Tuesday, 24 January 2012

I’m hopeless at it!

I really do not have the ability to take good photos using mobile phones!

I feel so envious of people who can take gorgeous photos on their mobile. They make it look so simple Smile.

I don’t know how to keep the phone from moving and making the pictures blurry, I don’t know how to zoom and focus on it and most importantly, I really have lost the ability of taking photos by looking at the screen, hehehehe….

Dah bertahun2 ambik gambar guna the viewfinder window yang kecik tu aje. Masa guna point-n-shoot camera pun I lagi suka guna the viewfinder sebab I think I can focus much better using that.

So, bila kena guna camera or phone yang rely on the screen to see the picture you are taking, I jadi macam tak tau nak focus and tak reti nak pegang the camera tak nak bagi bergerak, hampagas betul kan!

Even Miss 12 took better photos on her iPod touch than me on the iPhone.

Orang kata iPhone has really good camera. Even on the apple website says….

Camera. The you-can’t-believe-it’s-on-a-phone camera.

With 8 megapixels and all-new optics, this just might be the best camera ever on a mobile phone. It just might be the only camera you’ll ever need. And if you think that’s amazing, wait until you see your photos.”

Sure lah diaorang nangis kalau tengok the photos I took on my iPhone, hahahaha….

The Other Half kata, “don’t blame the dance floor if you can’t dance.” (dia sangat suka peribahasa kalau tak pandai menari jangan kata lantai jongkang jongket tu yang direct translation to English, hehehe.)

Maybe I should spend a lot of time getting to know that camera on my iPhone kan and get to know all the functions sebelum gi merata2 ambik gambar banyak2, heeee…

For example, gambar yang we all ambik tadi masa tengah tengok the lion dance in the city…

Ini 2 gambar yang I ambik.



And ini 3 gambar yang The Other half ambik.




The clarity is so much better in The Other Half’s photos kan.

And ini pulak gambar yang I ambik guna my buah hati DSLR (but not of the lion dance though sebab I tak bawak the big camera pergi city tadi.)



So, kiranya memang I ni tak pandai ambik gambar lah kan.

Pakkal aje I ada DSLR, tu yang buat gambar2 kat blog ni nampak ‘cantik’ and menarik perhatian, hikhikhikhik….

Kalau I tak pakai DSLR, orang tak terliur punya tengok hotdog and salad ni kan….




I have to learn from the youngsters lah on how to take good photos using the camera on the phone kan Smile.


  1. kak, acu terai ambik gambar yr foods using ifon tu. permintaan ngada2. sila abaikan :p
    i think ifon punya piccas tak lawa sgt.. esp for indoors. i only use my cokia hp to take food pics indoor but still.. tak lawa jugak. so, lets hi-5! hehe..

  2. tapi akak pandai guna DSLR. I pulak malas nk menggodeh DSLR. Husband I selalu marah I amik gambar dia blur kalau pakai DSLR. Last2 dia set kamera tu ke auto je lah kalau nk suruh I amik gambar. Tapi kebanyakan gambar yg masuk blog I tu, I guna iPhone je. tu yg paling senang I rasa. tapi kualiti gambar x ler sebagus DSLR kan...

  3. June,
    You are right lah, I think I should try cuba test ambik gambar food guna iPhone kan, see whether cantik or not, hahaha.
    kat apple website tu tunjuk gambar unedited guna iPhone, semua nampak cantik2 you!

    I terpaksa memandaikan diri guna DSLR sebab baru rasa berbaloi beli lenses mahal2, hehehe. Kalau I guna iPhone aje utk ambik gambar food, memang I pun tak lalu kot nak makan, heeeee

  4. Sis..same la kite nih..mmg skill ke laut kalau amik gmbr..and the worst part is..sy jnis yg malas btul nk transfer photo lpas amik gambar..ahahha..tu yg byk gmbar trperap dlm kamera..hikhikhik

  5. i can't even shoot a decent picture with DSLR ... LOLs

    i sure terliur looking at the food pics :)

  6. salam LG..yang penting gambo roses n foods u buat i leleh..so keep it to yr DSLR lah..hihihi

  7. akak rasa, akak dua2 pun tak ok.
    Kadang2 ok ..kadang2 mendukacitakan.
    bila tengok pics org lain cantik2..suka je tengok.

