Thursday, 6 October 2011

Happy Birthday darling daughter

She is officially 8 today!


Happy birthday gorgeous daughter. We wish for happiness, love, everythng wonderful and all your heart desires for you.

She is so excited to sambut her birthday in Msia. Bila sambut birthday kat OZ, tak dapat banyak presents sebab sedara mara tak ramai. Bila sambut birthday kat sini, senyum simpul lah dia sebab she knows she’ll be getting a lot of presents, hehehe.

How has our cuti2 been?

It’s been good except for the daily rain during noon time, the humid heat, the traffic jam everywhere and the organised chaos kat KL tu Smile.

The best part was i got to eat goreng pisang panas on that first day!

sanggup keluar kereta dalam hujan berlari2 pergi ke gerai jual pisang semata2 nak beli goreng pisang, muahahaha.

But nasib baik I masih boleh kawal nafsu, I beli RM2 aje of goreng pisang panas tu, hikhikhik…

And The Little Misses got to explore Petrosains, swam in the pool, watched Astro at the hotel( they are deprived kids I know, hehehe) while I got to meet my friends whom I haven’t met for 24 years at KLCC.

And I terperasan glemer sekejap sebab ada a couple of blog readers who came up to me to say hi Open-mouthed smile. Thanks ye sebab sudi tegur I, hehehe.

Sekarang ni we all dah kat kampung and are going to vegetate kat kampung aje.

But we still have to buat ic Miss 12 so kenalah gak keluar ke Kuala Selangor tu.

And most probably will be going to MidValley this Saturday sebab hajat nak pergi sana semalam tak kesampaian dek kerana takde langsung tempat nak parking.

I will update again bila ada masa ye.

But minta maaf lah sebab I won’t be able to answer the comments at the time being.

Nak update sikit ni pun ambik masa lama, hehehe.


  1. salam kak min...

    Cik Ara first?...hehehhe...

    Happy 8th Birthday Curly Gurl. Moga diberikan kesihatan dan baik dan membesar sbg anak yg solehah :-)

    Lama benor jadi silent reader blog kak min sket...muehehehe

  2. Yeah, Happy Birthday, Gorgeous Miss 8! Hope you fun and more fun here in M'sia.

    By the way, LG, happy devouring pisang goreng! ;)

  3. oops, I mean...'hope you HAVE fun...
    hahaha...biaseler, auntie Lili the Puan Pengarah DBP =))

  4. Assalam, Welcome back - To the land of "Macam-macam adaaa"!
    Happy birthday to Miss 8!

  5. Happy 8th birthday Zahra..have a fantastic birthday holiday in Msia..

    Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki...have lots of fun dear..

  6. happy birthday to miss adorable. glad to hear you're enjoying your time in m'sia.

    deprivation can be rewarding :}

  7. happy birthday zahra.... smlm n arini ada JCard Day kat Mid Valley tu la sbb xde parking...hehe

  8. appy besday miss 8...seronok balik msia..hav a nice day.....

  9. owhh sekarang akak ada kat malaysia ye.. selamat bercuti sakan dan happy birthday to birthday gurl yang gojes tuuu... semoga membesar dengan sihat dan menjadi org yang berguna dan dikasihi seluruh sanak saudara n teman2.

  10. happy birthday miss 7.. opps dah tukar miss 8.... tak sangka birthday dia sama ngan saya.....

    utk kak min... selamat menjamu selera esp. pisang goreng panas... mcd and KFC.. hehhehe........

  11. Happy birthday Miss 8!!!! Moga menjadi puteri solehah yg menyenangkan ibu bapa... Panjang umur + murah rezeki.

  12. Happy 8th birthday to Zahra the curly girl... banyak dapat hadiah ya... sukernya dia...n enjoy ur holiday in mesia...

  13. Selamat hari lahir buat zahra semoga jadik anak yang soleh ....

  14. happy bufday to the curly gurl.

  15. Happy Birthday Miss 8 ;) have an awesome time celebrating your birthday here in Malaysia.

  16. Happy 8th bday miss 7, i mean miss 8!!!

    Alhamdulillah da slmt smpai! Kak mynn, Mst brat bdn akan btambah sepanjang dduk malaysia nih!

