Friday, 27 April 2012

Friday nite exhausted rambling…

I occasionally feel that people do judge full time stay at home Mums more than they judge working women.

If rumah tak spotless and clean inside and out, some people will snigger and say, “duduk rumah aje pun tak boleh keep their houses clean.”

But I as a full time stay at home Mum, sometimes rasa, kadang2 memang takde masa nak kemas rumah luar dalam and keep it clean and spotless and all the house chores up to date all the time.

Sebab I don’t think I stay at home all the time every day.

Kadang2, I will get out of the house at 7.30 in the morning for morning school run and don’t come home until 12 noon.

So many tasks to do outside the house, going around everywhere.

And then, by the time you do a bit of house chores, it’s time to pick the girls up again at school.

And by the time the girls are at home, I can take a bit of a breather sebelum start masuk dapur to cook dinner and start masuk ‘tuition room’ to tutor the girls.

These two tasks are normally done at the same time, sambil masak sambil tengok homework diaorang.

Malam2 lah baru dapat buat other house chores yang menggunung tu, hehehe…

Like this morning, my morning started at 6.

While the girls were having their breakfast, I was busy scrubbing our toilet and bathroom.

Pastu, rushed out of the house at 7.45 sebab Miss 8 had to be at the school early for her choir rehearsal for the special ANZAC day assembly today.

Baru aje sampai jalan besar, I asked Miss 8 whether she remembered to bring along the roses for the assembly.

Dah sahih dia lupa! Steaming mad

Penat2 I bangun pagi2 pergi petik bunga roses kat depan rumah tu and put them nicely in a container next to her lunch box supaya dia ingat.

(each student was asked to bring along some flowers so each class could make a big floral bouquet to put under the flag pole for ANZAC Day commemoration).

So, kenalah I patah balik rumah sambil membebel non stop to her in the car.

Geram betul I kat budak2 ni.

They don’t have to remember much but itu pun tak ingat nak bawak.

Then I stayed at school until about 9.30 watching the assembly and her choir performance.

Pastu, sampai aje kat rumah, terus sambung balik sental the other toilet and bilik air.

Habis aje sental segala benda, I had to go out to my tadarus class at 10.30.

The tadarus class selalunya habis pukul 1, then sambung solat Zuhur and makan2 and normally habis at 2.30.

But tadi, I had to bohong sunat and excuse myself lepas aje habis tadarus.

Balik rumah, terus sambung vaccuumed the whole house and mopped the whole moppable areas.

Pastu rehat sekejap, then terus kena ambik the girls at school.

Balik rumah from picking the girls up, terus sambung buat dinner.

And now, while writing this entry, I’m feeling so exhausted!


But, if I don’t keep my house clean…..Mana tau kan, ada yang mengata….

(Luckily, Alhamdulillah, I live over here surrounded by friends yang tak mengata…)

that’s why I pilih kawan, hehehehe……

And at the same time, I feel like I should be doing more…

I want to start sewing again (instead of just sewing sebab terpaksa when Miss 8 needs a costume, hahaha), spend more time tending the garden, clean up the guest bedroom of all the junks, make another lightbox so I can take good food photos again.

The list is endless…..

But at the moment, I am happy enough that I had time to make dinner tadi, hahaha….

For dinner tadi, I made pizza, our usual Friday nite fare.


And I had to ambik gambar the pizzas in the oven (manalah tau kan ada orang tak percaya I made our own dinners, hahaha Smile with tongue out).



I made sausage pizzas for dinner.

I cooked the sausages first with sliced onions. Bila dah masak, baru tabur atas the pizza base.



For us, I added some chilli flakes and basil leaves.

The Other Half said, “you made cripsy pizza again…

He loves his pizza gebu so he had a bit of ours and a bit of the girls’ pizza yang gebu.


  1. wah,macam mak nenek min berleter hari in hihihi

  2. Luahan perasan jugak nieh. Hahaha..

    Tapi K.Min, betul sgt tuh... Kadang2 penat mengalahkan org kerja tau.. Fikir nak masak apa pun dah ala2 siap kan satu kerja kat opis aper ;)

    U hang in there.. Every step u take.. Semua pahala dah menggunung :)

  3. kerja rumah mmg tak pernah habis esp bab mengemas...
    btw..nice pizza....

  4. i ingat i sorang yg mengomel cenggini LG... sib baik ada geng... i love to read blog pasal organized housewife... but my prob ...i tak cukup masa nak organize satu rumah nie...he..he.. enjoy baca yr entry hari nie... sbb ada geng...

  5. setuju kak, kena pilih kawan,kalau x, mcm2 akibatnya.

  6. I used to have sorang kenalan yang suka mengutuk SAHM bila rumah diorang tidak kemas. My missus yg agak rajin pun terkadang back from work masak then tak larat to kemas but I made the kemas-mengemas my job.

    Si tukang kutuk ni mulanya I kagum. Bekerja dan rumah sentiasa bersih even takde helper. Tapi you know what? Tak masak, anak2 jadi resident rumah grandparents. Weekends tukang kutuk ni baru jengok.

    Panjang pulak cerita I kali ni ... sorry maam.

    P.S I baru call Pizza Hut home delivery, selera pulak tengok your pictures :)

  7. Setujuuu!!!!! I suka bila my kids pergi sekolah. Senang sikit nk kemas2, bersih2 semua. Kalau school holidays mmg I pening kepala kalau x keluar mana2 asyik duduk rmh je. Rmh kejap je kemas, pastu mula sepah semula. Mana larat nk buat kerja yg sama 2-3 kali sehari. Last2 I terpaksa terpaksa tutup semua entertaiment (tv, games & so on). Kerah dorang yg kemas. Selagi I x puashati, dorang xkan dpt balik keistimewaan yg diberikan.....mcm ni lah nasib I ni....

