Saturday 17 December 2011

An update for gardening lovers aje ^___^

I know dah a few days jugak I buat updates yang berkaitan dengan our garden and gardening.

I guess sometimes I malas nak letak entries pasal what I cook for dinner sebab kadang2 I malas nak masak dinner so masak scrambled eggs and toasts aje or maggi goreng aje.

Tu yang nasib baik ada garden so bila I malas masak, boleh tayang gambar garden, hehehe.

And malam ni, I nak buat a special update on one aspect of gardening.

A blogger, AbbotCottage, asked if I can explain to her macam mana nak buat garden bed and the tanah used untuk buat garden bed ni.

We all ada 2 jenis garden beds like I’ve mentioned before, the no-dig garden beds and the normal raised garden beds.

The no-dig garden beds ni basically you can build anywhere, on any types of soil, or rocks or even concrete pavement like what we did. So, kalau rumah you all takde tanah tapi ada laman concrete, still boleh jugak tanam sayur.

If you want to read more about it, ini ada a few links, here, here and here.

The raised garden beds that we have are constructed on tanah. The vege patch yang besar was already here when we bought the house. Then we built another smaller one about a month ago.

And today we (as in The Other Half) built another one along another fence wall. But kali ni the area is much smaller than the second one.

This was what we used (you need) to build a raised garden bed.

1. An area to pun the garden bed.



Kecik aje area ni, about 1.5m X 0.5m. We all ingat cuma nak tanam the pak choys and the bok choys and kangkung kat sini. Vegetables yang takde akar tunjang yg besar.

2. Kayu kayan nak buat garden bed tu. We all guna treated pine palings and jarrah pegs. Make sure kayu yang you guna tu are treated so tak reput bila kena hujan and matahari and tak kena makan anai2.


And don’t forget the drill machine Winking smile.

3. A good-looking man to build it for you while you just sit under the shade and sip icy coke, muahahahaha…



kalau the good-looking man nampak tension aje sebab the screw he used was not drilling correctly, make sure you bagi kata kata perangsang kat tepi tu instead of just sipping icy coke, heeee….



Or you can always bawakkan a glass of icy coke for him to drink sebab tengah2 panas kena buat garden bed kan, hehehehe….

(kalau you all nak hire my man ni boleh aje but labour cost dia sangat lah mahal nya mah, hikhikhik….)

Once it’s done, make sure the good-looking man carries the newly built garden bed to the right place and set it in place nicely.


Set it at the right place and then hammer the jarrah pegs into the ground.



Until the pine paling sits nicely on the ground without any gap.

(sebab this vege bed sangat kecik and rendah, we didn’t bother to put another pine paling on the 4th side yang against the wall tu. Kalau your garden bed besar and tinggi lagi, kenalah letak the wood on the other side as well to avoid the soil causing a lot of pressure on the wall.)

4. The things that go into the bed


The first layer is compost. Selalunya we all guna our own home-made compost tapi we’ve just used our compost the other day so yang dalam compost bin tu tak ready lagi. Kenalah beli compost at the shop.


In goes the first layer.

The second layer is the potting mix. Potting mix ni dah ada wetting agent in it, a bit of fertiliser, tanah.


My tugas cuma meratakan the layers aje Smile.


Make sure you ratakan the mix nicely.

If you takde potting mix, cuma ada tanah aje, after you dah tabur the tanah, boleh lah tabur some fertilisers on it atau Dynamic Lifter to give your soil the extra boost. Kalau takde, just baja tahi ayam pun boleh, hehehe.

Then add the third layer which is mulch. Mulch ni tugas dia untuk retain moisture, keep the weeds from popping up and keeping the soil a bit cool. Mulch ni boleh dapat from many sources. Yang we all guna is from sugar cane. You can use shredded barks, straw/hay, shredded newspaper, grass clippings.


After the mulch has been spread evenly, you can water the garden bed. The Other Half put a bit of fertiliser in the water so it will make the garden bed extra ‘juicy’ for the seedlings Smile.

