We managed to assemble the outdoor seating set yesterday and as soon as it was assembled, I pun jadi isteri/ibu mithali terus made peach iced tea for everyone. It was such a relaxing feeling to sit there talking bersama2 while sipping iced tea in the warm weather. Now I feel much better to be welcoming the hot Australian Summer, hehehe. The temperature is going to be in the high 20s esok so The Little Misses and I will definitely be having our lunch and afternoon tea outside :-D.
I had to ambik gambar the set aje, not the surrounding sebab the surrounding is still so very messy with all the empty boxes waiting to be thrown away :-). Luckily, the ‘hard rubbish’ collection day for our area will be next week so bolehlah we all buang all the boxes and all the unwanted stuff next week, phew! Dapatlah I bersihkan the outdoor area ni before Miss 6’s birthday party.
Told you we bought the cheap set but is still very comfy to sit on with the padded cushions, which hopefully will bertahan for a few years lah :-).
Miss 6 enjoying the afternoon warm weather reading Burke’s Backyard magazine. Mentang2 lah dah ada vege patch, gigih dia membaca that magazine, hahahaha……
Talking about vege patch, I bought some more seeds tadi since there’s still plenty of space in the vege patch for some more plants.
Hikhikhikhik…bestnya kan kalau semua sayur ni berbuah dengan jayanya. Boleh dapat gelaran peladang berjaya lah we all :-D.
Kat rumah sewa dulu, we all pernah tanam okra/bende ni tapi tanam 1 pokok dlm pot aje so bila dia berbuah, dapatlah sebiji2 sekali petik. I makan sorang pun tak kenyang sebijik tu! So, this time, maybe I’ll tanam a few pokok so bila dia berbuah, dapatlah petik banyak2 sekali gus. The eggplants, capsicum and cabbage tu pulak are quite good plants to tanam though we’ve never tried planting them before. Ini baru first time nak cuba lah. We all memang makan ketiga2 sayur ni selalu so berbaloi lah jugak nanti kalau berbuah kan :-).
And tak lupa juga one of my favourite flowers, the sunflowers. Masa kat Adelaide dulu, we planted so many sunflowers along our backfence and they were so pretty! But this time, I bought the dwarf version so it will only get up to 45cm aje tinggi nya.Tak sabar betul nak tunggu dia berbunga! :-). They’ve also got the giant sunflower variety yang boleh capai sampai 1.8-3 meters tingginya tu! Kalau I beli yg itu, mau sakit tengkuk I everytime nak tengok bunga nya, hahahaha.
Help!!!! Bilalah I nak start balik ambik gambar food ni ye?
Cantik la outdoor seating set tu! tak kiralah harga dia mahal ka murah (murah lagi bagus, takla rabak poket) janji cantik dan tahan dipakai. Miss 6 nampak comel sangat dengan rambut dia tu dalam gambar ni!
ReplyDeletek.min, boleh pinjam tak the outdoor set tu?? lawa sgt!! I love it. eh! silap! I lurvveeee it!! hehee..
ReplyDeletek.min, boleh pinjam tak the outdoor set tu?? lawa sgt!! I love it. eh! silap! I lurvveeee it!! hehee..
ReplyDeletebetul tu, lagi murah lagi bagus when it comes to our pockets, hehehe. But they look cantik enough kan to pretend kerusi set yg mahal ;-).
we all beli set ni kat Bunnings aje. Dasar malas nak keluar duit banyak2! hahaha
LG, sekali sekala tukar konsep foto dari makanan ke pokok ok gak.
ReplyDeleteKalu U tanam dalam pasu, bila beruah lentok ke bawah leh patah dahan, so bila dah ada tanah luas ni, pulun la tanam sakan-sakan.
Semoga menjadi peladang berjaya.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteTahniah berpindah kerumah baru! Another new phase in your life. Mmm.. jangan lupa pelawa I bila buat house warming. I boleh tolong basuhkan pinggan hingga menciut :-)
Cantik la set kerusi tu. Wah....leh dpt title pekebun berjaya lak lepas ni. Kalau berbuah dgn jayanya sume (Insya Allah), seronok la menuai hasilnya nanti.
