Monday, 18 April 2011

The last day

Tomorrow is the last day of school for this term. Sekejap aje dah 11 weeks kan! Miss 11 has already gone through 1/20th of her high school life, hehehe.

And esok I have promised her that she can take some cupcakes for her friends since it’s going to be her birthday on Wednesday.

She’s turning 12 in 2 days!

She’s only going to give them to about 12 people anyway bukan the whole of her GATE friends so tak payahlah I teruk2 decorate 300 cuppies kan. Bukannya nak buat kenduri sambut menantu, cuma birthday aje pun, hahahaha. So tengah hari tadi I made the cupcakes and malam ni probably I kena decorate them since we have to leave very early for school esok.

Esok Miss 7 ada a special Anzac Day assembly at school and she is in the junior choir so she has to be there early to do the final practice before performing at the assembly.

Dia kena ada kat sekolah by 7.40 esok pagi for her practice but assembly will only start at 9 so melepek lah I menunggu kat kereta nanti. I just hope one of the coffee shops is opened so I can melepak kat situ. But knowing Perth, most probably nothing will be opened, hehehe.

So, minta maaf lah ye sebab I wont be able to reply to all the comments until esok kot. The last day of term is usually very busy for me, tak tau apasal, hikhikhik….

Jadi layan aje lah ye gambar dinner we all malam ni.


I made garlic chilli prawn pasta for the adults and


poloni creamy pasta for the girls. But Miss 7 lagi suka makan our garlicky chilli prawns dari her pasta, hehehehe.


Cuba kira berapa ekor udang on my plate ni. And then substract 2 from that amount (sebab kene kecek dengan Miss 7). Kiranya I cuma makan 4-5 ekor aje kot Smile.


So simple kan.


  1. Menu for dinner look yummy..

  2. sedapnya Min.. tetiba teringin nak makan pasta ni...

  3. Nampak sangat sedap...nampak sangat sedap..

    Seronoknya dema nak cuti. Err, dema la seronok, mak dema sure akan tulis pasal dema bergaduh kat rumah peh ni, kehkehkeh!

  4. Hi LG,

    cepatnya miss 11 dah nak turn to miss 12...
    are you coming back to Malaysia..rasa you pernah mention miss soon to be miss 12 kena buat IC..
    anyway Happy Advance Birthday to Miss 12

  5. Miss 11 dah nak masuk 12? Wah cepatnya masa berlalu.

    Mmmm terpingin nak makan udang ni :).

  6. salam from Malaysia, sis. just wanna let u know that my friends and I adore u. but, they r just 'tgk2 dari jauh saje' heee =)

    p/s: stay cool! ;)

  7. your tajuk at the entry..make me 'nebes' thinking that you want to end your blogging exercise....nasib baik bukan..hehe..
    pss..pss... if i dtg Perth, leh tumpang makan ? hahahahaaa...naa..just joking..too expensive for me to go 'obe-c'..

  8. sedap!!tapi alau buat kat rumah, sy sorang je yang makan...huuuuu

  9. huhu...sedap tu!!! la both recipe.leh la ayu try since ada antu mee kat umah akak dah prnh bg recipe? erk...confuse sat.

  10. Min,

    Miss 11 kingsi birth month ngan I lee..I muda 9 hari dari dia..keh keh keh keh...


    Kongsi le resepi pasta tu...nampak sedap lee

  11. i love prawns... buat lah apa saje i will eat them..

    huh ribbon and angel hair pasta ada lagi kat rumah..boleh lah buat mcm u buat tu...

  12. Salam Kak..
    Dah tgk dinner, tak sabar pula nak tgk cc miss11 tu nanti....

  13. sedapnya...!
    macam olio yek..?

  14. Jamiel,
    We all pun suka prawn pasta, memang yummy! :-)

    Kak Yan,
    kat rumah ni memang tiap2 minggu masak pasta, hehehe

    Udang ni kan, masak apa pun best kan especially kalau buat cucur udang. Meleleh air liur I ni dah, ahhaha

    Baru sehari cuti semalam, suara I dah naik decibel tinggi banyak2 kali! hikhikhikhik....

    Tu lah, at first we all ingat nak balik this April school holiday nak buat her IC tp tak dpt tiket AirAsia murah, hehehe. So kena tunda so akan kena fined lah nanti kan :-).

    Masa baby dulu, rasa lama sgt diaorang nak setahun. But after that, rasa mcm cepat sgt they grow up kan :-)

    Salam. Thanks ye sbb your friends and you suka and adore baca my blog ni :-). I loveeee hearing that, hehehe.

    hehehe...Lama dah jugak I berblog ni kan. One day in the future memang definitely kena berenti but tak tau lagi bila, hehehe

    Kat rumah we all ni, tiap2 minggu mesti ada menu pasta sbb senang nak buat :-)

    Nanti I letak recipe ye but kena queue belakang seafood paella tu dulu, hehehe.

    Udan gni masak apa pun sedap kan :-)

    Ramai April babies ni ye :-). Kalau buat 1 bday party, memang penuh lah lilin kat kek tu, hahaha

    Udang ni memang sentiasa menggoda kan :-)

    I pun love prawns, mcm you, buatlah masak apa I akan makan especially cucur udang! :-)
