Tuesday, 11 December 2012

A new face for the garden

Our front garden looked like this at 8 o’clock this morning.



And then at 9 o’clock, it looked like this…


And then at 10 o’clock, it looked like this…


And when The Other Half got home from work, he was so happy to see that the front garden is now enclosed and we have a higher gate from the garage to the front entrance.



I know a lot of houses kat OZ ni memang takde fences around their houses and usually it doesn’t cause any problems.

But The Other Half and I wanted a fence in the front so the girls can play outside in the front garden without us having to worry about their safety.

And to deter salespeople to come knocking on our front door.

Sebelum ni, they can just walk up to the front door and they can see the car in the garage so they can gauge whether ada orang kat rumah ke tak.

Now, they have to press the bell at the gate and then I can curi2 tengok from the window sape yang press the bell and kalau salespeople, I boleh buat tak tau aje and tak answer the doorbell, hehehe.

And they can’t see the car in the garage anymore so they won’t know if anyone’s home.

The Other Half and I sekarang tengah excited thinking about how we are going to ‘landscape’ the front garden!

He said, “we’ve got loads to do this christmas break!


This christmas break I nak pergi shopping for the post christmas mega mega sale, no time lah to landscape the garden!


  1. nice nice... i penakut so memang i suka sangat lah fence ini..

    woohhooooo... kerismessss sale..!!! aiyayaaaa... nanti nak cari bot orang yg cuti pi laut ni, i nak sewa pi perth boleh hangkuts manyak2..

    huwa hahhaaa... (ps: borong utk i jgk kalo i tak sampai sana yek..)

  2. Salam Kak Mynn,
    wah dah letak pagar tu mmg cun dan good idea sgt. mmg tension jugak kalau org dtg2 ketuk2 pintu rumah. nak jual brg tu dah satu hal, ni ada pulak yg nak kutip derma utk church hehehe. satu lg every weekend kdg2 org tabligh pulak dtg ajak pegi masjid :D

  3. Salam LG:) Wahhh cantik:) I loike:):) rasa nak golek2 kat garden tu:)

  4. salam kak, santikkkkkkk lawn akak.Roses tu semua mencengkam jiwa saya....adussssss.Oh ye jemput ke blog saya yg suam2 kuku ni ye...

  5. woooo nice!!!!! love it! i plak rasa excited for u! heehehehehe.. eh ckp kat the other half, bagi chan la.. jgn la landscape masa post xmas shopping time tu... masa new yrs break la, bole jadi ala ala new yrs resolution. kekeke

  6. Aduhaiiiii....Bestnya tgok garden yg penuh dgn roses.
    Kalau Kat msia....ada pagar pun belum tentu Selamat...Kat sana cuma nak mgelak dr saleman je lah kan...dan unkk keselamatan anak2 wktu bmain.

    Xmas sale...sure meriah

  7. With pagar pagar cinta lagi better.. at least bef orang datang u boleh spot check dulu hehe

  8. Cantikkk...tu je boleh kata...sekian terima kasih cikgu....errrr, kejap..'shopping?''...nak ikutttt!!!!..

  9. ye lah, u can never be too careful kankak LG. problem kat msia plak, even with pagar n grill pon, sometimes mcm x jd apa :(

  10. Since rumah kat sana mostly tak berpagar, your house will be unique and I bet akan mengundang jugak observer yg curious. I guess it's ok asalkan admire from afar je instead of tertinjau-tinjau kat pintu.

  11. wahhhh... tp mmg takde pencuri ke perompak kt situ kak? kt kl nih dh berpagar bagai pun blh kene rompak... pastu msti kejiranan kt situ ok je kan..

    tak sbr nk tgk camne rupenyer garden tuh nnti...

  12. you have a beautiful house kak mynn.. always 'use' u as my inspiration either in cooking or gardening. Thank you :)

  13. Senang ada pagar. .lebih la rasa selamat..

  14. Aiseh, xde dah parking spot i kat tepi lemon tree tu. Anyway, if you get any info pasal baby sale or what not for christmas, let me know k.

  15. Good move. Kita memang sentiasa kena fikirkan safety anak2. Kat Malaysia memang almost all houses are fenced up (kecuali kat Putrajaya, yang I tahu la)..but now the 'trend' is to fence up the whole neighbourhood. Memang rasa lebih selamat. I feel safe now to jog at nights around my neighbourhood tanpa sesiapa nak escort naik basikal hehe

  16. assalamualaikum kak min..
    dah bertambah cantik lah... before and after makeover,, suka tengok photo2 kat rumah kak min ni.. almaklumlah lain dari kat malaysia kan.. :) hehehe..

