Friday, 7 September 2012

One of the things we love about Perth

One of the things we love about Perth is the easily available halal goods including things like pies and their family Smile.

Semalam, I took The Other Half for a drive to get him out of the house and get some fresh air.

He said he’s still feeling a bit scared to be in a car especially when he sees a cyclist on the road.

He said he has flashbacks of the car that hit him.

Poor him…

Thank goodness I am a good driver (unlike the stereotypical Asian female drivers you get around here!), hehehehe…. Smile with tongue out.

I know the road rules, I follow the road rules, I follow the speed limit, I’ve never been fined and I’ve never been involved in an accident (syukur Alhamdulillah and nauzubillah) so I guess I can be included in the safe driver group lah kan.

Anyway…..before I digress any further….

One of the places we went to yesterday was this big warehouse selling bulk items called Cash n Carry near our house.

I guess it is a bit like Macro in Msia when it was first opened. It sells everything in bulk and you have to have a card to buy from here. We are a member of RAC which is one of the accepted cards so tu yang saje nak pergi tengok.

We’ve never been to this place before so memang macam jakun sikit lah to see segala benda in 10kg and above bags, hahahahaha…..

We went there yesterday specifically to look for Mrs Macs halal pies.

We’ve been buying them in small quantities from IGA which cost around $3/pie so if you want to buy banyak, it’s a bit costly jugak lah.

But biasalah kan, you ended up buying other things as well, hehehe….

Instead of just the pies, we also saw this Four n Twenty sausage rolls which are for export and halal. The ones sold at the shops are not halal so bila jumpa yang halal there, terus lah beli 1 box of 24.

Another Alhamdulillah sebab we have big freezers to accomodate the 24 pies and the 24 sausage rolls we bought yesterday, hahahaha….

And guess what we had for dinner last night????

The pies!


(Lepas ni bila malas nak fikir pasal lunchboxes and dinners, I can just open the freezer and get the pies and the sausage rolls out kan!),



We used to occasionally buy our pies and sausage rolls at the Danish Patisserie tapi The Other half tak minat sangat their sausage rolls and pies.

But he loves these ones so tu yang beli berlambak2…..

I tak kisah, semua makan as long as senangkan kerja I memasak, hikhikhikhik…..


  1. bagus lah kalau senang nak cari mknan halal kan...beli byk pun tak pe...sebab last sekali makan juga.
    Sekarang Macro dah bertukar menjadi Tesco :)

  2. cantik pai tu LG, wish kt mesia de gak..hihi

  3. Beli banyak mcm borong tu bukan saja untung dan jimat harga barang tp juga jimat tenaga dan kos transport. Peminat pie memang sangatlah suka!

  4. Aunty LG,
    Kat Malaysia ada kat Bangsar Village Grocer! Lamingtons pun ada tapi dia panggil Australian cakes! Adakah!!!??? Ooh...I miss them Mrs Macs tapi kan, makan raw lamb lagi sedap. har har har *evil laughs*

    Brad the most handsome (yang dah pandai makan sambal goreng dengan nasi ambeng)

  5. saya baru jumpe halal suasage roll today, rasa bangga giler, dan pie halal also, before dis ada, tapi dah stop jual sebab x laku, now ada balik, but bit jauh from my house, tonight makan sausage lah je,hehe

  6. sis, kalau kat rumah i kan, pie ni makan sbelum main dish...lepas makan pie baru makan main dish...banyaknya org malaysia makan kan? ehhh bukan semua malaysian lah...i cakap pasal my house je... hehehehee

  7. alhamdulillah..senang nak cari halal food..nowadays..oversea dah byk halal food..kan??

  8. Glad to hear your husband is okay now.

    Insyallah i'll be in Perth early NOV...insyallah kalau ada kesempatan boleh jumpa... :)

  9. My anak2 pun tak minat pie Danish Pattisserie. We all beli Mrs Mac. Dulu2 kat supermarket biasa ada jual four n twenty. Best iye gi ke cash n carry. Nanti nak try. Pernah gi sampai carpark, tp tengok org ramai hb ajak balik.

  10. Kak Kasih,
    saya still ingat dolu2 masa Macro still the best thing ever kat msia, hahaha. memang ok kalau beli bnyk2 sbb orang kat rumah ni gerenti boleh habiskan :-)

    kat msia tu I rasa segala benda ada dijual tp probably kena pandai cari kat merata ceruk, hehehe

    Salam singgah

    Brad (the most handsome),
    I think if I were to eat raw lamb, all my rellies in New Zealand by marriage will disown me, hehehe.
    How much does the pie in bangsar cost?

    Bila duduk negara like OZ ni and jumpa halal stuff in the supermarket memang rasa excited sgt2 kan. Rasa mcm nak beli terus tang2 tu jugak, hahaha

    hikhikhik...kalau I buat mcm tu, alamat takde sapelah nak makan the main meal lepas tu sbb semua dah kenyang sgt2 :-)

    Chekgu Azrine,
    Alhamdulillah skrg kat OZ ni memang snng jugaklah nak jumpa halal food sbb most of the food diaorang export ke Asean countries and ke Middle East, tu yg kena ada cop halal.

    You nak dtg perth for a holiday ke? InsyaAllah so far, we all takde plan nak kemana2 early Nov :-)

    If you want some Mrs Macs pies or the four n twenty rolls, do let me know ye. I can get them for you :-)

  11. Salam perkenalan from auckland kak!

    mrs mac sedap, but then have you tried dad's pie? laaaaagi sedap!

  12. LG,

    ya isyallah but a very short one :) will update nanti.
