Monday, 13 February 2012

How does he love thee ;-)

No, this post is not about Valentine’s Day which is tomorrow.

Every shop I go to , penuh dengan red hearts, teddy bears and red roses everywhere, tak larattttttttt…….

This post is about husbands Winking smile, especially mine.

He’s not a romantic guy but occasionally he will surprise me with the things he do.

Like last year, on our anniversary which happened to fall when I was in M’sia and he was here in Perth.

Before that, we all dah kata we are not going to buy anything for each other because we didn’t know what to buy. And he said he didn’t want a card either.

So, I was ok with it.

But bila I sampai M’sia and happened to open my notebook, a card fell out. An anniversary card from him with such nice words.

And I terus felt guilty sebab I didn’t even buy him a card, hahaha.

And if I yearn for anything material, instead of buying it for me, he would just say, “go and buy it then. I don’t know what you would like, I will always get it wrong. If you buy it yourself, you’ll definitely like it.”

So lomantik kan, hahahaha…

But…. a few weeks ago, I told him that wouldn’t it be nice to have this ‘thing’ so I can exercise better in the morning. I told him I don’t want a fancy version, just the most basic to help me in my quest to lose weight, heeeee…..

He completely agreed with me and straight away bought it online.

And when the ‘thing’ arrived, he quickly installed it so I could use it straight away…

Awwwwww…..wasn’t that ‘romantic’ of him, hakhakhakhakhak…

What’s the thing?



A wall mounted tv!


We just got the most basic LCD tv with an inbuilt dvd player. So, I can watch dvds while exercising which makes the time go faster.

Last year, masa we all sibuk berexercise, he just put a computer in the exercise room and we just used the computer to watch dvd. But it was such a hassle sebab you have to have the monitor and the motherboard and a keyboard and they took a lot of space. And it also took some time to wait for the computer to boot up before we can start watching and start exercising.

So, this time I told him that I wanted a small wall-mounted tv that wont take up space in the room.

And I’ve got it now, yeayyyyyyyy.

It is so good exercising for 30 minutes while watching ‘modern family’. Sambil gelak2, sambil kayuh elliptical and sambil lap peluh yang menitik2 tu.

But yang tak bestnya, each episode lasts 20 minutes. Kalau I rajin, I will watch half of the next episode. Kalau I tak rajin, I just continue exercising for 10 minutes without watching anything.

Definitely something worth buying Smile.

Some husbands buy their wives expensive handbags, expensive perfumes, expensive cars, expensive shoes….

My hubby pulak belikan I television you sebab dia tau yang wife dia ni malas nak exercise who needs something to motivate her and make exercising much more bearable for her, hikhikhikhik…

So, inilah yang I buat every morning at 6 o’clock, exercising for 30-40 minutes.

Kalau I tak buat pagi2, I feel like I won’t have time to do it during the day or night sebab I will feel so malas.

Macam I malas masak dinner malam ni lah, I just made bruschetta and beef silverside aje.



Poor Miss 12, she loves crusty bread but since she has braces now, terpaksalah dia makan the inside bit aje and not the crust.


  1. Alololooo kak. So romantik la. (^_^)

  2. So lomantik,bestnya!!
    Oh and I love the elliptical machine:)

  3. I think being practial makes marriage life more fun. Occasional romantics and expensive gifts command more appreciation. Not sure if I get it right from this post but Happy Anniversary anyways.

  4. Sue,
    bukan romantik, hehehe. Dia beli sbb dia tau yg dia pun boleh guna sama :-D

    I think elliptical machine ni lah yg paling best nak bagi I berpeluh2 dlm masa yg singkat, hehehe

    we definitely are very practical. I don't know what to do with expensive handbags and perfumes, hahaha.
    Oops, you are about 7 weeks too late with the wish, heeee :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Same I love the elliptical too,enjoy working out :)

  7. alhamdulillah LG..selagi x sebok bagi kt orang lain tuh..selamanya Hub romntik loh..hehe

  8. Wahhh...untungnya dapat husband lomantik kih3...

    Roti tu kak Zai suka.

  9. hehe.. a practical lomantik husband.. i prefer that way oso.. but the card was a very nice surprise! hmm.. now am thinking of swaping my treadmill to elliptical machine. sakit lutut dok lari2 atas treadmill murahan :|

  10. myn...u nak lose weight tang mana tu? cuba habaq mai...i tengok u ok jer apa?

    mmg lomantik your OH tu yer...bagus..bagus....