  17. kat sana dah biasa takde pagar, bila bubuh pagar macam pelik...kat sini biasa ada pagar bila tak bubuh pun sama...tapi ada pagar cam safety sikit la kan...

  18. xsabarnya nak tunggu u 'landscape' the front garden...mesti cantikkkkkk...

  19. very nice fences you have...i like.:)

  20. Baca punya baca punya baca, dah sampai sini dah..finally!

  21. Salam, suka tengok persekitaran rumah puan, nyaman dan tenang. Setuju sangat bila letak pagar, tak la risau bila anak2 bermain di luar.. :)

  22. Mulan,
    I tak penakut tp kalau ada fence, lagi selamat lah rasa klu sorang2 kat rumah :-).
    Make sure you hire bot laju tau so tak terlepas xmas sale, hehehe

    Salam. tu lah kan, semua orang yg ding dong bell, boleh I pantau dgn senang skrg.
    Psst..you pun kena kacau dgn orang2 tabligh ye? Sape lah agaknya yg bagi alamat you all ke diaorang ye. Sungguh kurang sopan.

    bolej you join my girls golek kat lawn depan tu, sambil cium2 the roses, hahaha

    rumah Rus pun ada lawn mcm ni jugak kan, cuma tak de roses lah kot, hehehe

    Hehehe...dia bukan kisah sgt pasal sale ni so tu yg teruja nak buat garden aje sbb dia dpt cuti 2 weeks during xmas and new year, hehehe

    Kak Kasih,
    tu lah,sepanjang2 we all duduk rumah kat OZ ni, memang takde yg ada pagar and so far Alhamdulillah. Cuma bila ada pagar, senang lah the girls nak main kat luar :-)

    Akan ku spot check everytime now and akan ku buat derk kat orang2 yang tak mendatangkan rezeki, hahaha

    Cik Mat,
    jom lah kita shopping sama2 sambil pengsan sama2 tengok harga barang murah2, hahaha

    I pulak bila balik Msia, rasa mcm dlm prison sbb everywhere ada grills but memang itu dah terpaksa dibuat sbb tak selamat kat msia tu kan.

    My hubby kata yg he bets other people on the street will start putting up fences jugak after tengok fences we all, hehehe

    ada banyak perompak and pencuri kat sini tapi tak tau lah apasal, people still suka rumah takde pagar kat sini :-).

    thank you for your kind words :-)

    suka suka,
    memang rasa selamat lebih sikit lah skrg ni klu duduk sorang2 kat rumah.

    hikhikhik.kenalah you parking tempat lain lepas ni :-P. Ok, nanti klu ada sale barang baby, kita pergi sama2 ye!

    I guess bila ada gated community and ada pak guard yg jaga at the main entrance, memang rasa lebih selamat kan esp with our kids. I still takut nak jogging sorang2 at night time kat sini, hehehe.

    waalaikumsalam. Tak tau lah bila boleh siap full makeover garden ni since we all nak buat sendiri, hehehe.

    tu lah, memang rumah we all ni the only one yg ada pagar on our street. Tapi banayk jugak rumah yg ada pagar around the neighbourhood so tak lah rasa mcm alien, hehehe

    hahaha....mau lah jenuh you menunggu :-)

    We like the style too :-)

    Honey Bee,
    Alhamdulillah, setelah berbulan2 baca blog I, khatam juga akhir nya :-)

    Salam. memang nampak tenang kan, I guess because of the roses, hehee

  23. Kak Mynn,

    Itu lah! Keep going okay.. please keep posting your tempting dishes and your garden as well. Teruja sangat nak ada garden macam you.

    P/S : You minat tak mangkuk kayu macam Jamie Oliver punya tu? If yes, please let me know. I've something for you.

  24. Wijdan,
    thanks :-)

    tengok lah sampai mana I larat menulis blog ni, hehehe.
    Macam mana mangkuk kayu Jamie Oliver ni ye? I ni any kitchen gadget yg comel2 I minat, hahaha

  25. Kak Mynn,

    I email Kak Mynn jap gi okay?