Then let the garden bed settles down a bit for about a week before you plant anything. But don’t let it get too dry in the meantime though.

So, this is how we built our garden beds. Lain orang maybe lain cara dia but so far this seems to work for us.

And before I lupa, this is the flower (from the previous update) on its plant.


It’s the flower of the mint herbs. Cantik kan rupa dia Smile.


  1. salam LG,

    i pun malam ni malas giler nak masak..goreng fries with nugget and buat toast makan dengan kimball mushroom soup..hehehe

    tak sangka space sekecil tu bley jadi garden bed..emm menarik..

  2. Amboi kak LG..mcm sifu siap baca line by line nk paham kan..ahahah..hebat tul akak explain all the processes..thumbs up la!

  3. Fuu yoooo....nice lahh, kalau kat Malaysia ni, hmm, segala serangga dtg, kalau sejuk sikit, siput bab* pun dtg juga...huhu...mood gardening semua masuk longkang...

  4. Disebabkan i ni tinggal kat apartment, tak sesuailah nak letak garden bed ye tak? but thanks to the ideas. next time duduk landed hse bolehlah cuba.

    today during lunch time, the other half masak beef n lamb steak coz madam ummiyummi datang rumah. so malam ni we all tak makanler sebab terlampau kenyang sangat..hehhee

    next time u datang rumah i kat south perth ni yer :p

  5. fuh, tangan akak ni 'panas' so everything that i tanam semua tak menjadi.. anyway, it's good info if in future i change my mind about gardening. my house is bare macam baru masuk padahal i've been living there since end of 2003. hopefully my kids takla lazy macam their mum.. hahaha..

  6. dulu2 akak pun suka tanam sayuran ni...tapi itu dulu..waktu akak duk rumah(sempat jadi surirumah kejap)..tapi sekarang balik rumah pun dah malam, Bila tengok sayuran LG....tumpang happy.

  7. hi!!

    very nice info dear...but...elin nih tngn klu tanam bunge ker..mmg x menjadi...beli bunge sume kembang2..lepas tuhx tumbuh lagi bunge...ijaauuu ker..hhhaaaisss...

  8. Kak Zai salah teka,rupa dia macam bunga misai kucing.

    Kak Zai susun batu bata keliling kemudian simen kan orang panggil planter box tapi tanam pokok bunga,sayur tak menjadi banyak serangga yang menyerang.

  9. Kak LG, too bad saya tinggal apartment, kalau tak ingin saja saya praktikkan tutorial kak LG ni..sungguh informative..hihihi

  10. Hahaha.. I dah save kan page ni, spring nanti bukak balik :D Kitorang baru kemas lama belakang, cita2 nak jadi petani sayur berjaya. We'll see ;)

  11. hehe.. the right timing.. br berkira2 nk berkebun bila pindah ke rumah br nnt... thanx kak lg...

  12. i malam nih pun sgt malas nak masak, last2 i masak daging masak kicap, tapi i campak la segala cauliflower, carrot, potatoes n inside, jadikla wholesome juga kan heheh

    best tengok u all berkebun kan.. kalau kat sini ngan cuaca yg panas n kejap ujan, tak terbuatnyer nak gardening mcm nih (dasar org malas meme banyak bg reason :p)

  13. eh,mesti ader org kembang kuncup nengok banyaknyer 'good-looking man' phrase dalam entry kali nih kak LG ^.^ heheh

  14. blu4sky,
    Salam. Once in a while, memang malas ni akan bermaharajalela kan but after that diselangi pulak with sifat sgt rajin masak everything, hahaha.

    hahaha...Kalau I explain kasi habis, senang sikit orang nak faham kan :-)

    Cik Mat,
    kat sini pun sama tp kureng lah sikit serangga dr Msia and lain jenis, hehehe. Memang kdg2 tu bila dah teruk kena makan ulat, I terus cabut and buang, tak larat nak jaga dah.

