Told you it’s going to be a scorcher of a week.
The temperature got up to 41.1°C at 2.30 this afternoon! And even now at 7 o’clock at night the temperature is still at 36°C. And they were only predicting today to reach 39 aje.
Esok is Australia Day and the BOM says it might reach 41°C. Sure rentung lah everyone yang akan berduyun2 pergi Perth city and pergi Freo untuk tengok the fireworks. Entah2 they are going to cancel the fireworks show esok malam sebab they are scared of it causing a major fire.
We all pulak are definitely spending esok indoors sahaja! Tak kuasa I nak jadi makin tanned!
Every Summer, memang I akan bertambah gelap sebab most days kena keluar rumah hantar the girls to schools and then drive around pergi mana2 so my forearms will be quite that much darker than the rest of the body, hahaha….
(Nasib baik bila tiba Winter, my skin goes back to ‘normal’ colour yang ala2 flat white but with a double shot of espresso, heeeee…..).
And when I wanted to take photos of my chillies pukul 7 tadi pun, it was still so hot. Nasib baik ada my nyonya kebun hat to cover kan, hehehehe….
I am really happy now sebab a lot of my chilli plants are fruiting presently.
From the mildest banana chilli to the really hot habaneros.
If I’m lucky, my habanero plant ni is the amazon chile roma variety which has loads of habanero flavours but without the heat. But if I am not lucky, it will be the orange habanero which is one of the hottest chillies in the world, hahaha.
This is the banana chilli yang so mild takde heat langsung tu. I am letting it ripen on the plant to see what colour it will change to. It has taken a long time banana chilli ni nak tukar kaler dari really pale green to yellow to this colour of a slight tinge of orange.
I think this is the Thai variety. So far they haven’t turned red yet. The green ones are not that hot.
The round purple chilli which I think is named filius. Some of the purple chillies have turned red though!
My hoa lat chilli yang I dah guna untuk buat macam2. They are hot but not super hot. But kalau letak 15 biji chilli dalam air asam(like I did last week!) meleleh jugak lah hidung and berasap jugak lah telinga orang yang makan, hahahaha.
Ini pulak chili api yang tumbuh ‘liar’ from the fallen seeds from last year’s plant. The plant is so small, around 6-7 inci aje but bearing fruits already.
This year I will make sure that none of the chillies go to waste like last year.
And since I am starting to use up the chillies from the garden, tonite’s dinner pun guna some chillies jugak.
I made beef and carrot stir fry with okra and bilis stir fry and telur dadar.
The beef stir fry I guna the green thai chilli. And the okra stiry fry I guna the hoa lat chilli.
Occasionally I like eating rice and stir fry with chopsticks, hehehe.
A speedy dinner for a hot night.
sungguh cantik round purple chilli tu...berkilat. Sayang nak makan.
ReplyDeleteWahhh sekejap lagi LG akan jadi tokey chili yg berjaya & kaya :))
best apa mkn nasi guna chopsticks! tapi kena guna mangkuk lah, kalau guna plate biasa mmg x jadi & susah sikit nk makan....
ReplyDeletetemperature tingginya tu...!! hope semua ok, jgn lama2 sunbathing kat luar rumah..
ReplyDeletemasa duduk korea, tension gila i makan nasi dlm mangkuk dgn chopstick..
Adoiii Kak LG..tingginya temperature tu..duk umah jak Kak LG. Oh ya, dah lama tak nampak pic nyonya kebun hat..hehehe..
ReplyDeletei know it is hot there.. sampai the word verification in your comment box pun keluar perkataan panas..hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteKak Kasih,
ReplyDeletetokey chilli yang tak berani makan chilli, hahaha...
I suka makan guna mangkuk kecik2 tu yang cuma muat isi nasi aje dalam nya. Pastu kalau nak lauk, ambik sikit2 guna chopstick ambik kat pinggan lauk.
Nampak sgt I ni dulu2 asik tengok cerita cina petang2 kan, hahaha
I nak jemur kain pun tak larat tadi you sbb panas sgt2, lagi lah nak sunbathing, hahaha.
Kalau guna chopsticks, memang susah sikit lah nak makan unless nasi tu a bit lembik and melekat2 sikit :-).
