Saturday, 28 April 2012

Our Saturday nite ‘feast’ ;-)

Ramai family on Saturday or Sunday nite they have an extra special dinner.

I guess these 2 nights yang the cook in the family selalunya ada extra time to create masterpieces in the kitchen kan.

But kalau kat Msia, masa musim kenduri kahwin, masa Saturday and Sunday nite lah the cooks tak masak sebab dah kenyang makan lauk pauk kenduri, hehehe.

Tapi sebab tuan blog ni tinggal kat Perth yang jarang2 ada kenduri kahwin (ada kenduri kahwin tapi diaorang tak jemput I, hahaha), so Saturday and Sunday nite memang lah I kena masak extra special sikit.

And selalunya yang pandai memintak2 nak makan macam2 ni cuma The Other Half aje lah.

The Little Misses hanya boleh pasrah and redho makan aje apa yg Mum masak, hahahaha…

Tonite, The Other Half teringin nak makan chicken kiev, a dish ,\made famous in the 70s.

I tanya lah dia whether Mak dia slalu masak chicken kiev masa dia kecik2 dulu, tu yg dia mengidam nak makan.

Dia kata, “no way I got this when I was growing up. that’s why I want to have it now Smile.”

So, isteri mithali dia pun masak kan lah chicken kiev for him for dinner tadi.


It’s basically chicken breast with a garlic butter filling, coated in breadcrumb and then pan-fried until the breadcrumb is golden.

Then baked in the oven until the chicken is fully cooked,

I made cauliflower n broccoli gratin to go with the chicken kiev, and tak lupa some chips as well Smile.


But my chicken kiev semua bocor, the butter meleleh keluar instead of staying put in the ‘pocket’, hehehe.

So, what I did was I collected all the butter pooling in the roasting pan and put it in a jug and pour it on top of the kiev masa nak makan tadi.

But the garlic and basil flavour semua dah meresap masuk ke dalam the chicken breast during the cooking process so it was still extremely good and tasty.


It was a superb dish, as long as you don’t overcook the chicken breast or else the chicken will be dry and tak sedap.

No wonder lah it was so famous in the 70s kan!


And this is the cauliflower and broccoli gratin which is basically steamed veges in white cheesy sauce and topped with breadcrumb and grilled.

I jarang masak cauliflowers sebab they just taste so bland and takde oomph mana pun.

But since it is in Season during Autumn and Winter which means that they are cheap to buy, tu yang teringin nak masak tonite.

And bila masak in gratin, it tasted wonderful, hehehe…

But kalau everytime masak the cauliflowers in cheesy sauce, habislah gemuk we all kan, hahahaha.


  1. Kalau ada broccoli n cauliflower ni, sah sah la ada orang alergic kang, hehehe.. Cik Abe kita tak suka makan broccoli, hehehe.. alergik kata dia. The chicken looks yummy!!!

  2. assalamualaikum sayang,

    Ya Allah,.akak gelak sungguh2 bila u tulis ni..The Little Misses hanya boleh pasrah and redho makan aje apa yg Mum masak, hahahaha…

    so cute!!!!

    alahai..i could imagine muka pasrah redho budak kecik yang comel tu, adui!hihi

  3. Kan best kalu kt mesia ni tiap2 mggu org kenduri kawen diorg masak lain lauk. hahah. mgu ni nsi ayam, next week org lain masak nsi briyani, next week org lain kenduri dia msk lauk kampung. dah la x muak sebab macam2 rasa tambah lagi kalau diorang bg bontrot. hehehe. dasar pemalaih.

  4. kalau akak jadi miss 8 /13 pun akak redho gak...sebab semua yg dimasak LG semua sedap2 belaka.

    Sekarang ni kebanyakan org buat kenduri hari sabtu...akak kerja..ishh kalau tak selalu le boleh mkn nasi briani(malas nak masak...hihi)

    akak tengok menu kat atas tu...sambil nanges dlm hati..sob sob *sambil air liur meleleh*

  5. Untung TOH dapat isteri mithali mcm Akak ni. Sebut je nk mkn apa, tadaaaaa....terus terhidang menu idaman.

  6. waduh waduh...enak bangat semua di sini...!!!! kalo la ada speedboat murah dr Bali aritu, mau I sewa & terjah rumah u baru2 ni.. dpt jgk rasa Kiev etc.. heheehee...

  7. Selalunya anak2 kak Zai yang minta macam2 makanan terutamanya siadik kalau boleh hari2 ayam.

  8. salam from england… a friend introduced your blog to me recently, lovely postings, keep it up!

  9. Sooyaree,
    hahaha...tiba2 boleh allergic eh kat broccoli. Dia allergic kat the green colour tu kot :-P

    Kak Azni,
    Diaorang kena pasrah and redho or else kelaparan lah, hahahaha.
    Tapi yg slalu muka pasrah yg si sulung tu. Yang adik dia memang kaki makan so muka happy aje bila time dinner :-D.

    kahkahkah...demanding punya tetamu! Tapi memang betul kan, kalau lah every time orang buat kenduri kahwin, menu berbeza2, kita lah yg rasa seronok sgt2 sbb perut gumbira hati senang :-).

    Kak Kasih,
    Miss 8 mmng gembira redho, kakak dia yg kdg2 tak happy tp pasrah redho, hehehe.
    Alahai, rugi lah kan klu terpaksa miss kenduri, tak boleh lah bermalas2an masak hari tu :-).

    isteri mithali tang food aje, tang lain mmng jauh benar lagi nak jadi mithali, hahaha.

    Lerr..awat tak hire speedboat haritu. Perth dgn Bali tu dah sepelaung aje lah kiranya, hahaha.

    Kak Zai,
    anak2 I kdg2 aje diaorang mintak bila dah lama sgt tak makan something. Slalunya diaorang ok aje, hehehe.

    Salam. thanks for dropping by! :-)