  8. Kak min,

    I bukan nak ckp lah, kat sini, almost seme umah berkilat. Tension jugak masa mula2 jadik SAHM. Tapi lama2 i x amik pusing dah. Rumah nak terbalik ke biar je sbb kalau ade budak kecik sorang tu mmg x boleh nak berkilat. Ade 1001 job scopes.. Janji bersih, x berkilat x pe.

  9. alamak membacanya pun penat mcm umi pulak yg buat cuci2 tu semua hehe.. at least ada juga kawan kat sini kan. umi ni tak sempat nak buat kawan pun :p setakat jumpa gitu2 aje di tgh jalan hehehe

  10. sure cair t**k telinga miss 8 kena bebel dgn mommy...hihi
    kalau tak membebel.. tak nama mak kan;-)

    Akak cuma ada hari ahad je unk buat segala2nya. Kadang2 sebelum gi kerja sempat sental toilet dulu.
    Memang x pernah habis kan kerja kat rumah.

  11. Tiap kali u tayang pizza, even i lepas makan pun boleh lapar balik. Ntah biler nak terer buat buat pizza cam u ni. Balik2 buat scroll pizza jer haha.

    I buat keje rumah mana terdaya jer, penat stop sambung lenkali. Kang i stress, habis semua org pun stress tgk i stress.
    Ni pun tgh stress tgk pizza u tu haha!

  12. Kak Min,
    Saya yang tukang baca schedule Kak Min pon dah buleh rasa kepenatannye. Haha!

    Makin banyak la projek membakor sejak oven baru ni ye? ;)

  13. I dah rasa both side. keje full time and dok umah full time. both ada cabaran dia. both memang penat sebenarnya.kalau full time kat rumah, dari celik mata sampai turu mmg sentiasa je ada keje klu kita cari keje kan. nmpk smpah nk sapu, pegi dapur nk minum air nmpk plate dlm sink, end up basuh pinggan pulak. sabo je lah

  14. Well said.. Haha.. Same here.. :)

  15. I faham sangat perasaan dan kesibukan you. Memang penat nak layan chores lagi anak2 kecik lagi tapi I dah setahun setengah ni, I chose not to layan pening/kerenah maids :P. So now my home-biz is taking a backseat. Itupun tahun ni hubby suruh kids naik van transport ke sekolah. Kalau tak lagi la I macam tak jejak tanah hehee

  16. Kak Rose,
    sekali sekala berleter, penuh 1 page! hahaha

    memang betul sessi meluahkan perasaan. I rasa kdg2 mmng never ending kan kerja rumah ni but we are lucky I guess to be able to stay at home and do all these things in a way :-).

    selagi ada orang nak make the mess, selagi tu tak pernah siap mengemas kan, hehehe

    hahaha....I pun suka tengok rumah housewives yg so organised, rumah kemas, all house chores done and completed, pastu boleh lagi buat crafts and baking on top of that. Tabik spring betul kan. If only I macam tu, alangkah bestnya, hehehe.

    I would rather have few friends yg tak memeningkan than become Miss Popular with loads of 'friends' but bitch about us behind our backs.

    No wonder she could kutuk2 like that because she's never been in the same situation.
    When I was working full time before, my house memang was neglected. I only did the bare minimum to make the house livable, hehehe.

    I pun klu wknds, rasa sesak nafas kdg2 sbb tengok rumah bersepah, padahal pagi tu baru aje I kemas. Hubby I kata sbb kita nampak the mess earlier than them, tu yg kita nampak messy and diaorang nampak tak messy, hehehe.
    I pun slalu jugak membebel suruh diaorang ingat and buat their wknd chores. Tiap2 minggu kena ingatkan!

    patutlah rumah2 my Singaporean friends semua sentiasa berkilat and spotless, rupa2nya mmng that's the Singaporean ways ye, hehehe.
    Rumah I yg takde budak kecik ni pun kdg2 mcm baru dilanggar garuda, tu yg I geram :-).

    You tak sempat nak buat kawan, takpe, sbb busy dgn studies and kena habiskan studies.
    I klu takde kawan, susah sikit lah kan, hehehe.

    Kak Kasih,
    memang muka Miss 8 masa tu dah muka orang bersalah betul lah, hehehe.
    Sure hari Ahad you sentiasa busy kan with house work. Dah lah Mon- Sat busy dgn clinic.

    I pun buat kerja rumah ikut peringkat jugak, bila tak larat nak muntah, I berhenti. But Fridays memang I kena buat the major chores sbb I tak nak kemas rumah langsung masa wknd tu, hehehe.

    hahaha...I yg menulis pun rasa penat :-D.
    Hari2 kalau boleh nak guna oven you! wahkahkah.

    I pun dah rasa both sides. Working full time yg mmng kdg2 goes way past the required time. Memang penat giler. And skrg jadi full time SAHM yg kerja pun non stop jugak. Bila tidur, baru berhenti kerja kan, hehehe.
    Dua2 penat giler kan! :-D

    The work is never done right! :-D

    SOHO Mama,
    Bila so busy with house chores and family life, sometimes memang ada things yang have to take a backseat for a while kan.
    Takpe, once you dah 'relaxed' sikit, your homebiz can take front seat at that time.
    But bila nak relax tu tak tau lah kan, hehehe.
