Saturday, 11 December 2010

End of the year school reports

When it is so close to Christmas time, jangan lah pergi shopping tengah2 hari. Memang sesak nafas penuh dengan orang. I pergi pagi pukul 9.30 tadi pun dah nak penuh the carpark. Masa we all habis shopping at 11.30, berlegar2 kereta nak cari parking. Pandai2 lah you all berebut2 my spot tu tadi, tak kuasa I nak meleraikan!


Since it’s end of Term 4, the school has given out the students’ achievement report. Kat WA ni, they only give out the school report at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Reports ni memang we all tunggu2 jugak lah because it’s their first year at that school and Miss 11 pulak will be going to high school next year so we were hoping for a good report from the school.

At the end of the report, the class teacher will usually write a few sentences about the student.

I sangat lah terharu baca apa yang the teachers tulis about The Little Misses especially Miss 11’s class teacher.


My kid is a ‘young lady’ now, hehehehe……

But bila baca apa yang Miss 7’s class teacher tulis, I and The Other Half gelak terus bila baca the first sentence.


She definitely has limitless positive energy especially when it involves her mouth. She can talk non stop from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed, memang limitless energy lah! Hikhikhikhik……

I like the encouraging and positive words the teachers used to describe the girls. It makes us as parents feel like they really love teaching The Little Misses and it makes The Little Misses feel so proud of their achievements at school.

I tak tau lah what they wrote in the reports of budak2 yang nakal2 tu Smile.

Malam ni, we had separate dinner for the girls and us. The Other Half had to go to work petang tadi because ada graduation for the students so he came home late. I pun masak sempoi untuk the girls and waited for him to come home before cooking pasta for us to eat.

Haritu tengok Mbakyu Hana jepun masak spiral fried potatoes so I pun konon2nya nak lah try my skills jugak.

Dia buat cantik nipis aje, I buat, macam2 saiz the spiral jadinya Smile.



Punyalah malas I masak for he kids. I goreng potatoes and runny egg aje for them tadi, hahahaha…


dieya said...

owh how sweet! wow your young lady is sensational, macam artis laa pulak.. tak lama lagi kena buka fan club ni ;-)
tumpang gelak jugak reading the first sentence of miss 7's report.. hahaha!

bagus laa cikgu diorang tulis such personal comments. zaman i sekolah dulu cikgu just tulis tiga empat perkataan je.. balik2 "teruskan usaha anda" or "selamat maju jaya".. perhaps i'm not sensational enough :-D

p.s.: congrats to you having raised such wonderful kids! kudos madamme!

an15 said...

i skg kalo pegi carousel mesti park next to wollie entrance. situ je senang nak dpt parking kalo pegi after 12.


Anonymous said...

i believe the reports represent the parents' achievements as well. congrats! saya tumpang gembira

lemongrass said...

That's what I like about their reports because it is very personal kan. Memang rasa as though the teachers really know their students well :-).
Report I dulu pun macam you jugak, 'teruskan usaha anda' or 'boleh berusaha dengan lebih gigih lagi', hehehe.

I memang akan sentiasa park kat Woolies entrance tu tapi tension tengok all the cars yg park tak tentu hala :-)

thank you for the kind words :-)

ejaescobart said...

panjang lebar nye ulasan cikgu Miss 11 & Miss 7.. memang bagus cam tu.. so parent bleh tau cemana anak2 kat skolah kan? dan tentu sekali cikgu2 tu bagi ulasan penuh keikhlasan.. kan?

* setakat ni belum lagi la sy bagi ulasan panjang cam tu.. kang ada pulak mak bapak tak puas ati dtg tanya.. sebab budak2 sy suma nya nakal2.. (kelas belakang.. camtu laa..)

ejaescobart said...

eh lupa nak tanya.. cemana kak LG buat spiral potato tu? share sket.. ;)

lemongrass said...

budak2 1 kelas sikit2 aje, tu yg boleh tulis panjang lebar, hehehe.
Kiranya kelas Miss 11 lah yg paling ramai budak, 36 orang tak silap.
Slalunya cikgu2 kat sini mmng bagi reports yg ikhlas so klu budak2 tu nakal, mmng ada kena sound sikit2 lah :-).
Spiral potato tu klu nak tau caranya, pergi blog Hana jepun

A~ said...

well done young ladies. u mesti terharu kan. i pon terharu jugak tengok their achievements & the report yg cikgu-cikgi diorang kasi. thats the thing that i notice here, most of the times diorang kasi assessment they will point out mana yg kurang baik but they will also encourage u to do better next time. tapi kalau yg jahat gila tu will really put u down like mad.
anyways, tahniah alya dah nak masuk high school.. big transition tu. and tahniah zahra for performing brilliantly at school :) keep up the energy :)

lemongrass said...

masa kat uni, lecturers yang memang terkenal dgn bengis n mean nya memang akan kutuk abis2 kita kalau kita buat silap kan. Tension kdg2! But most of them memang akan praise and encourage sambil explain our mistakes :-).