Friday, 13 April 2012

Another garden update (no food just plants)

I love having the undercover paved area outside.

We can keep our BBQ there, put a sofa there for a quick rest on a nice warm day, have the outdoor dining set for when we feel rajin enough to have a meal outside.

And most importantly, a big enough area for me to hang our laundry when I can’t hang it on the washing lines because it’s raining.

But I really detest the sweeping and the cleaning that comes with having an outdoor area.

Especially now when the grapevine leaves have started to fall…

And when the wind is blowing quite strong….

And when The Other Half has just done the lawn mowing….

You should see the amount of dead leaves and dried grass clippings scattered everywhere!

Kadang2 I rasa patutlah I boleh maintain my weight….

If you have to sweep and clean the outdoor area every few weeks, memang berpeluh giler and penat giler and tension gilers, hikhikhikhik…

But today, I guna tenaga buruh kanak2 untuk tolong I kemas the outdoor area tu.

(that’s why you have kids Winking smile).

Baru lah tak sakit mata memandang every time I go outside, hehehehe.

Esok lah ye I ambik gambar our kemas-er outside areas tu, tonite just layan gambar tumbuh-tumbuhan aje.

Entry tonight untuk readers yang nak tengok the latest photos about my garden especially Sue yang slalu tertanya2, hehehe.

Like I said, the vege patches tengah diprepare untuk tanam the winter beans.

I think this time we are just going to plant beans and peas this winter.

Sebab they are very pest resistant unlike cabbages and broccolis and yang slalu kena attack dgn aphids and caterpillars.


The kacang botol and the kacang panjang plants. Kacang panjang dah keluar bunga, tak sabar nak tunggu dapat hasil dia.

Kacang botol tu orang kata bertahun jugak nak dapat hasil so we’ll just wait and see lah…

We all tanam the kacang panjang terlambat sikit. Patutnya tanam bulan 9 tahun lepas but we just planted them in Feb kot.

I just hope they survive the cooler weather.


Our kangkung yang dah meleret kemana2. Dah lebih kurang rupa the grass aje, hehehe…. Pastu, siap berbunga lagi pulak tu Smile.


Bunga kangkung.


One of the cucumbers. Ada 2 plants aje. Tapi dapat banyak jugak timun from them, yang we all petik and makan. Don’t know how long they’ll last though.


The habanero chili plant. Pokok dia kemetot aje tapi buah dia banyak jugak. Mak I dah suruh I simpan and keringkan some of the buah cili for seeds for her.


Bean plants yang lambat sangat pulak nak membesar. I can’t remember beans jenis apa.


Our aloe vera plant. Dah bertahun2 we all ada this plant. Kesian dia sbb selalu kena neglect dek we all. Lately ni aje yang we all dok siram tu yang the leaves menghijau cantik balik.


Our ‘tapak’ semaian. At the top back left, that’s kale, seedlings dia lebih kurang rupa broccoli aje kan. And next to them are the sugar snap peas and some more beans.


Most dah breached the surface. Maybe next few weeks dah boleh pindah to the vege patch lah.


Our Thai basil/ selasih yang tak mati2 and membiak merata2. Segala ceruk laman kat belakang ni ada anak2 dia.


Some of our ginger plants. Sebelum the rainy season starts, I kena harvest the ginger or else dia akan rot underground liek what happened to my ginger last time.


The only surviving kesum plant disebelah pokok kunyit yang dah banyak berjasa, hehehe.

Anak2 pokok kunyit ni dah pergi merata2 to many people’s houses and daun kunyit pokok ni pun dah ramai orang guna in their cooking Smile.


  1. Bessnyaa...rumah CM pun pokok kunyit baru nak hidup....boleh mintak sehelai daun kunyit tu?...dah sampai nanti i frame kan ye, sebab datang dari jauh... ^__^

  2. buruh kanak2 tu sure happy je kan tolong mummy :)

    besarny dan suburnya dau kesum LG...akak punya kemetot je..hihi

  3. lama rasanya pokok2 akak tak enterprem..rindu pulak..hehehe

  4. Aslmkym kak. .
    Heheheee. . Mlm ni ada gambo garden ya. :)).
    Jeles. . Pokok kunyit kat obersea lg sihat gebu dr pokok kunyit sue. Neeee

  5. seronok tengok gambar garden k.min nie.....

  6. I always envy your edible garden... err, your inedible garden pun I envy jugak.
    Looking at the munga kangkong, made me think... those morning glories kat tepi jalan keretapi tu boleh makan or not? hmmm...

  7. K LG, pokok aloe vera kt tempat I ni besar2 siap berbunga lagi tu. Tapi dr jauh nampak duri dia mcm tajam

  8. the kangkung looks nice!

  9. Kak LG

    geramnya tgk daun kunyit tuh..gemuk2..

    menjadi belaka yea ...untunglah!

  10. Cik Mat,
    Daun kunyit masa tgh Summer and masa weather masih panas ni, memang segar bugar besar. Boleh aje kalau I nak post kan ke you tp sure nya dah layu hitam legam bila sampai sedenak tu, hahaha

    Kak Kasih,
    buruh kanak2 tu sorang aje yg muka senyum bila kena paksa. Yang sorang lagi tu asik tak sabar nak masuk rumah balik, hehehe

    pokok2 semua dah end of season, tu yg malas nak ambik gambar. Kena tunggu next lot besar, baru best sikit :-)

    Wassalam. Pokok kunyit oberseas nak tunjuk taring kat pokok kunyit Msia, hehehe.

    we all pun seronok tengok hasil but nak jaga tu yg bercinta kdg2 :-)

    the morning glories kat tepi jln keretapi tu are the same family as kangkong but I tak tau lah boleh makan ke tak. I tak berani nak try lagi, hehehe

    cuba you pergi dekat2, maybe tak tajam kot. But I pun tak berani jugak nak try pegang pokok cactus yg berduri2 ni, hehee

    the kangkung is very sedap akalu masak goreng belacan :-)

    masa Summer n warm weather aje dia gemuk2. But mmng seronok tengok dia gemuk2 mcm tu.

    Alhamdulillah lah but ada jugak tanaman yg tak menjadi yg we all terpaksa buang aje.

  11. salam kak Min!
    i suka sgt tgk kebun u...
    tangan sejuk btl kak Min ni tnm apa pun menjadi je...seronok kan berkebun nak2 boleh mkn hasil tanmn sendiri hee...