ReplyDeletebesy nyer bila all the sayur mayur dah berbuah...esp bila nak petik2 tu...lama tak nak tunggu?
ReplyDeletekak LG, sy lg suka gambar2 biasa in the house instead of the food..heheheh coz food akak buat sy lapar..hahaha
ReplyDeletei almost expect to see a swimming pool kat belakang outdoor set tu... hehe
ReplyDeletesalam k.min...
ReplyDeletepekabo? huhu...rindu kat akak n budak2 tu.masuk keje lps raya ni bz tul...baru ni la sempat merayap umah kwn.
hm...suka tgk umah baru akak nak2 the roses.huhu...bikin ayu jeles beb.bila tgk akak punya outdoor seating area...sejak 2-3hari ni ayu dok berangan nak setup balkoni umah baru ayu nnti dgn lazy chair or buaian.bila ayu rasa nak lepak kat luar sambil baca novel,ada la tempat landing.w/pun pemandangannya tak berapa nak cun...janji leh sedut udara segar (ye ke segar? idok la jugak) okla kan.
cantik yr outdoor set, kirim bleh yang unassemble punye hantar ke msia :))
ReplyDeleteLg looks very nice la the outdoor seating set tuh.....kalau i ada rumah yang luas kawasan cam rumah u nih i pun nak gak beli seating set tuh hehehe..
ReplyDeleteKak Azie,
ReplyDeletetu lah, bila dah ada tanah ni, memang pulun sakan menanam segala benda. Nak menunggu dia besar n berbuah tu yg siksa, hehehe
Cik Som,
Kalau nak jadi tukang basuh pinggan, kena lah ada rupa2 bangla sikit, hehehe..
Memang boleh dpt title tu, itu pun klu semua berbuah dgn jayanya lah and tak kena makan siput, hehehe. Tak sabar nak menunggu semua berbuah!
most will fruit around 3 bulan! Lama giler weh nak tunggu! Boleh mati kelaparan menunggu, hikhikhik.....
I rasa klu takde gambar food, macam pelik aje pulak blog I ni, hehehe
Nanti masa summer, klu panas sgt, we all beli yg collapsible tu ye! Bolehlah u all tengok I berbikini, muahahaha.
Salam. Dah siap packing barang? Bila nak pindah? Best jugak klu duduk2 kat luar balkoni sambil baca2 novel kan. Itupun kalau si Ainnur n Faris tak kacau lah ye, hehehe
Mom's gallery,
By the time I pos ke M'sia, harga dia jadi mahal giler sbb kos postage. terus fr cheap set, jadi very mahal set, hehehe
Memang seronok sitting there dibuai angin sepoi2 bahasa, hehehe
tu lah nya, masa duk kat rumah sewa, takde area luar langsung. So, terpendam hasrat hati nak beli set kerusi luar. Sekarang baru boleh tunaikan hasrat hati :-)
tempat excercise tu siap tercampak keluar dah gayanya..hehhe
ReplyDeletebestnya..nanti buatla bbq and tampal photos kat blog ok, sure gempak!
ReplyDeletebest2 rumah baru..banyak aktiviti boleh buat.
ReplyDeletehi LG,wahh seronoknya dah letak outdoor set, i memang suka,kat rumah kita orang asyik makan kat luar jer..feel dia best kan:) nanti semua bunga2 dah naik lagi best and so many knick knack kita boleh letak..seronok nanti you nak tanam vege kat vege patch..bestlah model rambut curly murly tu relax kat luar...hmm alhamduillah kan kita ada daughters:)re: yeap very true LG,bila kita cerita2 pasal perth banyak lah kenkawan cakap ohh you shud see brisbane etc..hmm senyum aje lah bagi i macam KL and Kolo pilah jugak..tak boleh compare,dua2 ada keindahan,KL nice,kolo pilah i lurveee..hee..hee.Ohh silverbeets nama sayur tu..ye lah lama jugak i kena masak dia,espcially bila i ambik daun yang tua jugak..husband i sangat suka...i suka tengok2 sayur kalau travel..masa pergi Subiaco market bestlah tengok mushroom yang besar2 tu,goreng taruk butter sikit dengan garlic pun sangat sedap:) Ok Lg selamat tanam bunga ye.
