Sunday, 9 October 2011

Another late update of cuti2 M’sia

Bila tuan blog bercuti, blog pun sama2 lah bercuti jugak.

Kalau dulu every morning mesti kena bukak blog but sekarang ni since I dah berhari2 tak update blog, memang takde rasa langsung nak bukak blog pulak nya, hehehe.

But kesian pulak kat The Other Half sebab he hasn’t seen any photos yang I ambik of our cuti2 M’sia.

Bukan setakat bukak blog, bukak FB pun malas so nak letak gambar kat FB untuk tatapan The Other Half pun malas, hahaha.

We didnt do anything at all on Miss 8’s birthday sebab it was a weekday and takde sape pun kat kampung so nak celebrate pun tak best kan. But she was fine with it because I’ve promised her we are going to celebrate it another day.

And on Saturday, we did go to Midvalley Megamall and we got there before 10 o’clock! Kedai pun banyak yang baru aje nak bukak and yang tak bukak lagi. Semangat sungguh we all semata2 nak dapat parking bay yang best, hehehe.

And the first place we all tuju was the hair shop for Miss 12 to have her hair cut. My Abah kata, “Nak gunting rambut pun kena pergi Megamall?”

Ye lah Abah, mana main gunting rambut kat Ijok! hikhikhik…


Lama jugak we all tunggu dia habis gunting rambut. Her hair is quite long and she wanted it cut short so tu yang lama tunggu.


She loves her new hair sebab she says it’s so easy to brush her hair kalau nak pergi sekolah. We think it suits her, hopefully takdelah budak2 sekolah tu yang akan ingat dia boy!

And I met Kerry and a silent blog reader kat MegaMall. Thanks a lot sebab sudi datang jumpa I and tegur I. Sorry tak layan betul2 sangat sebab I tengah sakit kepala teruk2 masa tu. I think sebab I didnt have any coffee that morning so tu yang sakit kepala habis. Sikit pun I tak shopping kat Megamall tu dek sebabkan of the headache. Tension I!

Then the rest of Saturday and Sunday were spent with the siblings and nieces and nephews. Seronok sangat2 The Little Misses sebab dapat main dengan their cousins.


Blowing and chasing bubbles pun dah seronok sangat2 Smile.

Then Atuk suruh semua cucu2 dia ambik gambar buat kenang2an. Punyalah susah nak suruh everyone looking at the cameras at the same time, hehehe.



Miss 12 as the eldest of the cucus holding the youngest cucu on my side.

(On The Other Half’s side, Miss 12 is the eldest and Miss 8 is the youngest, hahahaha).

Then petang tadi we went to a rabbit farm and to the pasar malam.



The Little Misses suka pergi pasar malam sebab they can get so many cheap trinkets. Ye lah kan, semua in ringgit bahagi 3, jadi sangat2 murah lah, hahaha


  1. Salam sis,

    Lama sgt x blog walking, so byk benda dh tertinggal.. Ada kat M'sia rupanya.. Enjoy ur "cuti2 M,sia"..

  2. Bestnye dapat balik kampung..hehe

  3. I like the cucu cucu picture. Remind me picture my kids with they cousins.

  4. pergi midvalley memang kena awal..kalau tak pusing-pusing cari parking

  5. LG, cucu nye semua perempuan ke?

  6. u pegi midvalley hari tu jumpa sapa ye? jumpa my mom tak? ahahhaah.
    by the way, love miss 12's hair. macam rambut i jugak. sangat comel & suits her very much.
    how's the food & weather over there? have fun for the rest of the holidays.

  7. kak LG!!!! i din know u'r in malaysia! waduh.. lama sungguh x bw. kalau ada hajat bawak budak2 ke zoo, mehla singgah ke rumah. err.. apa kelas zoo malaysia comapared to oz! hehe..

  8. cucu cucu atuk tu all girls ke kak?

  9. Assalam Min....waaahh blk Msia rupanya eh...comelnya anak dara you dah berambut pendeks...sweet aje.. Waaa rebit pun comel....i liiiikkkkee....hehee...Anak dara akak pun ada rebit 2 ekor kat rumah tu haa..dia study jauh kat Arau sana, my hb n adik dia la duk jaga..adeeehhh satu kerja gak la jadinya..hehe...nak jalan ke balik kg ke, kena hantar kat 'hotel" depa...hehehe

  10. Miss Layaleya,
    we all balik Msia cuti2 sekejap :-)

    dpt jumpa sanak sedara memang fun :-)

    My girls are so lucky masih ada kampung utk go back to kan :-)

    it is a bit sad to see our kids with the cousins who they only get to see every few years kan.

    Insan paling comel,
    But I suka pergi situ sbb banyak shops within my budget :-)

    Mak you pun pergi Midvalley ye hari tu, hehehe. Weather kat Msia biasalah humid setiap masa. Kesian my girls sbb tak tahan dgn the weather.

    I dah seminggu kat Msia ni. Zoo kat Perth ni pun dah lama we all tak pergi, hahaha.

    8 cucu girls and the youngest tu aje boy, heeee....

