too bad…

And she only ate 2 wings when normally she could eat 3 or 4!

And takde sape pun nak bawak the chicken wings for bekal esok!

Tu yang kadang2 I malas nak try new recipes Eye rolling smile.


  1. LG, sib bk u kat negara org putih..klu kat mesia sure ingat ada benda halus dlm rumah..tetiba je ada bau..hihihi

  2. haha..klu saya tiap2 hri bwk bekal.kot klu dpt mak mcm sis ni..hehe

  3. LG,
    Been there, done that.
    Biarlah dikatakan "stereo-type" dan tahu akhirannya daripada membazir.

  4. kalau macam ni punya perapan..goreng lebih sedap rasanya.

  5. Salam Kak,
    camtu la kan. bila try resepi baru, ada pulak yg tak suka. kdg2 nak jemu jugak asyik2 masak guna resepi yg sama. tambah2 kat sini lebih byk menu ayam dan daging aje. :p

  6. Salam. Saya tengok macam sedap je! :) Saya pun suka cuba resipi baru, bkn apa cuma nak kelainan dalam masakan..

  7. Resepi lama juga mjadi idaman hati , mungkin sebab lidah dah terbiasa .

    Bau wangi satu rumah tu yg best tu :)

  8. Tak sangka pulak that spice combinatn boleh bau mcm insence ye??

  9. x salah kita mencuba..n kalu x brape laku ...first n the last le...sebab...KECIIIIIIIWWAAAAA...HUHUHu
    kita same je...

  10. Same here.. I suka try new recipes tp bila depa ni tak makan sgt, mula la rasa tak best kan.. So baik je la masak apa depa suka.. Tukar sayur & meat je huwa hahahaaaa... Rotate la semua tu..

    But i'm sure yours sangat yummeehhhhh..!!!

  11. setuju tu..tapi kalau tak try resepi lain mana nk tau citarasa diorang...first time buat kita la kena habiskn kalau rasanya pelik sikit...

  12. Kalau mencuba recepi baru anak2 kak Zai mesti banyak tanya tapi kalau guna recepi lama tunduk aje makan sebab dah biasa.

  13. Hai kak LG. everyday baca your blog but never comment. salam perkenalan and suka baca your stories..interesting.

  14. blu4sky,
    hikhikhik...I thought at first, we all ada jirang indian baru yg pasang incense :-)

    Chekgu azrine,
    tu yg anak2 and laki I hari2 bawak bekal, hahaha

    memang betul kan. Baik masak benda sama ulang2 kali and gerenti habis, hehehe

    recipe tu kata bakar dlm oven, tu yg I pun turut aje, heeee

    Salam. memang kan, balik2 ayam and daging aje. Tu yg jemu jugak. Ikan mahal bebeno pulak tu

    Salam. I pun rasa ok aje the taste tp budak2 ni kata lain dr yg lain, hehehe

    Kak Kasih,
    memang betul tu. Recipe yg dah sebati dgn jiwa tu yg sedap kan :-)

    tu lah, I pun pelik tu yg satu rumah I mencari the source of the smell, hahaha

    memang betul, kadang2 turns up sedap and semua puji, kdg2 kita sorang aje lah yg menghabiskan

    rasa mcm penat aje kita masak beria2 kan tp diaorang tak suka. baik masak benda sama, hehehe

    memang betul tu, kdg2 kita jugak yg kena habiskan. Tu yg jadi tong sampah kadang2, hehehe

    Kak Zai,
    recipe yg dah slalu guna memang diaorang akan makan tanpa berbunyi :-)

    Salam. thanks ye sbb sudi baca my blog hari2 :-)
