Thursday, 7 July 2011

Pizza, apam and under the weather

Esok last day of school and hari ni I have started to come down with the typical winter cold which I must have caught from The Little Misses.

(I know I’m sick when my nose has gone bright red macam adik beradik Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. The Other Half kata he always knows when I’m coming down with a cold because my nose yang selalunya kaler kopi susu pekat akan bertukar jadi kaler red velvet kek! Kalau I jalan malam2, tak payah bawak torchlight, guna hidung I aje dah terang benderang jalan tu, Muahahaha).

Sunday ni pulak The Other Half nya birthday so mana boleh tukang masak jatuh sakit kan, takde lah mega feast for his birthday nanti, hehehe….

And then next weekend pulak we all nak pergi bercuti jalan2 makan angin since it’s the start of school holidays next week so mana boleh sakit kan, tak best lah nak bercuti sambil asik bersin2 and sedut hingus aje, hikhikhik….

The family official photographer mana boleh sakit kalau nak berjalan …

So for the next few days, vitamin C and garlic and multivit and fish oil and antihistamine and loads of fruit juice will be my companion.

But masak tetap masak so I masak pizza aje for dinner sebab senang.


This is ours with loads of chilli flakes on it sebab chilli bagus masa tengah ada cold Smile.


dekat sikit…


closer still…. Winking smile.

And I buat lagi apam comel inti kelapa ni sebab ada orang tu nak merasa… And I terrajin buat inti kelapa as well.


I thought of using more colours including yellow and orange and black tapi nasib baik otak pandai berfikir and settled with these 4 colours only, hehehe….


  1. Woah! pretty apams! I wanted to make pizza today, tapi tak sempat!! berlari ke sana sini, rasa mcm nak pengsan sekarang :(

  2. best nye pizza tuh! also apam yg comel :D

  3. Serious sedap apam tu, dah la comel2 je. Tak sempat nak tunggu dinner pun, dah selamat masuk perut sume ye :p

    Get well soon!

  4. Akak I nk tgk gambar hidung akak yg terang benderang tu...pls....(ni gurau je taw!). Get well soon ya....

  5. Dlm pada cold tu, still rajin masak pizza & apam. Apam tu siap guna 4 warna & buat macam2 corak =)

  6. Sis,get well soon.
    Looking forward for your vacation. Suke tgk negara org dapat tgk gambar pon jadilah. Take care!

  7. Take care..saya pun tak sihat, dari pagi sakit kepala n perut tak sedap..he he he.

    Wow! Apam tu commmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll

  8. sama lah kite kak.....tini pun kalau sejuk aje.... siaplah bersin non stop pastu idung pun merah jadinyer...... kadang2 tu sampai perit sebab asyik nak kena lap ngan tisu.... anyway take care kak.... banyakkan makan vitamin nanti nak gi jalan.....

  9. get well soon! ye lah, mak-mak mana boleh sakit...sakit2 pun kena gi dapur gak! Samalah kite..(tapi i tak reti masak!)Take madu also, for the sore throat. i malam2 selalu sakit hidung and sakit tekak kalau kena habuk or cold weather - bangun ambik madu and air suam baru lega and tak banyak mucus lepas tu.

  10. ihik...sian akak.ayu pun 2-3 hari ni idung rasa perit sesgt sbb air-cond kat opis mmg tahap sejuk yg melampau.dah smpai umah pun...sejuk kat tgn n badan ni tak ilang2 lg.mujur arini technician dtg...cepat2 ayu srh adjust suhu coz kang lelama leh kena sakit lain lak.

    btw sape yg merasa apam akak tu? zahra ke? or TOH? hehe...

  11. Errr...nak kene tukar nama lak la kak LG ni....ayu buh tittle...Kak LG Apam....erkkkk......trok ar bunyi....Ratu Apam Inti Kelapa....mmmm kene hempoook jugak ayu ni karang.....ekekekkekee.....

    Suke tgok mini apam tu and the chillie flakes all over, on top of pizza....yummmieh....

  12. Wow..the apam is sure very comel and colorful! Love the colors you used...meriah sekali.
    Well, hope all will be ok with you soon. Take care.

  13. salam sis..

    i ni selalu baca blog ni....suka sgt kesini sbb byk idea nak masak hari2 huhu..i nak tanya bleh tak...kampung area mana yer..i found ijok..which state..selangor,or kelantan.or johore..hehe..

  14. Shidah,
    Sekali Makcik Ton dah baik, terus oven you tak berenti baking pizza lah, kek lah, hehehe.

    Patutnya I bekalkan you banyak lagi kan so boleh lah buat sambung esok pagi nya ;-P

    Hahaha...tak kuasa I nak ambik gambar hidung I masa terang benderang tu :-P

    If you tengok carefully, my corak on the apam all senget2 and the dots pun all tak cantik bulat. Sbb masa tu my brains tak boleh nak function properly sbb of the cold, hehehe

    Thanks. Alhamdulillah dah getting better. We all pun tak sabar nak pergi vacation jugak ni :-)

    you tak boleh nak sakit sbb banyak kek and apam and cistat order yg nak kena buat :-D

    tu lah kan, I ingat I ni kulit kaler coklat, takdelah hidung nak merah menyala bila ada head cold, rupa2nya masih boleh merah jugak :-)

    I ni tak suka sgt madu but like you said, memang elok masa kita tgh sakit tekak kan. I pun bila tak sihat, minum madu with lemon and air suam :-).

    Aircond kat ofis kat Msia tu kan, memang diaorang slalu letak tahap air batu nya suhu! Pastu kita kat dlm menggigil2 tapi bila keluar, terus panas giler, hehehe

    Ayu Safieza,
    Wahhhhh....baru aje i buat apam tu 2 kali, dah kena tukar nama ye, hahaha. Kalau I buat hari2, mau agaknya rupa I pun ala2 apam kan :-P

    I like the colours on the apam as well, make us nak makan aje :-). Thansk for the wish.

    Mama Lubna,
    Salam. Thanks sbb suka masuk blog I ni :-). Kampung I Ijok Selangor :-).

  15. Ya Allah..!
    rajinnya dia...!

    dah macam2 kaler ada kat apam tu.. ekekke...

    nak makan pun sayang ni..
