Thursday, 12 April 2012

It’s time to start baking….

We finally got the new oven installed this morning!

And once I’ve got over my nervousness, I can start using the oven to roast the leg of lamb we bought so long ago and to bake the pav for Miss 12.

Why am I nervous?

Sebab I terbayang2 aje yang the grill element will catch fire again and I would have to go through 2 weeks without oven which was a pain.

Terus I dapat phobia untuk guna oven ni, padahal sebelum ni hari2 I guna oven, hahahaha.

Masa I bersihkan the oven tadi pun, sikit punya gentle ke I lap the insides, kalah kelembutan masa mandikan the girls masa they were babies, hikhikhik…

When the technician had finished installing, I asked him to turn on the grill element and wait for it to reach 250°C before he could leave.

Terus senyum kelat muka dia and he said, “I normally just install and then leave”.

I said to him, “Well, this is a replacement oven for an oven that has a malfunctioned hanger clip on the grilling element. I just want to be certain that this new one is not broken like the last one. That’s why I want you to stay and see just in case it happens again so I don’t have to call you guys again.”

Dia boleh cakap, “that won’t happen.” But he did stay sebab rasanya dia pun takut jugak Smile.

Last time pun we all beli brand new oven jugak but it did happen so manalah tau kan, this particular oven batch are all dodgy.

So, sambil tunggu the grill got up to temperature, we all pun borak2 lah pasal kebun because he could see the backyards yang penuh dengan vege patches, hehehe.

And I straight away noticed that this time, the oven did not emit acrid smelling smoke when the grill was on like last time. And definitely no smoke nor flame in the oven this time!

So, hopefully this time takdelah lagi problems kan….

I can only cook a few cakes and kuih muih in the steamer that will turn out ok, so I definitely need my oven to bake stuff for school fair, for sunday school and for our tummies, hehehehe.

But I won’t use it yet, not until Saturday the earliest, sebab The Other Half wont be home until Friday nite so no point lah kan nak masak best2 and banyak2 kalau takde sape nak makan.

Since The Other Half takde, I cuma masak mee goreng aje for dinner.


Miss 8 and I makan mee goreng. Miss 12 makan leftover cheesy muffins (which I cooked in the small oven. Cuma 6 ketul muffins aje boleh dimasak at one go, hehehe) from lunch and chicken fingers and steamed carrots.


I added snow pea sprouts in the mee goreng but bila digoreng, terus layu sebab tergoreng lama, hehehe.


  1. Aslmkum kak.
    Wah!. Mana oven baru tu. Kasi Posing la kak. Heee. . Lepas ni boleh la start membaking ya.
    Kak! X da gambo garden ka. Suka tgk garden akk yg byk mengeluarkan hasil tu :))

  2. hahaha tau plak the technician takut ye...
    i guess dia pun taknak kena datang 2-3 kali..better stay and make sure everything is ok rather than kena datang balik..betul tak..

  3. Oven tu kan baby baru akak, mestilah be gentle to it (lap dgn penuh kelembutan & kasih sayang hehe...). Menu biasa bila TOH xde!

  4. wah ni dah kira 2x la dpt oven baru kan? tak sabar nak tgk projek baking lepas ni :)

  5. Assalam Min...Tahniah...kerana berjaya menjadi pemilik 3 oven dalam masa sebulan...The cook master...or the real Baker!Gurau jer Min...have fun!

  6. wah3 pasni blh msk mcm2 n semoga tak bt hal lg oven baru nih heheheh,siap suh technician tunggu lg yek...

  7. Semoga selepas ini lg teruskanlah membaking dan yang seangkatan dengannya.

  8. askum..kak min. saya ni hari2 baca blog akak. hihihi syok tgk gambo!
    saya nak tanya ttg sesuatu....and nak minta tolong akak...cari fb tak jumpa...nak emial pun tak tahu add juga. so mcmana saya nak aju soalan kat akak? ni fb saya cikgunorhuslinda.

  9. Sue,
    Hah, entry terbaru khas utk Sue, hehehe. Oven baru esok2 kita posing eh :-P

    tu lah sebab I suruh dia stay to make sure. I pun tak kuasa nak call diaorang 2-3 kali, sbb I have to make sure I am at home setiap kali diaorang nak dtg check. Nasib baik lah tak molotup semalam, hehehe

    itu menu orang malas tapi tekak mengada2 nak makan jugak, hehehe.
    Baby baru I ni kan memang buat I tak senang tidur, hehehe.

    tu lah, 2X dpt oven baru, seronok memang tp sedih sbb tak dpt guna oven for 2 weeks hari tu.

    Kak Watie,
    Wassalam. Terperasan kaya sekejap I sbb ada 3 oven within 1 month, hehehe.
    Masterchef pun kalah kan :-P

    Padan muka technician tu kena tunggu sama2 dgn I, hahaha. Nasib baik dia ok jugak nak borak2 dgn I :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Amiiiiin :-).

    waalaikumsalam. You boleh email I guna add I malas nak letak email kat profile sbb dulu2 orang email entah apa2 aje.

  10. Zuraida,
    Mee goreng ni memang faveret I :-)