ReplyDeleteWa la wei! Jellles Ai tengok rumah you. Outdoor sette baru tu murah ke mahal tak kisah dah beb. Yg penting you suka and suitable with your budget. Alhamdulillah.
ReplyDeleteCita-cita awak ari ni nak jadi isteri/ibu mithali aka peladang jaya pulak lah. Dah register ngan Jabatan Pertanian/FAMA/MARDI ke belum? Jgn lupa lak. The seeds tu kalau tak habis isikan dlm plastic pun boleh dan simpan dlm peti sejuk. InsyAllah, boleh guna lagi next spring.
Can't wait to see your glamour pictures having lunch/tea. Jgn jadi ikan gelama kering sudah. Seronoknya kome ye. Teman pun numpang seronok le...
salam Kak LG..lama tak jalan2 kat sini..waaah,da pindah rumah baru..cantik ourdoor set..summer nanti tak balik malaysia ke?
ReplyDeleteWah..syok la boleh lepak2 kat luar...mahal murah tak penting, janji kita suka dan memenuhi keperluan kita..jadilah kan..Kalau kat M'sia nak lepak2 kat luar alamatnya rentung la I ni...ha ha ha..kawan I pi Perth raya hari tu, dia kata sejuk..ni dah nak panas baliklah ya, adik I kat Seoul bgtau sana dah start sejuk...I pindah 4/10 ni...kesian anak I, dia PMR 5/10...buyer rumah I dah tak tertahan2 nak kunci rumah ni...
ReplyDeleteKalau dah tercampak keluar tu kan, maknanya memang tak kan digunakan lah kan, hahahha
Kalau nak lagi gempak, kena tunggu we all beli BBQ cooker yg cantik lah, baru lah terasa lagi best berBBQ kan, hehehe
Memang banyak aktiviti boleh buat, tapi tuan rumah ni kdg2 bnyk malas dari rajin, hehehe
The food rasa mcm lagi sedap kalau makan kat luar kan! Rasa hilang sekejap all the stress :-).
The girls memang suka betul tolong I bercucuk tanam ni esp when playing with the dirt, hehe.
I guess like you said, some people can't see the beauty of Kolo Pilah because memanglah dia tak happening compared to KL kan but we still love all these quiet places :-D.
Same like me, kalau pergi jalan, I suka pergi markets sbb nak tengok fresh produce dia, so seronok, hehehe.
As long as comfy and tak rabak poket, kira ok lah kan, hehehe.
Kalau I register dgn FAMA n MARDI, dpt subsidi benih and baja tak? ;-).
I pun beli seeds yg expire in 2012 so boleh guna lagi next year during Spring, tak lah membazir kan! :-D
Salam. Apa khabar?
Summer ni we all spend kat Perth aje sbb kena simpan duit dah mausk rumah baru kan, macam2 kena beli :-).
Memang sekarang tgh nice weather nak lepak2 kat luar ni sbb not too hot and not clod either.
I rasa klu kat M'sia, memang kena ada covered area and kena pasang kipas to the max lah, hehehe.
Wah, kejap lagi lah ye you nak pindah ni. Dah siap ke packing?
alat senaman kat tepi tu dok guna ka idak tu. ke jadi ampaian cam umah saya ? heheh.
ReplyDeletecantik your outdoor... i likee..!
ReplyDeletewah..bagusnya... jadi peladang berjaya..
pehtu boleh le export ke M'sia jugak ye.. hehehe..
all the best in your tanam-tanaman..!
ReplyDeletewakakaka....alat senaman tu kan, ampaian baju yg paling best and paling mahal kan! :-D
thanks :-). Bila dah ada outdoor set tu, rasa membuak2 nak makan kat situ aje, hehehe
Akak.saya pun suka set tu.sgt cantik.