Saturday, 9 July 2011

A busy Saturday with ants, volcano and cooking

We all semua still not 100% well but Alhamdulillah tak lah demam and batuk2 sampai tak larat nak bangun. So far, larat aje buat everything, hehehe…

Larat sampai we all buat kerja menebas kebun hari ni!

I finally pruned the roses until they are all bare. I told The Other Half yang the front of the house nampak mcm rumah tinggal aje sebab all the rose bushes have been pruned right down and nampak botak semua, pastu the lawn pun dah kena mowed except for the grass around the rose bushes. We need a whipper snipper to cut the grass around that area which we don’t have so kena tunggu beli dulu baru boleh cut the raggedy grass. Tu yang nampak mcm rumah tinggal aje!

Esok I ambik gambar that area ye!

And tetiba our front door straight boleh nampak from the street which is not so nice. Selalunya the tall rose stems will act as a nice cover.

I just hope I pruned them right or else Spring ni takdelah roses yang blooming…..

Esok is The Other Half’s birthday and when I asked him dia nak kek and dinner apa for his birthday. He said he wants bubur pulut hitam and rice and curry for his dinner.

Yenadeyyyy….rice and curry every week pun I akan buat so nothing special there.

Bubur pulut hitam how to letak candles mah….

So I said to him, “Fine. I’ll make rice and curry for dinner tonite and I will make chicken kiev for you tomorrow. And I will make bubur pulut hitam for dessert tomorrow nite but I will make key lime pie as your special bday ‘cake’.”

He said, “Yippeeeeeee…..”

Open-mouthed smile.

So, tu yang I made lamb curry, prawn curry, grilled rainbow trout, stir fry veges and acar for dinner tonite.



Nasi dwi warna (muahahahaha). That is lebanese cucumber and cuba teka berapa harga 1 small cucumber tu? …………….$1.30 untuk sebijik timun, hikhikhik….


The lamb curry and the grilled trout.

And since cuti sekolah, we bought The Little Misses some DIY kits.


Miss 12 dapat volcano kit (siap ada big goggles lagi in the pack, hahaha) and Miss 7 dapat the ant kingdom.


So Dad and Miss 7 lah kena built up the ant kingdom and cari ants to put in the new ‘ant housing estate’ Open-mouthed smile. Sungguh tekun menangkap semut, hahahaha…


I know I know…. rupa the volcano inside the kit sikit pun takde rupa macam kat gambar kat kotak tu! Cisss……memang sungguh2 I tertipu, hahahaha.


  1. Happy Birthday to your other half..hopefully semua sihat..
    kat sini musim dmm x putus2..just yesterday i got phone call from adam's teacher informing me that adam vomitted at school..terkejut gak sbb pg tu elok sihat meloncat2 lg..sampai sekolah bley turned out that tonsil area dia bengkak eventhough dah removed last yr..mingu seblm aiman n aisyah yg kena dmm :-(

  2. ant kingdom pulak Miss 7...huhu...ulats dia hari tu apa cerita? dh jadi butterfly ke belum??

  3. happy young birthday to your husband ..and happy belated birthday to u too sis..huhu.suka tgk rambut miss 7..laa.rupanya kita satu kampung..nak tanya lagi ni..kampung area mana plak hehe..menyebok je nak tau kampong org..haha..

  4. tu mat salleh ke melayu yg nak sambut birthday? heheheh. request makanan melayu jer.. ngalahkan org melayu yg nak sambut birthday, mesti nak kek. nak makanan western.. hahaha. dunia udah terbalik :)

  5. Waduhhhh kok itu WAK mahunya nasik di hari ulang tahun? hikhikhik!

    Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran to him, moga sejahtera dan ceria selalu... Aminnn...

    Sembilan Haribulan Julai: Rupanya Aku yang Terkulai...!

  6. Aunty LG,
    Waduh! That cucumber is so expensive maaa..... Dulu2 we pay about 99cents je for a kilo. You may consider planting your own, eh? Anyway, Happy Birthday to Mr LG. Nasib baik dia tak mintak Nasi Ambeng or sambal goreng pengantin for his birthday feast. Kita nak balik kampung besok, ada kenduri. har har har *evil laughs*

  7. kak mynn!!! esok birthday hubby akak ke? EPIC! esok pun birthday jaja jugak....bertambah lagi orang yg jaja kenal and sambut birthday tarikh yg sama....

    pls say happy birthday to him from his 'twin'...

  8. Happy birthday to your hubby semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki amen.

  9. Nak semut mai sini, banyak sungguh! Aiyu pulak tempat yang lagi banyak semut, situ la dia nak lepak T__T

  10. alamak, i ingin sangat nak ada ant farm/ant kingdom tu (childish, no?)... nanti dah pesat perkampungan dia, tunjuk gambar kat sini ye!

  11. Sedapnye kari & ikan tu. Terliur tengok =) first time I dengar psl ant kingdom ni. Rajinnye Miss 7 nak ternak ants =) Volcano tu meletup as your expectation tak despite rupanye tu? Goggle tu utk "eksyen" je ke sbb Miss 12 sangkut kat kepala tp tak cover mata pun masa tgh buat tu =)

  12. Blu4sky,
    Poor him. Tu yg rasa tak sedap hati aje kan bila the kids demam or tak sihat. If kita yg tak sihat, I dont mind that much.
    Hopefully, he gets better soon!

    ulats dia hari tu dah jadi butterflies 3 ekor, yg lain tukar jadi kepompong but sampai la ni tak tukar2, hehehe

    Mama Lubna,
    thank you for the wish ye. My parents skrg ni menetap kat Batu 8 kat belakan2 masjid tu :-).

    Kak Nor,
    tu lah heran nya kita yg tukang masak ni, hahaha. Baru lah konon2nya nak mengasah skills mendeco kek, tiba2 dia mintak bubur pulut hitam! :-D.

    Kak Azie,
    Memang I rasa kan, masa dia lahir dulu terswap dgn anak mamak kot, hahaha...

    Nyampahhhh....sure nya balik kampung tu sebab nak makan nasi ambeng kan? :-P
    I guess bila Winter time, cucumber memang expensive. Nanti masa Summer, berlonggok2 dia :-)

    thank you for the wish dia kata :-). Bestkan bila tau ada orang yg sama bday dgn kita ni :-)

    Kak Zai,
    thank you. Amin...

    Nak lepak aje takpe, jgn pulak dia ingat choc rice and ambik sekor2 masuk mulut, hahaha....

    Best kan ada ant farm ni! :-D. Skrg ni tak pesat lagi sbb we all still tak dpt cari the queen ant. Kalau dpt queen ant kan best, sure jadi macam bandaraya mega, hahaha.

    Kat sini bnyk ant farm, insect farm and mcm2 lagi lah. Miss 7 tu suka ternak insects so we all mulakan dulu dgn ants, hehehe.
    Volcano tu tak meletup pun, cuma meleleh mcm tu aje, memang tak best.
