Sunday, 17 April 2011

Neighbours from hell

We’ve got 2 horrible neighbours behind our house. The one right behind our house will occasionally go on a yelling match. He would yell abuse to his wife and child using all the swear words imaginable! We all selalu jugak jadi busy body, pergi lekat telinga dekat our windows just to listen, hehehe.

And then we would tell The Little Misses that they should consider themselves lucky that we don’t argue and yell abuse like that guy.

And the one next to him pulak has karaoke mabuk2 session most Saturday nights. And last night was the worst i think.

I don’t mind karaokeing if diaorang nyanyi macam biasa. Their idea of karaoke is to scream on top of their voices along with the song that they can definitely wake the dead with the noise!

Poor Miss 11 tak dapat tidur sampai nearly midnight due to the noise. The girls’ rooms are in the back of the house so memang kiranya they’ll get the brunt of the caterwauling lah. Even dah tutup tingkap pun still dengar sampai bingit telinga tu hah. Luckily Miss 7 dah tidur awal and didn’t hear anything at all.

And they do this most weekends so kiranya memang The Little Misses will not get a good nite’s sleep lah on these nights.

We even gave Miss 11 earbuds to use so if she really can’t stand the noise anymore. Masa we all nak tidur at 11.30, we could still hear them screaming and yelling.

Maybe sebab ni kot the previous owner of this house were forced to sell this house kan. Sebab tak tahan dengan perangai neighbours.

And they definitely are not Mat Salehs sebab all the songs that they screamed out last nite were of the non-english kind.

I want my old neighbourhood back where the only noisy guy was the drummer and he was much much better at his drums than these drunken louts at their singing!

So, hari ni semua orang penat and mengantuk but dinner still had to be served..

I made paprika and lemon baked chicken using this recipe. Our gravy was a bit bitter to my taste, probably from the lemon kot. But The Little Misses makan sedap aje, normally diaorang lah yang akan komplen awal2 kalau rasa lain macam.


I cooked it first on the stove top and then put it in the oven straight away. I love my cast-iron pan sebab I don’t have to transfer to another pan bila nak bake dalam oven.


I know the chicken pieces look a bit dry but they are not, hehehe.


My plate. We all makan dengan bean salad, sauteed diced potatoes and boiled chestnut.


First time I makan chestnuts! Selama ni nak beli tapi tak tau nak maska macam mana and takut tak suka but tadi they were selling it at teh masjid so I pun belilah and ask the ladies there on how to cook it.

Patutlah ramai suka sebab memang so creamy kan!

I think the taste is a bit like biji nangka rebus cuma biji nangkan ni tak se creamy and se manis chestnut kan.


  1. Bosannya ada neighbors mcm tu. My next door neighbor duly pun mcm tu, anak2 dia suka bwk balik kawan sampai pagi2 buta pastu bising pulak tu. Alhamdulillah dia org dah pindah 1 year ago

    Ps : I'm gonna make the lemon chicken tomorrow ;)

  2. K.min, I was the 1st to comment?? Waaaaaaa... Nak hadiah!! :P

  3. x patut...x patut....kesian kt Little Misses kacau tido dia

  4. Can you call the police for both cases? Where I live, it's considered noise violation to melalak or play drumset after 10pm. I pernah police datang to break up my party. My next door neighbor (orang tua) called the polis sebab my party bising. Dahla, zaman kanak-kanak. A bit mengerikan. Tapi I tak kena charge apa-apa, they just made the people leave and call it a day. Yet, after that, I tak jemput more than 20 people at once anymore.

    Also, My spouse dulu zaman belajar pun pernah ada neighbor yang selalu ada domestic dispute. Other neighbors tend to call on them when it got really heated & loud. My spouse & his roomate lived in apartment # 16 1/2, rumah yang kuat gaduh tu pulak #16. So police selalu tersilap and knock on their door. As you can see, people kat sini memang rajin call police so that they can enjoy a little bit of quite time in their house.

    p.s. ayam tu nampak sedap. I selalu malas nak bake ayam sebab selalu terovercook.

  5. Neighbour sebelah kiri I ni dari I kecik dulu sampai sekarang, bila adik2 dia datang mesti ada drama radio ganas punya. Bila kat dapur, tak payah letak telinga kat dinding pun boleh dengar sebijik2 apa dema maki hamun, hehe.

    Neighbour sebelah kanan plak baru 4-5 tahun pindah masuk. Sama jugak jerit2 & bila anak2 dia yg kecik2 tu hempas pintu, mak datuk, bergegar rumah I. Maklumlah rumah teres. Tapi previous owner dulu takda langsung dengar bunyi apa2.

    It's a wonder I'm still sane. Or am I? Kikihkihkih!

