Saturday, 2 April 2011

A full day at home

Kan I dah cakap, buat kerja rumah inside and outside bakar lagi banyak kalori dari buat upper body exercise dengan Maya.

The Other Half hari ni sangat2 lah rajin tahap gaban betul. Pagi tadi lepas minum kopi, dia exercise dengan I for 45 minutes. Lepas mandi and sarapan, dia terus buat kerja kat luar non stop sampai Maghrib tadi! (well non stop except for the perkara2 wajib n lunch lah).

He started by going to Bunnings first. Kat Perth ni ada government-sponsored scheme where house owners can exchange our old shower heads with the new water saving shower heads free of charge! We only have to take our old shower heads and our water bill to Bunnings and they’ll do the swap. Pastu, bila kat Bunnings, tersangkutlah dia pergi beli macam2 Smile.

Masa dia pergi Bunnings, I budak baik, duduk kat rumah buat gardening, siram pokok and pruned the plants, hehehe.

Balik rumah, dia terus fix the shower heads. Then he vacuumed all the flyscreens around the house (yes, he does know how to use the vacuum cleaner occasionally, hikhikhik). Dah habis vacuum, he took them out and started washing the windows and the sliding doors inside and out. Rumah sebuah2, keliling rumah lah ada tingkap and sliding doors kan, hehehe.

Masa dia sibuk buat semua ni, I basuh kain, jemur kain and banyak lepak2 aje, hehehe.

Habis aje basuh tingkap, dia pergi mow the lawn, fornt and back, and also trim the edging. Pastu, turn I tolong dia pulak. We decided to pull out the nectarine tree sebab the fruits that it bore weren’t nice at all and kena makan serangga sebelum sempat we all merasa. And we all lagi suka beli the nice juicy sweet succulent nectarines kat kedai aje, hahahaha.

Bila dah cabut tu, rasa lapang sikit out back garden so terus teruja nak bersihkan everything and pulled out all the weeds around the trees and pull out the poles yang old owner pasang. And I replant our pokok kesum kat tanah sebab dah nak mati aje bila letak dalam pot tu, hehehe.

Esok I ambik gambar our backyard yang dah lapang sikit tu ye.

Dah habis gardening tu. He continued with cleaning the shed pulak and putting up some shelves in the shed.

Pastu, he sprayed the whole outdoor around the house with spider spray and put a spider bomb in the shed as well.

Dah habis buat semua tu, elok aje maghrib pulaknya.

Bila dia masuk, dia terus timbang his weight and sikit nya excited dia panggil I suruh verify his weight.

It was 77.2 kg!!!!!!

Kwangkwangkwangkwang…. punyalah banyak calories he burnt today from doing the house chores sampaikan his weight dropped dramatically. He had his HRM on and he burnt around 250-300cals/hour. He spent around 6 hours outside kot so 1500cals he burnt today. Lawns cantik, tingkap and sliding doors bersinar2, the shed kemas rapi, backyard dah makin ‘lapang’ and all the spiders gone at the same time!

Nasib baik I masak makanan kegemaran dia for dinner tadi so rasa berbaloi lah jugak dia buat kerja non stop satu hari suntuk, hikhikhik.

I made oven baked madras curry. Tu yang I boleh pergi tolong dia berkebun tadi sebab masak kari ni dalam oven kan so bolehlah tinggal kan dia berjam2.


Makan dengan basmati rice and acar timun n nenas.


The madras curry, cuma guna some spices and tomato paste aje. Sangat lah healthy nya sebab takde santan nor yoghurt, hehehe.


Makan pulak dengan acar, terasa nak tambah2 aje nasi tadi tapi semangat kuat, tak tambah pun Open-mouthed smile.


  1. ffffuuuu sedapnya.....

  2. Wow..byk tu kalori yg terbakor...Wah..esok..sue pun nak non stop juga bersihkan rumah luar dan dalam...Semangat ni...

  3. madras curry??? sounds nice jek...bagi resipi sket kak.....

  4. kari yang sodap tu...rajin nye cuti-cuti kemas ye..hehe i lepak je.

  5. simple dinner but sedap giler..
    itu lah kalu rajin terus dpt benefit turun weight..
    saya ni pemalas kot nak bt keje umah itu pasai weight bertambah je..hehhehe
    p/s:hari2 tiap2 malam tunggu blog entry akak..hehehe

  6. wah..bestnye.. dah nk dekat ng target weight.. i pun semangat dengar!!! ok..esok nk spring cleaning umah..huhu

  7. Naqib,
    lepas kerja sehari suntuk, dapat makan nasi dgn kari n acar memang nikmat :-)

    tu yg skrg ni I terrajin sikit menyental bathrooms n toilets n vacuum rumah sbb fikirkan calories burnt :-)

    I guna recipe tapiI tambah 1 biji bawang besar :-)

    Esok dia nak lepak 1 hari buat kerja dia, tu yg terpaksa bertungkus lumus hari buat kerja rumah, hehehe.

    I ni skrg dah tau yg buat kerja rumah burn banyak kalori, tu yg makin rajin kemas rumah n vacuum rumah n sental bilik air, hehehe

    I don't burn as much calories as he does because of my weight. So, tu yg I rasa 'cepat' sikit dia nak capai target weight, hehehe.
    Nasib baik I dah capai mine so tak lah jeles dgn dia :-)

  8. Rajinnye u & TOH gotong-royong kemas rumah =) bestnya, rumah berseri2, sambil tu berat pun turun =) kari madras tu nampak menarik lah.

  9. Spider bomb? Camana agaknya rupanya tu & how does it work?

  10. yay new entry waited for 2 days =D

  11. relaxnhappy,
    Sebab dah messy sgt our outdoor area and vege patch tu, tu yg kena bergotong royong both days mengemas, hehehe.

    Dia mcm botol spray ridsect tu tp squat and compact. Bila you nak let it off, you press the top and then akan keluar the 'mist' continuously for about 10 minutes. So, you kena make sure the whole room is shut or sealed lah and make sure no one is inside the room for 24 hours, hehehe.

