Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Our flower garden update

Terasa sangat strange pulak bila tak letak photos of our garden and tak buat update about our garden during the past weekend.

We did spend time in the garden doing so many things on Saturday and Sunday tu but tak sempat pulak nak ambik gambar to put up on the blog.

The ‘major’ project we did was cleaning up the side garden on the front of the house and preparing the grounds for planting.

Since, The Other Half still tak boleh pegang cangkul and rake and yang seangkatan dengan nya, I lah yang betul2 jadi minah kebun that Saturday morning.

It was hard work, let me tell you! Hahahaha…. Winking smile.

But the end product was well worth it.

The side garden is going to be used for our watermelon plants.


Before the makeover, penuh dengan weeds and grass clippings and what nots. After the makeover, we’ve put sugarcane mulch on the soil (we still need another big bale of mulch sebab tak cukup haritu) and we’ve planted the watermelon seedlings in the black pot.

Bila the watermelon plants grow, dia akan menjalar along the bed.

We all siap letak white plastic fence edgings lagi tu konon2 utk mencantikkan that area. I’ve also bought some more solar lights to put there Smile.

And mana boleh tak letak photos of the flowers and the vegetables kan.

If you guys want to know, we’ve got 11 rose bushes in the front garden. These rose bushes were planted by the previous owner so by the time we bought the house and moved in, memang dah mature lah the roses so tu yang agak senang for us to maintain.

I’ll show you all of them ye.









See, 11 rose bushes you! So far, takde yang mati lagi under our ‘care’, hehehe…

Sejak we all letak pots of flowers along the path to the front door, I love to look at them and also to ambik gambar.


I suka sangat2 with the Asutralian paper daisies ni so I bought another plant to accompany the first one.

This is the Sundaze Bronze.


The ‘old’ Sundaze Flirt.



The other day masa I tayang the roses, the pink ones and the white ones haven’t bloomed yet so this time dah kembang mekar, baru lah boleh tayang kan



And bila dah tiba musim bunga berkembang, inilah kerja I every few days…


Deadheading the spent flowers. kadang2 bila rajin, I will put them in a vase but most of the time, I let them bloom fully on the bushes and bila dah layu, baru buang.


  1. cantiknye bunga2 u.. gambar2 pun cantik! thanks for sharing :)

  2. good job.....i tanam ape pon selalu x hidup!!!

  3. LG
    one of my dream
    able to cut the roses fresh and put it in the basket
    just exactly what you did
    i envy you!!!
    (sini, dapat bunga ros pun zaman konvo..itu la dok belai2 sampai layu..hahahah)

  4. bertuahnyerr LG de pokok roses dopan umah..kalau x tahu nak buek apo , buat mandi bunga pun bagus LG, berseri seri TOH nyer nengok, makin syg la nanti..hik hik

  5. isy isy isy.... pandai betul berbudi pada tanah... 11 pokok u.. banyak tu kak min... daunnya menghijau cantek... mmg nampak segar bugar di tangan kak min.. :)
    pics last tu, ingat kan kak min cerai2kan kelopak dia, and mandi bunga.. hehehe.. :)

  6. i'm so in love with your roses la....cantik bangatttt...

  7. waaaa.. nak mandi bunge sonang nih

  8. Masya Allah, cantiknya bunga ros akak. Boleh buat mandi bunga dah ;)

  9. teringin pulak rasa nak migrate ke sana... mcm bestnya dok sana... eh best ke? :)

  10. Cantik2 bunga ros tu...mesti harum semerbak je kat luar rumah..n LG nak tanam tembikai ya? Wah sedapnya...hehe

  11. Comey2 laaa...klo la Blh tnm roses ni kat laman rmh I,bahagianye rase...hihihihi

  12. aduhla kak, mkn ati tgk segala roses akak tuh... cantik2 sgt... subur mekar gitu...

    bunga yg kembang2 tu akak bt apa? buang gitu je ke? tak tabur2 bt mandi? hehhee tabuar2 dlm blik ke romantik gitu

  13. cantiknya bunga2 kat rumah awak..
    pandai awak jaga garden awak cantik2..

  14. akak boleh buat mandi bunga all the roses yg dipetik...cabut2 petals dia taburkan dlm bathtub...lalu berendam...segar amat tuuu...

  15. cantiknya bunga2 u...pandai u belai dia

  16. Aunty LG,
    Kalau kita datang melawat kan, boleh tabur rose petals tu atas pathway....macam VVIP...ooops...VVIC gitu! purrr....meow!