  6. salam LG
    memang tension giler dapat jiran sengal macam tu kan?..macam2 hal bila kita hidup ada jiran nih..
    akak tak ada jiran.kadang2 sunyi jugak hidup takde jiran ni tau..bila hubby out station.anak2 semua ada hal memasing,mula lah pasang angan2 kalau lah ada jiran....

  7. sedapnye chestnut..:D
    kat kl ni saya jumpe org jual, goreng je chestnut tu dgn arang[ke batu?] kecik2.sedap jugak. :)

  8. fuuhh.. i boleh jadi tak sioman kalau dapat neighbours camtu.. kesian the kids laa.. takleh komplen ke? neighbours lain tak kisah ke, or telinga dah numb..?

  9. Min,
    Yang baik dijadikan tauladan, yang buruk dijadikan sempadan....

  10. aiyooo... i tot yg suka nyanyi2 tu dh stop dah. annoying tul la perangai mcm dunia ni dia yg punya.

  11. agaknya yg berkaraoke tu balas dendam kat neighbour sebelah dia yg selalu yelling tu kut :)

  12. Emm..memang kena byk2 bersabo la kalau dapat jiran mcm tu..

  13. oh, maknanya rebus aje the chestnut ye? tak yah letak apa2 or kena tampi dgn garam sikit when serve?

  14. kesian miss11. kena buat tembok anti-noise kat blkg bilik dia but then, gelap la pulak nanti.. err.. isit only on weekends? kalau weekdays pun buat hal macam tu naiya kat budak2.. :(

  15. chestnut season is here in NZ

  16. Aiyak, memang from hell tu, kesian little misses... Next week cuba jerit2 pulak, kasi lawan 3 orang, ehehe... My neighbour tak jerit, tapi sorang tu truck dia bunyi macam nak tercabut! Dah la selalu keep it idle. Macam ada sekali tu dia tekan, Aiyu tengah tertido boleh terjaga :(

  17. uuu, bukan boleh report ke you? kalau mcm tue, i report je kot, violation :p

  18. betul la u..bukan boleh report ke? tapi memang sakit jiwa kan?kesian anak anak susah nak tidur and terpaksa dengar bad words bla3..

  19. salam. weather and environmental situations affects around 30% to 80% of our moods. banyak bersabar min. inshallah, all be fine. look at the bigger picture always - and we have 100% reasons to be happy and thankful :) u take care ok.

  20. annoying kan... apa pun kan..isi dlm rumah lg long as environment dlm rumah kita best..ceria je hidup peaceful dlm rumah mcm ribut..lg tensi..anyway...byk2 sabar ye kak..

  21. so tak best dpt jiran mcm tu.tapi...klu sape dpt jiran mcm ayu pun mesti tensen gak sbb hari2 kena tadah tinger dgr jeri pekik ayu.iiisskkk...

    hm..bila la ayu leh berenti dr jadi singa ni? hehehe...

  22. time kalau dorang memekak panggil jer police hehehehe ;)

  23. Kak Lg, jiran i dulu bela anjing. Everynite melalak sampai pagi. Sampai i n ank xbleh tdo. Geram tol! Tp skrg i dh pindah, baru aman...

  24. Problem lg sama macam kak Zai,2 jiran tak boleh pakai macam datang dari ulu semua benda nak ambil tahu.Memang rasa nak balik rumah lama tenang aje,jiran pun baik2 belaka.

  25. kitorang pun suffer bunyi bising yg melampau because our nieighbour buat major renovation with their hse, and it last for a year..duduk rmh terrance u can imagine the noise sbb contractor tu forever klu tak drill dinding diorang drill pecah lantai :( owner nak tukar pki marble

  26. kak Lg....owh.....I was in trouble too...a bit la ngan neighbour aerobic ....ngeeeeeeeee.....sabar ye kak...

    Owh chestnut tu kengkadang ayu blend 2 3 biji buh dalam curry or cream them..sooooooooodap!!

  27. I hate people like that. Maybe next time kena call police.

  28. LG dear,

    omg! what a neighbour. kalau dkt States nie mmg dah kena ketuk dgn police.

    U nak tau cerita, dulu ms time study kat States dulu, we got this annoying male neighbor next to ours. Bila time malam la kan, mak aiii, segala bunyi keluar, loud music la, the sumbang sound of his voice la bila karaoke, & the worst off is the oo ahh sound when he ehem-ehem with his girlfriendssss. btul, tak tipu. i stayed there for a sem, then move to another block.

