Sunday, 3 April 2011

The garden, the dinner and the cake

Semalam I masak apple cake to take to Sunday school today tapi memang bukan rezeki budak2 tu, I terlupa langsung nak angkut the container of sliced cakes bawak masuk kereta. Dah sampai masjid baru teringat. Tak kuasa I nak drive balik rumah and pergi balik semata2 nak pick up the cakes.

Now, I have a big container full of apple cake! Sape lah yang nak makan tu…… The Other Half memang tak kan sentuh langsung sebab dia bukannya suka sangat cakes ni. Kena simpan dalam freezer lah nampak gayanya kan supaya boleh tahan lama, hehehe.


I guna recipe from here. But instead of guna canned apple, I just guna peeled grated royal gala apple aje and tak letak the crumble sebab malas, hehehe.

Hari ni sama aje macam semalam, we didn’t go anywhere except hantar budak2 pergi Sunday school. We spent the afternoon kemaskan the outdoor area, the garden area, the vege patch area. Penat weh menyapu kawasan kat luar rumah tu. Memang sama penat dengan exercise, heeee…

Masa menyapu tu, I said to The Other Half, “Hey! This is exactly like the exercises we do with Maya. I’m doing bicep curls, tricep kickback, upright row, front raises. All these just by moving the broom!


And bila dah kemas sikit, barulah boleh I ambik gambar kan Smile.


Bersih aje lantai tu, hehehehe…

I and The Other Half kadang2 duduk2 kat luar ni  just by candle lit bila The Little Misses are already in bed. Nak keluar malam2 tak larat nak cari babysitter so we subs it with sitting outside sipping coffee berdua2 an aje.

Lomantik lah jugak, muahahahaha.

The view of the apple tree and the vege patch from the undercover duduk2 area.


Psst… the satellite dish tu belongs to our neighbours, not ours ye. We all ni Foxtel pun takde, lagilah satellite dish, hehehe.


The apple tree. Our apple tree is a grafted apple tree, 1 tree but 3 different varieties of apple. I dahan dah mula berbuah a few months ago and I think it’s granny smith (apple hijau) because we tried one of them and it is so sour!

Apples yang kat gambar ni, baru aje mula berbuah about a month ago and we are hoping it’s the nice sweeter variety lah.



The tomato plants and the cucumber we planted along the trellis. Tomato dah start berbuah and the cucumbers dah banyak buahnya we all makan Smile.


Tengok lah punya tinggi the cucumber shoots naik. We all tied it to the roof of the pergola, hahaha.


Our pokok cili api. Sampai kering kat pokok buahnya sebab tak di gunakan. Takut nak makan sebab pedas, hikhikhik….


Our small basil plant and the italian parsley.


1 of the no-dig gardens we all tanam herbs and lettuce aje.

And for dinner tonite, I made potato rosti makan dengan smoked salmon and ratatouille.



Masa I tengah masak the ratatouille, I said to The Other Half, “I’m making ratatouille tonite but without the…

Miss 7 terus menyampuk before I could finish my sentense, “The rat?

Lerr…… hikhikhikhik…..


  1. Hi Kak Mynn....
    Geram sungguh la I tengok u punya garden....macam2 ada tu.....:-))
    I wish I ada garden macam u jugak...tapi macam tak cukup kaki & tangan & masa la nak handle semua tu...

    Hugs & Kisses for Alya & Zahra ya from Edelyn & Elyssa...

  2. mak ai besar nyer satelite dish diaorg . kita dkt sini alahai kecik jer satelite astro tu :P . best nyer tgk pokok2 tanaman tu jeles. wah 1 pokok tp ada 3 jenis apple ?? mcm mana tu .

  3. paling suka apple hijau!

  4. K.Min,

    Nak tumpang duduk berdua2an while sipping coffee kat ur garden boleh? hehe.. sibuk je I ni kan.

    ps : ada a friend of mine, nak pegi perth 3rd week of april, k.min nak kirim apa2 ke? his name is warque, rodd and I punya mutual friend.

  5. sedapnye potato grated je kan? or camno hahah.. toya btol..

    geram la tgk vege patch tu.. basil tu mmg best.. kat sini daun selasih la kot.. susah nak tanam basil yg besar2 tu...

  6. LG,

    Klakar lah miss 7 nih.. I love that movie and that dish tooooo... simple yet yummy.. nice backyard btw..;)

  7. Without the rat. Hahahahaha! Nice one!

  8. LG,
    sharing is caring kannn, apa kata, u jadi macgyver pulak, kasi pasang wayar extension from the satelited dish...hehehe... can add to ur already too many hatssss...:-P

  9. YA ALLAH ..rajinnya Min.. Akak ..hampeh.. malas betull..

  10. Oh Miss 7...

    So, how do you like the Ratatouille without the rat? oops... I mean without the eggplant. hehehe.

    I pun selalu buat the campak-campak version rather the Julia Childs' version, yang potong nipis-nipis, lepas tu layer lawa-lawa.

  11. Cili i pun kering kat pokok. Banyak giler manalah terlarat nak buat ulam cili makan sorang2 :D ..

  12. Cantiknya pokok-pokok! Ni tak sabar nak pindah ni, hihih..

    Psttt... I baru je tengok Ratatouille kat tv ni. Agak-agak kalau betul tikus boleh masak sesedap tu, sanggup tak kita nak makan?