  8. as salam kak....pekabo? lama tak jengah blog akak.lately bz skit.dah tu tenet ada masa mengong.lg la payah nak on9.

    hm...klu akak x expert ambik gambar guna phone camera,ayu lak hampir seme kamera rasanya x expert.hahaha....camne la nak beli dslr ni klu guna kamera biasa pun main tangkap muat je.isk...

  9. salam,

    kak, kalau nak ckp pasal teknik ambil gambar persoalan guna camera apa tk penting... klu kita pandai teknik, sure gambar yg kita ambik akan kelihatan menarik...

    tp bile kita ckp pasal kualiti, surelah kena guna kamera yg baik kan... cam guna dslr ni high kualiti, easy for editing...

    tp sy sukalah the way kak dok tayang gambar food tu... memang ada skill :)sy selalu admire kat gambar2 blogger masak2 ni... sbb cara dorang amik gambar makanan tu memang menarik...

  10. Salam...cantik apa gambar kat atas.....kadangkala kita pon pakai snap saja sbb nak cepat.

  11. Kak LG, memang camera memainkan peranan penting tuk buat saya terliur..hehehehe....

  12. Konpem terlioq, rasa macam boleh capai ja makanan tuu. Pakai DSLR ja sudahlah :)

  13. At least pakai DSLR gambar cantik, kalau dapat kat tangan saya DSLR, mau keluar kualiti cap ayam aje, hihih..

  14. LG,
    aloooo...your skill with DSLR is awsome...ok..
    at least idak le orang kate...
    guna DSLR tapi gamba...cantik lagi guna hp...
    (kena at my idung..hahaha)
    nope..i tak guna DSLR..(walaupun feeling2 like owned one).

    All your pictures are perfect in this blog...envy siut..haha

  15. LG,
    i also wonder camne org ambik gambo pakai hp elok je gambo tu.. mine mesti tah apa2 jadi :p
    i guna my loyal lumix je lah sbb DSLR pun out..hahahah...

    by the way comel gambo mentadak mentaduk tu :D

  16. Muzel,
    I ni kan, nasib baik ada DSLR tolong up kan my skills, kalau tak, memang ke laut gak, hahaha.

    thank goodness I can do something with the DSLR :-). Or else, my blog will be very dull and drool-less ;-).

    DSLR ni berat nak bawak everywhere, kalau setakat kat rumah aje, memang I guna DSLR aje, hehehe. Tu yg konon2 nya nak lah mahirkan diri guna the iPhone camera, but.....

    Kak Kasih,
    Ada orang tu kan, dua2 pun terer! Tu yg I jeles habis, hehehe...

    Wassalam. I ni nasib baik lah ada DSLR tu utk menolong mencantikkan gambar2 yang I ambik walaupun tak expert. Kalau tak, memang tak best lah blog ni kan, hehehe

    Salam. Tu lah yang I lack, the technique nak ambik gambar. Nasib baik ada DSLR, so walaupun technique I ke laut, tapi gambar nampak lah cantik sikit.
    I jeles tengok orang yg pakai kamera cap ayam aje pun boleh ambik gambar lawa giler!

    Gambar yg pakai DSLR, memang ok. Gambar yg ambik pakai handphone tu yg tak ok :-)

    esok2 I nak cuba ambik gambar pakai iPhone ye, nak tengok, masih boleh buat you terliur ke tak, ahhaha

    Nak mengangkut Mr Canon tu kemana2 tu yg malas sgt2 sbb berat. Kalau kat rumah aje, memang senang nak guna Mr Canon itu :-).

    Ada sesetengah orang tu, pakai camera cap ayam tapi keluar gambar macam guna DSLR, terbalik dgn you ye ;-)

    hehehe...I wish I can make it awesomer! Baru lah best. Ini kan, I kena shoot 20X, baru lah ada 5-6 keping yg ok, hehehe.

  17. Blu4sky,
    Tu yg I heran sgt2 mcm mana orang boleh guna camera phone aje but tak blurry and gambar perfect aje. I wish I can do that too! Tak payah lah berat2 nak bawak my DSLR ke mana2, hehehe
