I felt like cooking a roast chicken today that’s a bit different than the usual ones I make.
Selalunya my roast chicken is devoid of stuffing sebab I don’t like stuffing that much. And I also like to cook simple stuff aka malas giler nak buat stuffing, heeee.
But since The Other Half loves stuffing, I pun buatlah roast chicken with stuffing tadi. And cuma dia saje lah yang makan the stuffing beria2 tadi, hahaha. Everyone else just ate the chicken parts .
Tengok lah rupa my roast chicken yang dipenuhi dengan stuffing. I even selit the stuffing under the skins tu yang my chicken looks like lebam2 everywhere, hehehe.
But seperti biasa, my stuffing recipe is a mixture of so many recipes so I guess it is truly mine lah kan .
I sauteed some diced onions, chopped garlic, fresh basil and sage leaves in melted butter+olive oil. Then, I added some ground paprika and five spice powder to it and sautee some more until fragrant. I added some chopped up bok choy (you can use spinach or any greens you like I guess) and continue cooking until it has wilted. Add some chicken stock powder and ground pepper to taste. Then add freshly-made breadcrumbs and mix them until well mixed. Let it cool before stuffing them underneath the skins and in the cavity.
After stuffing the chicken, rub butter, salt and ground pepper all over the chicken. If you nak guna olive oil pun boleh, tapi I felt like Nigella tadi pulaknya, nak menggemukkan diri, tu yang guna butter, hahaha.
Then roast the chicken at 180°C (fan-forced) oven until cooked and browned to your liking. Mine just now took more than an hour because it was quite a big bird.
The end product, the skins on the top bits are very crispy. The skins on the bottom part is less crispy but not soggy sebab I letak the chicken on a rack.
The juice collected in the pan, I used it to make gravy. I dah pernah letak recipe gravy sebelum ni, cari lah ye kalau you nak tau.
Then, makan dengan pasta and steamed carrots.
I made fettucine for the adults (sebab I put a lot of fried chilli flakes in it). And I made mac n cheese for the kiddies.
See, I ambik sikit aje stuffing tu, hehehe.
Punyalah banyak lagi leftovers. Enough for 2 lunches for The Other Half, 2 lunches for Miss 8 and half a bird still that I freeze for future use.
I cakap dengan The Other Half that this coming week, I kena masak dinner yang takde leftovers sebab I dah tak tau nak letak the leftovers kat mana.
Our fridges dah penuh dengan containers from so many leftovers to be eaten in the next few days, hikhikhikhikhik….
kalau byk lebih..pass sini sikit.
ReplyDeleteKalau le dekat...hihi
ayam lebam2 ni pun sodap!
ReplyDeleteadoii LG..mengoda sungguh ayam panggang mu ituh...hehehe
ReplyDeletemana yg u tak suka tu..? semua tu i suka tau... hehe...
ReplyDeletesama la.. i dah habis budget masak cukup2 everyday.. alih2 ada jugak leftovers.. ligat otak ni dok pikir camna nak recycle..
kena tabik springgg toing toing toing dengan u ni, Myn...kalaulah my other half nak makan ayam stuffing ni, i rela p beli jer...hehhehe...
ReplyDeletekalau i tengok Nigella nyer show tu, mata i ke lain weh....tut....hehhehe
terliur sangat tgk ayam tu..yummy!
ReplyDeletesalam Min..walaupon ayamnya lebam2 namun nampak sedap di perut..hihi
ReplyDeleteSedap nampak ayam yang lg masak.
ReplyDeleteSekarang kalau kak Zai nak bakar ayam tak boleh seekor sebab penghuni dah tak ramai.
Salam Min, saya pun ada buat roasted chicken last week. The chicken I cut into four and rub all over the chicken with mixture of honey, thick and creamy soy sauce, chili flakes and few type of spices. You can find it at http://cooking-engineer.blogspot.com/2012/01/ayam-bakar-roasted-chicken.html#axzz1mDaQvexJ I'll try to roast chicken with stuffing next time. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLG :'( :(( :'(
ReplyDeletemy pokok chillies & strawberries dah ranap!! huhuhuhu...
last week punye la byk buah hampir masak both chili trees & strawberries, la ni all the buah including the flowers gone!!
sedih hancur luluh my heart! it must be either the possums or rats frm my neighbours or the birds. but cannot be the birds coz slama ni birds & i think possums jugak tak pernah curi.
how do u get rid/ protect ur plants frm these pests?
sedih :(
Kak Kasih,
ReplyDeletekalau dekat, meh aje dtg makan dinner kat rumah ni, hehehe.
ayam lebam2 ni lah sedap sbb lebih bumbu! hikhikhik
ayam panggang ni memang versatile sungguh kan, boleh makan dgn apa2 pun, tu yg menggoda sgt2 :-)
nasib baik family kita jenis yg boelh makan recycled food kan. Ada some people memang tak sentuh langsung food yg diperhangat or recycled, hehehe
Salam. makin lebam, makin ku sayang, hahaha ;-)
Kak Zai,
we all pun kalau bakar sekor, mesti kena masuk freezer separuh so next time boleh guna dlm nasi goreng or pasta :-)
poor you :-(. I think I know who are the culprits.
My strawberries have been badly eaten as well. And yang buat I geram, instead of finishing off the whole strawberry, they'll just bite half and leave the rest of the fruit lying there. And bila I nak petik, tengok2 dah berlubang.
And I saw the mouse who did it as well, tension!
ANd my chillies used to be eaten by the mice as well at our old house.