    Kak Ummi,
    I pun suka tengok dia rambut pendek sbb nampak kemas aje kan. We all dulu ada bela rabbits jugak but 1 day tu dia terlepas dr sangkar and terus hilang tak jumpa. Now ni bela goldfish aje, senang sgt2 nak jaga, hahaha

  11. bertambah cantik bila dia berambut pendek

  12. The short hair shows Miss 12's face better - she's so pretty ;)

  13. Meriahnya cucu-cucu belah sana! Mesti atuk nenek gembira bila dah cukup semua kan :D

  14. seronok nya semua..!!! i pon kalau tak dapat coffee pagi2 hari, mesti badan jadi tak sedap je... pening sana sini.. i thot i sorang je camtu..

    cutenya kakak dgn new hairstyle nya..

    have fun & enjoy..!!!!

  15. kak Lg,

    sabtu lepas sy rasa sy nampak kak LG and 2 anak dara kak LG. Tp yg 1st sy noticed adalah miss 8. lepas tu baru nampak kak LG and miss 12. Tapi miss 12 baru je potong rambut rasanya. :)

    Nak tegur tapi agak segan...tapi senang dapat jumpa kak LG and the girls depan mata...

  16. bila kat malaysia nampak miss 12 dah mcm gadis melayu le.

    Atuk sure teringin nak tengok gambar semua cucu2nya waktu semua berkumpul.
    Suka tengok pic beramai2 tu :)

    miss sgt n3 dari LG...sebelum ni tiap hari boleh baca :)

  17. lawalah rambut baru Ms. 12 tu.. i likeeeee..

  18. cantiknye kak ur eldest daughter bile cut hair tu dah nampak sket kemelayuannya, tapi she is too gorgeous to compare. :)

    hope u r doing great in Malaysia. hope can meet u one day... :) insyaAllah..

  19. comel2 the little misses...rmbut baru miss 12 seswai ngn dia..comel.. =))

  20. Hi LG
    Your girls are really enjoying their holiday kat Malaysia. So fun to see them playing with the bubbles! You must have been busy catching up with family and friends. Take care & enjoy!

  21. laaa...ada kat midvalley...nape tak cakap?? kalau tak myself sesaja nak ke sana nak terjumpa u n the lovely kids...heheh
    ( ?? tak mo ke shah alam??)...
    yes..kakak looks so adorable with new

  22. cantik rambut miss12..sesuai gitu..

  23. pB,
    short hair really suits her kan.

    Cahya Indah,
    thank you for the compliment :-)

    Kalau semua cucu berkumpul, kdg2 mcm nak roboh rumah atuk n nenek with the noise. But luckily skrg ni ada iPad, iPod, DS so semua senyap aje main benda2 tu, hehehe

    Memang teruk kan kita ni addicted to kopi pagi2, hehehe. Tapi memang teruk I kena sakit kepala haritu, rasa mcm nak muntah, nak pitam semua. Dpt coke, terus rasa ok sikit.

    Kenapa tak dtg tegur? :-). We all pergi gunting rambut dia straight away so masa ronda2 megamall tu, rambut dia memang dah pendek :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    saya pun miss masak and ambik gambar dinner hari2, hehehe.
    Atuk n nenek memang suka sgt bila dpt tengok semua cucu kumpul ramai2.

    we all pun suka tengok style rambut dia ni, sgt lah kemasnya, hehehe.

    thank you for the compliment. Memang skrg ni muka asian dia lagi terserlah bila surrounded dgn malaysians, hehehe.

    Soo Hae Daa,
    Miss 12 tu memang sesuai rambut pendek aje :-)

    they love coming back cuti2 here sebab dpt jumpa cousins and aunts and uncles and nenek and atuk but they really cant stand the weather :-)

    Malu lah I klu orang nak pergi Midvalley semata2 nak jumpa I, hehehe. I nak pergi Shah Alam tapi tak sempat rasanya.

    Mama Rocks,
    we think so too :-)

    memang really suits her face kan style mcm ni :-)

  24. Salam Min
    Bestnyer balik kampong.
    And Ms 12 new hairdo is fabulous. Accentuate her beautiful face. I like!

  25. Mynn,

    cucu cikgu Maarof ramai perempuan ya :)

  26. salam kak min
    ade kat ijok smp bila? :)

  27. Comeiii gambar cucu cucu Atuk..

  28. Salam Min,

    Dah lama tak menulis kat your blog. Your kids semua dah besar2. Ms 12 cute jek rambut pendek. Seronok tengok cucu2 atuk bergambar, teringat masa I kecik2 dulu, bergambar dgn my cousins di rumah atuk di veranda macam rumah your parents. Have a nice day in Msia! Best shopping kat Msia kan, semua bahagi 3 :)

    ~ Aini, PG

  29. Lama tak Online dan menyinggah, tgk2 Miss 12 dah potong rambut.. walau rambut pendek she still looks feminine. Malah nampak lebih cool.

  30. your daughters are so beautiful! :)

  31. Sayangnya rambut zahra dah kena potong...Tp still comel..:-)