  17. YA ALLAH..cantik2 nya Min.. nampak segarrr sangat.

  18. Salam Kak,
    masih teringat2 lagi bunga ros yg besar2 dan wangi tu. so umi pun buat entry pasal bunga ros kat rumah akak hehehe

  19. Asslmkum Akak!

    Lagiiii...nak lagi dan lagi gambo garden..Heee..Jeles tau..Munga akak cantik2.. :D

  20. Suke suke... Cantik sgt kot the roses... Owh, how I wish I'm rajin like you... Suka tgk bunga cantik tapi mmg tak mampun melawan kemalasan... Hehehe... Oleh sbb itu k.min kena rajin2 lagi update about ur garden.. Boleh tumpang cuci mata ;)

  21. cantiknyer bunga2 tu...fiza pun suka bunga tp malaih nak jaga...ha ha ha...tp mmg cantik sgt2 bunga2 tu...saya suke...saya suke...he he he

  22. Eny,
    I'm glad you like the photos :-)

    I pun bnyk jugak yg I tanam tak hidup sebenar nya :-)

    Same with me. When I lived in houses yang takde pokok bunga rose, I always dreamt of having a garden full of rose bushes and to be able to have them in a vase daily.
    But now dah ada, malas betul nak petik masuk vase, hehehe

    muahahahaha....kalau I berseri2 mandi bunga rose, sure TOH ingat I dah buang tebiat ;-P

    Memang banyak. Itu pun, we all dah buang a few masa mula2 masuk rumah ni sbb banyak sgt. But pokok bunga rose ni like you pun tau, once dah established, memang senang nak jaga dia. tinggal prune them at the right time, jaga fr pests and baja once in a while aje kan :-)

    Wan G,
    I yg tengok hari2 ni pun still rasa in awe tengok kecantikan dia :-)

    memang sonang ya amat, hihihihi

    I pun tak tau bila lah I boleh ada masa nak mandi bunga ni, hehehe

    ada yg tak best, ada yg best, hehehe

    we all tanam tembikai last year and menjadi, tu yg this year pun berkobar2 nak menanam, hehehe

    memang cantik sunnguh ciptaan Allah ni kan

    tanam lah kat kebun belakang rumah tu, hehehe. Sure tension hubby you :-)

    bunga rose yg kembang sgt2 tu I buang aje sbb dah wilted sikit. kalau I tabur atas katil, maulah gelak sakan hubby I, hahaha

    bunga aje yg cantik2, the lawn still teruk jugak sbb tak hijau cantik :-)

    kalau I mandi bunga, adalah yg akan ketuk the bathroom door every so often, tak tenang betul nak mandi, hehehe

    kdg2 aje I sempat nak belai, kdg2 tu neglected betul.

    Glad you are back. How's Brad coping being dethroned? hehehe.
    nanti you dtg melawat, make sure it's the right season ok so I can tabur the rose petals :-)

    Kak yan,
    memang segar habis. I suka tengok bila lepas hujan, cantik sgt :-)

    Macam mana lah hubby Umi boleh tak terperasan bunga rose tu ye, hehehe. nasib baik dia nampak sebelum masuk dlm kereta :-)

    waalaikumsalam. Tunggu roses yg kat bushes lain tu kembang, nanti I ambik gambar lagi ye :-)

    Memang betul you cakap, nak berkebun n berbunga ni memang kena sikit rajin or else hidup segan mati tak mahu dia, hikhikhik

    kalau tanam bunga, memang best bila semua kembang cantik aje. Bila dia mati tak nak hidup, tu yg tension, hehee

    memang cantikkkkkk ;-)

  23. cantiknya!!! cantiknya! saya suuuukanya tengok! =D

  24. cantiknya sis. my mum pun suka flower ni tapi kalau tanam selalu tak menjadi kecuali bunga raya yg tanam luar rumah dekat dengan tong sampah...yg tu je jadi....elok berbunga dan tahan lama pokoknya.pelik tapi benar. heheheee

  25. kella,
    memang cantik kan :-)

    Maybe aura tong sampah tu kot yg buat pokok bunga raya tu mekar subur, hehehe. Cuba you tanam ros kat sebelah tong sampah tu, hidup tak agaknya ;-)

  26. LG

    Rose tu sayangnya kalau dibuang. Ambik kelopaknya rendam dan buat mandi. Good for orang pompuan terutamanya selepas period. Orang tua2 kata buat naik seri tapi for me best sebab badan akan bau wangi. Kalau ada bath tub buat berendam, best sangat.
