Thursday, 6 September 2012

Bland and exciting

Both of us were so tired last night after an eventful few days.

Tu yang slept early and tak sempat nak update blog.

Nak jawab comments pun still tak sempat lagi, tunggu dulu ye…

By the way, I dah disabled the chatbox kat tepi blog ni sebab it wasn’t a good chat box. Sentiasa penuh and sentiasa susah for me to answer the comments without me having to log in first (which I kadang2 sangat lah malas nya nak buat, hehehe.)

So, mintak maaf lah kat semua orang yang tulis comments kat situ but I tak sempat nak jawab ye.

I will try and find a better chat box but so far takde masa betul.

Last night baru lah both of us dapat tidur dengan lena and tak tossed and turned the whole night, alhamdulillah…..

I baru aje nak start puasa 6 on that Monday and then the accident happened but Alhamdulillah, masih jugak berjaya puasa until today.

But memang rasa sangat2 mencabar puasa on that Monday and Tuesday tu because of what happened…

But puasa2 pun, lunchboxes still kena prepare untuk budak2 tu and dinners still kena masak.

On Tuesday night after coming back from the hospital, The Other Half said, “God, I hate hospital food. I really missed your food. I want something bland and easy to eat tonight like mac n cheese.

So, I pun buat kan lah dia Mac n Cheese since it’s the easiest thing to cook, hehehehe….


I made mac n cheese with breadcrumb and cheese and poloni toppings.



You have to eat it with loads and loads of pepper, baru sedap! Smile

And semalam, The Other Half received this at home which was exciting.


His work colleagues pooled some money and got this gift basket. Isn’t it thoughtful of them to do it.

Pakkal I puasa, or else memang I dah nibble them the whole day today!


  1. Asslmkum kak.
    Akak masak apa ja pun mesti buat sue terliur tau..huhuhu

  2. LG,
    it is always easy for us if they tell you what they want to eat instead of bila ditanya nak makan apa..jawapan apa-apa je.. dulu sorang je yang jawab mcm tu now the kids pun dah ikut sama.. adoii pening kepala i...hehehhe..

  3. Bestnya akak dh start puasa 6. I xde kekuatan lagi nk start ni...bagus jugak dorang bagi gift basket yg ada makanan kan...

  4. salam kak LG...

    sekian lama follow blog akak even bukan pengomen kagum ngan akak...seorang ibu dan isteri yg amazing...

    untung the other half n the girls havin u as a ironwomen....huhu

  5. Assalam, LG,
    selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin..I am sorry to hear, sebab baru tahu about your hubby's accident bila selak you entries yang lepas..hope he is resting well at home and get well soon ya..

  6. Assalamualaikum n Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

    Semoga suami akak cepat sihat..syukur takde ape yang serius...

  7. aritu i buat mac n cheese..mmm.rasa cam x puas ati jer.
    can u share with us your mac n cheese recipe

  8. yummy yummy yummy....ur mac n cheese selalu nampak sedap sangat sangat tau sis...

  9. Sue,
    ye ke, alahai siannya, hehehe ;-)

    memang kan. Much easier for them to tell us, we can just cook it. My kdis pun slalu cakap, 'don't know'. Zahra aje lah yg kdg2 bagi suggestions since dia kan suka makan, hehehe

    terima kasih ye :-)

    Baru aje puasa 4 hari, ada 2 hari lagi nak complete ni. Next week kena puasa Monday n Tuesday sbb dah nak habis Syawal, hehehe

    Pakkal in this context means luckily I guess.

    mac n cheese slalu buat orang terliur kan :-)

    I dont think I'm an amazing mum n wife. Banyak lagi yg I kena belajar utk jadi amazing, hehehe. But in times of needs, I think most emak and wives can become amazing and jadi ironwomen :-)

    Chekgu Azrine,
    nasib baik Mac n Cheese senang nak buat kan. Sape yg terliur sebenarnya, baby dlm perut ke you? hehehe

    Wassalam. thanks ye for the doa and wish. Alhamdulillah he is getting better slowly :-)

    Waalaikumsalam. Memang sgt bersyukur dia cuma cedera sikit aje.

    I guess dgn mac n cheese ni kena seimbang rasa creamy and salty dia baru sedap. and pasta tu pun tak boleh overcooked, or else takde 'bite' to it. I pernah letak recipe mac n cheese under shortcut 'recipe' cari lah ye.

    I guess tu sebab family I slalu mintak i buat mac n cheese aje agaknya eh, hehehe