    Kalau duduk apartment, kena tanam dlm pasu aje lah kan, hehehe.
    Best lah mkn steak and lamb chops yg orang masakkan pulak tu, heeee

    Kak Haslina,
    I pun kalau kena buat gardening sorang2, jangan haraplah nak buat. Ni sebab hubby yg minat sgt, so I pun jatuh minat sama :-).

    Kak Kasih,
    kalau ada tanaman ni, memang kena slalu di jenguk and dibelai kan, tu yg kdg2 rasa mcm tak cukup tangan I nak kena buat everything in the garden sorang2 bila hubby pergi kerja pagi2 and balik dah lewat.

    Hi. I guess I bernasib baik sbb ada hubby yg rajin tolong siram n bagi baja so tu yg susah sikit nak mati our plants ni :-)

    Kak Zai,
    planter box tu pun ok jugak kan kalau buat tanam sayur. But once dah buat, tak boleh nak alih2 sbb berat sgt2, hehehe.
    Ha'ah, itu bunga pokok pudina :-)

    takpe, manalah tau you akan tinggal rumah ada tanah one day so boleh lah you nak buat garden bed ni kan :-)

    bagus bagus :-). Bolehlah Cik Aiyu hari2 pergi tolong Mommy dia berkebun kan and tolong petik hasil nanti :-).

    Once kita dah start bercucuk tanam, memang susah nak berhenti :-). Hopefully bila dah masuk rumah baru nanti, bolehlah you start tanam sayur ye :-)

  15. Ameeza,
    the good looking man tak perasan pun I tulis about him in the blog sbb dia busy semalam n hari ni so tak sempat nak baca blog I, heeee.
    Ok lah tu your daging masak kicap bersayur, semua lengkap kan :-).

  16. kak, mint ader bunga ker? aik?? nape i punye tak de bunga?? uwaaaaaaaa!!! mesti i punye mint jantan kut.. muahahahahah..

  17. good info...maybe u should consider opening a gardening blog pulak hehehe ;)

  18. mcm ni caranya nk garden bed....thanks k LG, I suka sgt N3 ni, step by step cara2 membuatnya, kelakar pun ada!

  19. Mazlin,
    hahaha...I pun baru first time tengok mint I ada bunga ni. Terkejut jugak I tengok :-)

    I feel lazy at times looking after 1 blog, let alone two, hehehee.

    Senang aje kan nak buatnya once dah tengok my step by step care ni. Sesape pun boleh buat, hehe

  20. Ooooooooooooooooooo itu macam ka nyonya?? (hek hek hek...coz Kak Min dah mcm nyonya kat Cameron Highland..cute je.) Haaa baru clear, tima kasih banyak-banyak pasal entry ni. Barulah jelas dan teratur dan faham sangat2. Before this ada surf kat web, tapi amatlah confused. Patutlah tak pernah menjadi sangat2, sebab after i buat, i terussssssss tanam mcm biasa. Heh, jgn marah eh cikgu. Tak tau pulak kena settles down bagai. Cerdik la sangat2 hamba ni. Setelah ada cikgu, baru boleh bikin my own garden bed ater this. Seronok tak terkataaaaaaa!!!!. Modelnya yang paling mahal dalam byk2 gambar, nanti send me the invoice ya, ngeh ngeh ngeh. Semoga Allah memberi keberkatan dan dimurahkan rezeki untuk Kak Min sekeluarga diatas penat lelah dan usaha tutorial ini. Insya'allah.

  21. Abbot,
    Best woh topi nyonya tu! wa cakap lu, kalau sudah start pakai, memang tak mau tanggal! hehehe.
    Tanah tu kena settle down sbb nak bagi semua layers bermesra2an lah konon nya ;-). Kalau dah jadi, update lah blog kamu yang dah bersawang tu ye! hehehe

  22. Kah kah kah, sungguh berbisaaaaa...bukan sawang, tapi dah jadi Hutan Simpanan Terpelihara...memacam ada kat situ. Wokehhhh, nanti akan diselenggarakan oleh Jabatan Perhutanan. Kwang kwang kwang..!!!