  11. lomantik le tu :)
    akak pun dah tau nak kasi hadiah apa pd hubby sebab dah 21 tahun bersama...setiap kali birthday dia....fening mikir nak kasi apa.

  12. LG,
    that is so sweet of him :-)
    all the little things he did sure buat hati you munga-munga awwww..that is very lomantika

  13. Akak....romentik tul husband akak kan akak nak buang lemak kat tang mana eh?? Badan dh slim river dh tu..santek dah.

  14. hi,i've been following ur blog..luv to see ur gals..u should hv more..they're all beautiful...congrats to ur new exercise machine..happy exercise! fr.liza akma

  15. Awww...that is so thoughtful of him!Sapa cakap TOH tak romatik?Kak Min nih..hehehe
    Hm..perhaps I should kipas my hubs so that I can get airplane ticket this year nak terbang di awan biru..kahakahkah :-P

  16. i love the part when slipped a card celah laptop tu... so sweet!

  17. Lomantik gak dapat kad, kita kena paksa baru dapat kad, hahaha.. Anyway Modern Family kelakar kan, I pun suka tengok :D

  18. Ayoyo LG...lemak kat mana yg u nak buang tuh ? Kan dah slim tuuu...

    Hahaha..memang lomantik cik abang U.

  19. i tak nak tv.. i nak treadmill... tapi my hubby suruh i lari keliling rumah.. my neighbour keliling rumah 5 biji ni semua bujang2.. takot depa intai mak badang berlari subuh hari.. takut bunyi tapak kaki i tu kuat.. malu la i.. ahaks..

  20. Romantik yg praktikal macam ni lagi bagus, hehe. Betoi jugak kata Rozita kat atas tu, you nak buang lemak kat mana, ada lagi ka lemak di badan you tu, Myn?

  21. kak LG, part exercise sambil layan muvi tu kita sama lah.. sy biasanya layan series yg 40 minit.. cukup2 dgn warm-up> exercise> cooldown..

  22. Ibu,
    jom sama2 kita berelliptical :-)

    tu lah kan, as long as dia bagi barang tu utk kita and bukan utk orang lain, dah bagus sgt2 lah, hehehe

    Memang great gift sbb dua2 boleh guna :-)

    Kak Zai,
    hehehe....mana ada lomantik :-)

    I tak pernah try treadmill so I tak tau whether good or not tapi I rasa elliptical ni memang paling bagus for me lah sbb guna both legs and arms muscles :-).

    you tengok I laamaaa dulu, hehehe. Sejak balik dr Msia, I've gained a few kilos so tu yg nak hilangkna balik.

    Kak Kasih,
    we all memang sentiasa pening tak tau nak bagi apa either for anniv or birthdays, hehehe

    he bought and installed the tv cepat2 sbb dia yg teruja nak merasmikan nya, hahaha. Not because he was thinking of me :-P

    I nak buang lemak yg berkumpul kat peha and vontots ni, hehehe

    Liza Akma,
    thanks for reading. I think two is enough so far, hehehe.
    We've had the elliptical machine for a while now but baru aje beli the tv to accompany the machine whil eexercising :-)

    hahaha...I rasa kalau hubby I tetiba tukar jadi romantik sgt2, I tak tau nak buat apa sbb surenya there's something wrong somewhere, hahaha

    that one memang very sweet :-)

    tu lah nya, he loves to give cards. I pulak yg slalu nya terlupa, sian dia, hahaha

    lemak yg terkumpul yg orang tak nampak sbb I pakai baju labuh, hahaha

    hikhikhikhik...I malas betul nak berexercise kat luar sbb kena pakai proper. Tu yg best ada exercise machine kat rumah ni sbb nak pakai apa aje pun boleh :-D

    Kalau lah lemak2 tu kat chest I, memang takkan ku buang! tapi sebabkan lemak2 ni semua kat peha and kat punggung, terpaksalah ku buang jauh2, hahaha

    I pun kdg2 layan series yg 40 minutes to sbb mmng sempat nak warm up n cool down.
    So skrg ni, I warm up dulu 2 minit, pastu layan 1 episode, then pulun exercise for a few minutes pastu cool down :-)

  23. hahaha..sounds like my hubs je..i beli you dslr tp end up dia yg pakai..i beli you dvd player tp sebnrnya dia yg nak berkareoke..abis nama i kena jual..hahaha