  17. happy bday miss 8 sayang..:))

  18. assalamualaikum...
    SELAMAT HARI LAHIR buat miss8.. semoga sentiasa sihat dan menjadi anak yang berjaya... aminnnn...

    wahhh k.min.. nak gi tunggu akak kat midvalley leh? sabtu ni agak2 akak kat area mane ye.. 5km tu kalau nak jalan2 cari.. ehehehe

  19. Kebetulan skrg ni asyik hujan je kan.Cuma, kena jaga kesihatan sbb senang dapat sakit musim ni.

  20. Salam Min
    Happy Birthday Zahra - Ms Curlylious.... cantik rambut dia. Wish you all the best in life and success in your studies and jadilah anak yang solehah... Amin.

  21. Salam,

    Happy 8th b'day princess..may Only the best will come your way and may you a lot of wonderful years to come....

  22. Oh....HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!!! Ahh...I see that someone was thoughtful enough to give you a feline card. Just to let your mom knows, setiap kali ke KL dari Ijok tu, mesti lalu rumah we all...hatta ambik LATAR sekalipun. Think of me...terkurung...WWWAAAAHHHH!!! purrr....meow!

  23. Selamat Hari Lahir Zahra... didoakan jadi anak yang solehah... dah lama jadi silent reader blog kak min... hari ni nak menyelit hehehe... p/s kalo kak min rajin jejalan la ke blog saya yg tak seberapa

  24. Happy Birthday Zahra!! Semoga menjadi anak yg solehah. Nanti Aunty shidah bawak kek ye :D

  25. Happy Birthday Zahra!!!
    LG, cukup ke beli 2 henget je goreng pisang tu.. :D

  26. happy birthday to miss 8
    no more miss 7 ye :)

    wahhh dah dapat mkn goreng pisang ye:)

  27. HAppy birthday, moga happy selalu ya...

    best makan goreng pisang di musim kopi O panas!!!

  28. happy bday miss 8!!.Semoga membesar jadi anak yg solehah.Amin

  29. Hepi birthday buat Miss 8..Moga menjadi anak yg soleh ya..

    smalam & ari ni kt Midvalley tak leh masuk sebab de JCard..tu yg jem smacam.

    moga panjang umur n murah reazeki...
    mis 8 sgt cute..==))

  31. Hepi birthday to your daughter. She is so cute.

  32. Happy 8th Birthday dearie..!

    lepas ni kena panggil Miss 8 pulak ye? hehehe

    be a good girl okay darling!

  33. terasa nak balik kuala selangor skrang...ihihi

  34. Happy 8th birthday curly pretty gurl n selamat bercuti ..

  35. lepas ni tukar Miss 8 pulak!Miss 7 is not valid! hahahah

  36. happy sweet 8th birthday to sweet little girl.

    may Allah bless u and your family always.

  37. Happy birthday, Zahra! Sekarang dah jadi Miss 8 la ye :)

  38. To Aunties, Uncle and kakak2,
    Thank you very much for all the wonderful birthday wishes and doas. I hope all of them will come true. I will be one excited girl if they do :-D.

  39. Wah! dah balik Malaysia ke?
    Welcome back home ;)

  40. happy birthday little princess...!!! happy & healthy forever...

    kalo u datang kerteh, i kasi jamu keropok lekor..!!

  41. Selamat hari lahir zahra...same date dgn my hubby..hehe^^

  42. Happy birthday buat miss 8 semoga menjadi anak kebanggaan ibu dan bapa.

  43. happy birthday to your little girl :).

    Selamat balik kampung.

  44. Happy birthday to miss 8 the curly haired little girl..may your dreams come true ya..

  45. Happy birthdY miss 8! enjoy the time in KL. Nanti i suruh my family lepak midvalley suruh cari u. =)

  46. happy birthday to u daughter. She's so beautiful..

  47. salam kak Min...
    lama nya tak komen kat blog akk
    tak sangka akk balik bercuti kat Malaysia ni hee
    btw hepy birthday to my adik gebu... semoga menjadi seorang anak yg baik rajin cerdik dan beroleh kesihatan yg baik amin

    hapy holiday n take care ^____^

  48. happy birthday my dear zahra!!! moga jd anak yg solehah & b'jaya dlm hidup.

    ainnur pun tgh m'hitung hari to be 5! pejam celik pejam celik dah besar kan anak2

  49. u kat kuala selangor sekarang ni?
    kot i terserempak kat tesco mesti tegur nih

  50. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and the doa. Hope all of them will come true :-)

  51. Salam kak LG,
    Banyak ketinggalan saya. :) Nak wish happy birthday to Miss 8. Nickname baru tuh dalam cerita kak. hehe..
    Moga diberi kecerdikan, kecemerlangan di dunia dan akhirat. Menjadi anak yang solehah. Amin.. Happy birthday Zahra. :))