  29. Shidah,
    I dah bagi you hadiah 1 kotak, tunggu aje lah ye! :-D
    I said to Matt that doa aje lah these people pindah soon sebab we definitely are not going to move, hehehe....

    tu lah nya, kalau suara mcm Anuar Zain or Maher Zain ke, ok lah kan. Tiap2 malam nak karaoke pun we all tak kisah :-)

    I think it depends on the councils here. They normally have a time limit for noise allowance during weekends. If it goes past that time, then baru boleh complain. But so far, we are already asleep by 12 so we have no idea if it goes past that time or not :-).
    Our council here even have aloowable time for noise on weekend morning! We can only start our lawnmower after 9 on Sunday!

    Dinas, pun sama nosey parker mcm we all jugak ye ;-P. I pun masa kecik sampai besar duk rumah terrace, memang kalau ada orang terjerit2 or mengamuk, satu row boleh dengar, hahahaha...

    Kak Anymz,
    jiran sebelah2 I sgt2 lah baik nya, memang friendly but not over friendly and senyap aje. Jiran belakang ni yg memeningkan kepala betul. Nasib baik jiran belakang rumah and pagar semua tinggi2 so tak payah I nak manis muka dgn diaorang :-).

    Cik Fara,
    I think cara goreng dgn batu kerikil or river sand tu yg paling sedap. Tapi sbb masak sendiri, terpaksalah boil aje :-)

    I pun tak tau kenapa neighbours sebelah rumah diaorang tak komplen. Maybe pernah komplen tp takde response kot. Nasib baik lah cuma occasional weekends aje.

    Kak Ita,
    memang betul tu :-)

    I thought so too, makin galak adalah. They are so self-centred kan.

    Kak Nor,
    I rasa diaorang sedara mara kot, tu yg duduk sebelah menyebelah and dua2 sama2 bising, hehehe.

  30. Sue,
    Nasib baik jiran sebelah menyebelah baik2, so tak lah tension sgt2 :-).

    the lady told me to letak garam and gula sikit masa rebus tu tp I lupa langsung2 nak letak. But still so creamy walau takde garam nor gula. Probably kalau letak garam and gula, lagi sesap sgt2 lah, hehehe

    I told my hubby suruh buat the kids rooms jadi mcm studio yg noise blocking tu. Tapi kang, I panggil berkali2 sure diaorang tak dengar pulak kan, hehehe.

    Red Lollipop,
    I guess it shows that it's nearly winter kan :-)

    your neighbour tu nak show off ye yg he's the only one with a big truck, hehehe.
    But bila kita ada kids ni kan baru perasan all these annoying noise kan.

    boleh report if it's passed the cut off time for noise on weekend. But so far we all tidur sebelum dia habis so tu yg susah sikit nak report, hehehe.

    Selalunya diaorang berhenti karaoke tu around 11 mcm tu so still within allowable time. Tapi last wknd aje yg terlajak sampai after 12 kot. But we all tidru dah masa tu, hehehe.

    Betul you cakap tu. Because I'm always like a tiger when it's during the hot Summer days :-). At least I'm thankful that our neigbours on the sides are so good :-).

    Now my kids tau yg parents diaorang ni tak lah garang mana bila dengar our neighbour tu jerit2 kat anak bini dia, hehehe.

    Kalau I duduks ebelah rumah you, sure suara kita sama2 kuat kan jerit2 kat budak2, hahaha

    Kat sini sbb culture diaorang memang buat party on weekends, unless memang sampai lewat pagi bising tak berhenti and ada gaduh2, the police kdg2 tak layan :-(.

    I pun cukup tension klu ada barking dogs ni. Memang tuan empunya dia yg nak kena saman kan.

    Kak Zai,
    memang kan, bila ada jiran yg best ni, rasa sayang nak pindah rumah kan. Tapi masa kita beli rumah, slalunya tak tau sape yang akan jadi jiran kita kan, bila dah pindah, baru sedar :-(.

    your neighbour tu buat renovation the whole house ke? Kalau I pun sure tension sbb 1 year tak siap2 lagi kan. Sure tension giler dgn noise and then dust!

    muahahaha....apa yg you buat sampai neighbour komplen? Sure aerobics pasang lagu kuat2 ke? ;-)

    They are so inconsiderate and self-centred kan. I pun memang tak suka people like that.

    Hahaha...sama mcm I masa student dulu menyewa at this student-filled block of flats. One night masa tgh study, terdengar these weird noises, rupa2nya my neighbours were at it like rabbits! Dah lah bilik I share dinding dgn their bedroom, so the noise is so loud,hikhikhik....

  31. hi lemongrass (tak tau nk panggil apa) sebaya ke kita? hehe.
    baru 1st time jejak sini. nice blog!
    tergelak je baca pasal neibors ni. belum penah experience (hopefully will never) cuma umah2 india blkanag my hse suke nau bunyi loceng time maghrib. umah2 ye. plural tuu. imejin je laa betapa bingitnye.