Nyonya kebun tgh bertapa skrg, tak nak ambik gambar sbb muka n badan dan bulat mcm belon, hahaha...
wahkahkahkah...macam tau2 aje dia kan :-).
Paneh nye kak..kt sini yg xsmpai 40 degrees pun dh xselesa kdg2.. Sabor yeh.. Jgn brpanas nnt demam..hihihi..
ReplyDeletepanas2 tu pe kate pekena cold soda with lime, lime zest n shredded frozen ginger... dgr pun dah legaaa :)
ReplyDeletebetul punya panas ek kak mynn kat sana nun..tak terbayang jaja..kalau kat sini 37 u pun dah rasa berbahang2..kalau naik sampai 41 tu mmg panas giler2 kaw la yek..
ReplyDeletehuhh! panas tu! sukanya tengok chillies ni..macam2 cili la pulak! panas2 makan cili lagiiii la hot not! :)
ReplyDeletemidnite di malaysia.lapar pulak.singgah blog kak LG tgk makanan.hik hik hik
ReplyDeletecantik gambarnya....
ReplyDeletewhy oh why...sume gambar cili itu mengiurkan??padahal...cili tuh..pedasss... are a 'hot'mama kekdahnyer...
hehe..(sambil dok pegang cangkul nak tanam cili jugak la..)
salam LG..wah so many chilis laa..yang x pedas tu sedap kalau potong ltk kicap..buat ulam makan dgn nasi panas..crunchy sedap tuh..yr nasi npk cam korean nyer nasi la pulokk..sedap wehhh...yum yum
ReplyDeletehi LG,,
ReplyDeletesimple dinner tp cukup menyelerakan..
Salam, kalau cili terlampau banyak buat la jeruk cili, makan dengan pasta goreng ka, sedap tu.
ReplyDeletenasib baik panas semalam panas kering so duduk dlm rumah senyap2 pasang aircond full blast, tak lah terasa sangat :-)
kalau panas2, pekena anythign with ice memang sedap :-)
memang panas giler! I berdiri sekejap tepi tingkap, pastu angin panas bertiup, rasa bahang dia ya amat panasnya!
Panas2 makan chili, berapi aje lepas tu, dah lah tahun naga pulakkan, hehehe
luckily kat Msia, banyak gerai yang open 24 hours kan so kalau lapar2, senang aje nak cari makanan :-)
mama hani,
thank you :-)
I was frustrated masa harga chilli mahal giler2 dulu so tu yg segala chilli I tanam, hahaha. Now dah berbuah, happy lah I and wanted to show the world I pun ada chilli, hahaha :-)
Kalau tgh takde selera nak makan, potong chili, makan dgn telur goreng n kicap n nasi panas pun dah sedap kan :-)
Hi! Simple dinner yg slalunya paling sedap :-)
Engineers love cooking,
I ada sebotol lagi home-made chilli jeruk dlm fridge tu, nak tunggu semua pokok chilli berbuah dulu, baru boleh buat some more chilli jeruk :-)
wahh panas gilerr di perth..
ReplyDeletetapi syok la sebab pokok2 macam cili dapat hidup..
wow! the purple ones look like a brooch. it's my very first time seeing those. i never knew they existed!
ReplyDeletesmalam dah komen..tapi lupa nak tanya..
ReplyDeletetime winter camne eh pokok2 cili tu? mati tak? teringin nak tanam cili tapi orang kata nnti time winter pokok tak tahan..
banyaknye cili.. pelbagai jenis plak tu... :D.. menarik..
ReplyDeleteCik Sibuk,
ReplyDeleteSalam. Masa Spring n Summer ni, memang seronok sbb dpt tanam mcm2 tanaman 'kampung halaman' :-). But nanti bila Winter, dia akan 'hibernate' and lose all the leaves and tak berbuah, but bila cuaca mula panas balik, dia akan hidup balik :-).
They are very pretty kan :-). Emak I pun dah mintak I simpan kan the seeds for her when she saw these chillies on my blog :-).
Lady Bird,
I suka tanam chilli but I tak tahan sgt makan chilli pedas2 sgt ni, hehehe