  13. huhu...bila tgk umah org ada laman,t'sgt la yg paling ayu jeles...akak dah lama dok umah baru tp ayu smpai la tak pindah lg.uuuwwaaa.....

    rasanya dlm this yr pun lom tentu ayu dpt pindah masuk.mak ayu smpai nak pi serang lawyer umah tu sbb dah geram sgt dia buat keje slow bebeno.siap leh elak2 bila kita call nak ckp dgn PIC.gggrrrrr....

  14. hahahahha miss 7 tu, comel sungguh!
    btw, the apple hijau, timun tu boleh buat rojak buah kan. and ur cili padi boleh keringkan or buat kuah rojak. nyaaaaam.
    my cili besar dah start merah. cili padi plak dah start berbuah. i am soooo excited.

    btw, nak tanya. 2 of my pokok cili padi ada byk semut2 hitam bertelur. how do i get rid of them? boleh tak i spray je dgn ridsect or do i hafta go to bunnings to get the outdoor insectiside/pesticide? ada any remedies natural punye yg boleh get rid of these binatangs?

  15. lomantik maaa...bestnya rumah kak min ni...nyaman je tgk...

  16. Kak LG,
    mmm sipping the coffee berdua2 itew dah kira lomantikkkk:)

    MMM.....I love apple cake.. la..mmm actually I love to eat....hik3!!!

  17. Sungguh cantik hasil tanaman itew! saya pula jarang berhasil .. tanam je terus mati rentung hahaha .. orang kata 'tangan panas' :(

  18. Asilah,
    you all dua2 kerja long hours, kalau nak ada kebun mcm ni, memang pengsan lah klu u balik rumah kena tengok kebun. I yg duk rumah ni pun pening kdg2 nak jaga kebun, hehehe.

    Around my area ni memang bnyk satelite dishes yg besar2 mcm tu. Tak tau lah berapa bnyk channels yg diaorang ada, hahaha.
    Kat sini ada jual pokok species sama but lain2 jenis buah on the 1 pokok. Cute kan :-).

    I cuma akan beli aplle hijau klu utk buat masak aje, hehehe.

    Kalau you join sama, tak lomantik lah namanya tu! kahkahkah.
    Your friend nak dtg sini berapa lama? Kalau you nak suruh I beli apa2 and dia nak tolong bawak, boleh aje I beli kan :-).

    Ha'ah, grated potato aje tu. Tapi I parboiled the potato first so tak lah tunggu lama sgt nak pan fry nya :-)

    This is the first time I made ratatouille and it is definitely very tasty kan. Didn't realise that something so simple can be so delicious, hehehe.

    My daughter tu kan memang suka menyampuk, hehehe.

    Muahahaha....betul tu kan, sharing is caring! :-D. I takut tetiba the guys in blue uniform ketuk my front door aje, hehehe.

    Kak Yan,
    Masa wknd lah I boleh merajin sbb ada hubby nak tolong, hehehe.

  19. T,
    We love ratatouille without the rat tu! :-). Next time will definitely include eggplants. I think I have to start the prep fr morning if I were to follow Julia Child's ratatouille, heheheh....

    samalah mcm we all. Kat rumah ni ada 3 pokok chili sbb I suka tanam pokok chili. Tapi dua2 orang takut nak makan chili pedas2. Hapadah kan, hahahha

    Kalau lab rat yg masak, ok kot sbb they are very clean, hehehe.
    Psst..nanti klu you pindah rumah yg ada backyard n frontyard, bolehlah Cik Aiyu tolong siram pokok kan :-).

    Masa tgh angin bertiup sepoi2 bahasa or masa duduk lepak2 malam2 kat situ, memang nyaman sgt2, hehehe

    Kalau I jadi Mak Ayu pun, mau rasanya nak berkhemah dpn office lawyer tu sbb tak buat kerja! Patut kena saman lawyer mcm tu kan.

    my cili tak kena serang but my kesum kena serang with that semut hitam. We all setakat ni biarkan aje but most probably you can go to Bunnings kot. Sure ada organic punya spray kan for those critters.
    I keringkan cili on the pokok terus, hehehe.

    sekali sekala nak rasa2 lomantik berdua2, hahahaha.

    Kalau ber lomantik kat rumah sendiri, boleh keluar masuk dapur minum 3-4 cwn kopi tanpa kena bayar so much kan, hehehe.
    I love the apple cake too, tu yg kena cepat2 freeze them sbb tak nak term over eat :-D

    thanks :-). I pun mcm you jugak, ada pokok yg mati but ada yg hidup ok aje :-).

  20. rajinnye you & TOH mengemas rumah, sabtu kemas, ahad kemas lagi =)

  21. Masa baca ratatouille tu, i pun imagine the rat hihihi...

  22. relaxnhappy,
    orang takde maid kan, so kenalah baut sendiri semua, hehehe. Pastu, our weekends memang slalunya sunyi sepi aje :-).

    dia teringat that movie lah tu, tu yg dia terus say rat :-).
