Wednesday, 3 October 2012

You can grow them anywhere

As you all know, we like to plant things.

Sometimes, the more the better walaupun we know we haven’t got any where else to put the plants, hehehe…

And everytime I go to any kedai yang jual seeds and seedlings, I will stand infront of the seed display and will search for new seeds and pretty looking flower seeds that we can plant.

Therapeutic sebenarnya planting things ni walaupun sometimes the seeds tak bercambah or the snails manage to get to them overnight and eat all the young leaves.

And bila mood menanam seeds dah datang, I will plant all kinds of seeds using all kinds of containers, hehehe….

Sampaikan kat sini pun I boleh tanam Open-mouthed smile


Ini dalam bathroom The Little Misses.

I plant the seeds in a takeaway plastic container lined with egg carton.

I love snowpea sprouts buat ulam and in salad. They taste the freshest when baru petik and terus makan (as normal lah kan).

But kalau I tanam kat luar, the soil tends to get too dry so easily sebab I slalu terlupa nak siram.

So, I tanam dalam rumah but there’s no more space on the kitchen bench/countertop to put the seed container so I pun letak lah in the bathroom tepi bathtub which has a big window with plenty of sunlight. No one uses the bathtub untuk mandi pun so memang a very good place to put plants.

And bila I nak makan, just ambik a few shoots aje.

And since dah tanam sprouts in the bathroom, might as well letak another indoor plant in there as well kan so adalah kawan the sprouts, hehehe Smile.

The Hypoestes freckle face plant.



Is it pokok puding in Bahasa Malaysia?

And malam tadi, for dinner, I had some of the snowpea sprouts buat ulam.

Sedapppppp Winking smile




Nasib baik takde sambal belacan, or else memang tak cukup sepinggan kan, hahahaha…


  1. bila baca your blog i selalu termotivated nak bercucuk tanam...bila tgk u masak best2 selalu gak termotivated nak memasak...tapi bila dah tutup pc terus lupa segalanya..hehehe

  2. senget senget sprout tu kan..hahaha..

    kami tanam serai dalam pasu..sampai skang tak pernah hidup :P

  3. Salam sis,

    Hari tu saya g kedai jual bunga.. Saya nampak la pokok "puding" tu kat atas meja owner tu.. Puding ke?? Sy tanya sis plak.. hehe.. comel je dia letak dlm pot putih.. Sayangnya dia x jual plak.. geram je tgk..

    Saya smgt nk buat mini garden sbb geram tgk garden sis..

    Hv a good day!

  4. now i knew y u looks so muda la LG, makan ulam segar dari pasu u..hik hik hik

  5. waaaaaaa bestnyer... snowpea tu agak2 blh tnm kt melesia tak ek kak... teringin lak nengok akak tanam tuh....

  6. Assalamualaikum LG,
    Mintak tips sikit..
    La ni tgh summer, cecah sampai 39C..
    Cmana nak "bermini garden".. asyik rentung saja..
    Syg tgk pasu2 kat umah ni cuma berisi bila time winter saja..

  7. Tak ble ckp apa..Jeless tgk hasil tanaman akak....Hehehehe..

  8. Assalamualaikum kak min..
    kalau dah sejuk tangan tu, tanam kan dalam bekas ape pun jadi.. jeles betul i tau.. hehehehe..

  9. LG,
    itu bkn pokok puding, tp ati-ati kan...

  10. Since I jd pembaca tetap your blog making semangat nk bercucuk tanam. I hope my pokok serai n daun kunyit mnjadilah ble you tanam dlm container tu, you lubang kn k idak? I ada byk aiskrim tub kt umah, bleh tiru u recycle :) .

  11. wan G,
    hikhikhik...takpelah, ada jugak termotivated sekejap, ok lah tu ;-)

    senget2 sbb nak dpt cahaya matahari, hehehe. I kena ubah position dia hari2 baru tak senget. so far, serai yg I tanam dlm pasu, tumbuh ok.

    Miss Layaleya,
    Salaam. I google Wiki, bukan pokok puding tapi I tak tau nama dia dlm bahasa melayu apa, hehehe. Memang cantik kan! Good luck on that mini garden :-)

    jgn lupa, makan tempe pun boleh awet muda, hahahaha

    boleh kot rasanya sbb dia suka cahaya matahari :-)

    Samalah mcm time Summer kat OZ ni yg kdg2 mencecah 43C. Bila tgh panas sgt2, I letak some of the pots under cover and memang we all siram pokok2 kdg2 3X/day sbb tak nak dia kering. Memang kena peka menyiram masa Summer ni.

    makin lama, makin bnyk benda we all tanam eh, hehehe

    Waalaikumsalam. Kdg2 aje sejuk tangan, kdg2 panas jugak, hehehe

    Bukan pokok ati2 sbb scientific names diaorang berbeza. But I still can't find the malay name for it lah.

    Along Najwa,
    Good luck with your tanaman ye! it depends jugak, slalunya I akan buat lubang but yg ini sbb I cuma letak lapisan soil yg nipis and akan slalu petik the shoots, I tak lubang kan the container tu.

  12. Setuju...klu ada sambal belacan mau berpinggan2 nih..haha

  13. akk lg sy nk tanya y dlm pasu 2 ada mcm kayu putih 2 fungsi dier tuk aper?

  14. akk lg sy nktanya ckit laa...
    dlm bilik air 2 kn akk der tanam bunga kn aper fungsi kayu putih 2 ?

  15. qasih ana,
    Oh, itu plastic penanda nama tumbuhan tu and bila we all tanam so we all tak lupa, hehehe.
