Thursday, 30 September 2010

Final photos of the inside…(tak larat you all nak tengok dah! :-))

After such a nice day yesterday, hari ni mendung and hujan rintik2. And pulaknya, I baru aje nak ambik gambar all the rooms hari ni for the blog, so disebabkan mendung, the photos all look a bit malap lah. Nak tunggu another bright day, it means kena kemas all the rooms again which when you are in a malas mood, ada sikit lembab lah nak buat, hehehe…

So, layan aje lah ye gambar yang ada malap and ada ok ni.

This is our lounge room which so far is used by The Other Half to play his pc games and by us when we have our movie night or tv night. Most of our day to day living is done in the kitchen, family room, the computer area and the bedrooms. The front door opens straight into the lounge room tapi dah 2 minggu we all tak bukak the front door itu, hikhikhik…..


We still haven’t put up any photos or pictures on the walls yet. Nak tunggu I rajin letak the hooks first and then nak letak a big photo of the 4 of us lah konon2 nya. But still haven’t go time to go to the shop to get a nice canvas print of a photo of us. Pastu, nak gi beli vases so I can put some roses on the coffee table pulak kan :-D.

And this is the master bedroom. Don’t ask, I memang jenis yang tak iron all our sheets and quilt covers. I cuma iron benda2 yang perlu aje, hehehe. And we don’t have a set colour for the bedrooms.


The window has tinted glass so even if we bukak the blind and the curtain open wide, no one outside can see anything inside unless dia letak muka dia betul2 kat the glass lah. But kalau ada yang letak muka dia kat the window, memang dah gilo apa! Memang dah kena panggil polis lah macam tu, hahaha. The old owner used to have this english style heavy curtains penuh dgn roses prints on the windows which we really don’t like. Cantik memang lah cantik but so not our taste. So, we all ganti dgn the lacy curtain and donated the english style curtains to Good Sammy.

This is Miss 11’s bedroom.



I tanya dia, what’s the point of me lipat kain baju if she’s going to just shove them and mess them all up again? Malas I nak re kemas her drawers. Baju dia, pandai2 lah kan dia keep them tidy.

And this is Miss 6’s bedroom.


Her clothes drawers and on top of it lagilah messy. Tu yang I tak ambik gambar with the drawers in it, hehehe.

Masa kat rumah sewa dulu, we weren’t allowes to stick anything on the walls so memang their room was devoid of any wall stickers/posters lah. So, bila dah masuk rumah sendiri ni, they went berserk with the glow-in-the-dark stickers. Penuh their walls and ceilings with the stuff.

All the bedrooms ada built in wardrobes but we use the ones in The Little Misses’ bedrooms for only hanging clothes and putting their boxes of toys in them. Tu yang memang still kena ada chest of drawers for our folded clothes. We all cuma letak the chest of drawers, a bedside bookshelf to put their radios and lights and another bookshelf for their books in the room. Memang tak muatlah kalau nak letak benda2 lain.

And this is the guest bedroom. Bila my parents and makcik n pakcik datang sini end of October, I have to kemas it a bit more :-).


And ini pulak our dinner last nite, pizza. I might set up my lighbox hari ni if I can find a place for it. I miss taking nice photos of my food!


The Other Half’s seafood pizza.


  1. adoi kak...
    meleleh tengok pizza-pizza akak ni...

  2. waaahhh seronok dah almost settle semua barang2 dah! the Little Misses mesti seronok dah dapat bilik sendiri dah sekarang, tak payah share.

  3. takpe22...banyak masa lagi untuk akak nak decorate umah ni...bila dah umah sendiri..memang macam2 nak buat kan..kat sana diaorang tak suka ke cat2 dinding dalam umah? atau akak pun memang tak minat...?

  4. Stand up lamp tu beli kat IKEA ke. Saya juga punya lampu yang sama. Tak sangka taste kita serupa. As I said b4 I lurvvvvve the big and wide windows.

    Skang ni aktiviti masak-memasak tersangat kureng terutama ari Sabtu & Ahad, penuh ngan open house. Satu ari 4 rumah nak pergi, boleh masuk ke semua makanan tu, entah. Kalo tak makan, derang offer tapao lagi. Tapi yang bengangnya jalan jam terlebih-lebih jam kerana open house ni.

    Pizza itu membuat air liurku..slurppppppp..ari ni dah ganti puasa. Bukan ape ganti puasa awal,sbb waktu Maghrib cepat la ni. Puasa 6 hari bulan Syawal, Alhamdulillah dah selesai.

  5. the best part.,.,.,wlu messed up pun..ianya rumah kita!!cantik living room......

    pizza tu sgt yummmy!!!

  6. Lydia,
    itu belum guna lightbox lagi tu, dha meleleh, hehehe ;-)

    tu yg diaorang skrg ni asik either kat dlm bilik aje or main kat luar. I yg seronok sbb peaceful aje masa cuti sekolah ni, hehehe

    Kat sini diaorang suka jugak buat feature walls in each room tu tp we all suka kaler cerah terus, nampak ceria sikit.
    Psst.. we all tak pandai cat sebenarnya, hehehe

    We all beli kat Big W. IKEA ni jauh sikit lah dr rumah we all, tu yg malas nak pergi even though bila tengok katalog IKEA, hati meronta2 nak pergi, hehehe.
    Best nya you still ada activities open house lagi. Sure sendat perut kan lepas pergi makan kat 4 buah rumah in 1 day :-).

    memang betul tu. Walaupun messy, hati tetap rasa ceria sbb rumah sendiri, hehehe

  7. Ruchiano,
    Pizza dgn cheese meleleh2 memang nampak yummy kan :-)

  8. LG..
    the girls surely hv lots of fun decorating their room... i just love the big windows without the grills mcm kat malaysia.. rasa terpenjara with all the grills...

  9. mak aih...sedap nye pizza nih....huh..meleleh..

  10. Hi LG... I like your room...I pun tak iron bedsheets jugak:D but I like your room because its minimal...bestnya!!

  11. bestnya kak..kalo kat malaysia ni...esp kat shah alam ni..agaknya...standard rege umah yg sebesar umah akak ni..kompem 400K keatas...mana tau kot2 ada rezeki nk smbg study kay ostolia..boleh ke g umah akak?hikhik..

  12. Blu4sky,
    Memang happy sgt2 diaorang dpt their own room, they feel like big girls already :-).
    Rumah2 kat sini memang jarang ada grill except at the doors lah. But all the windows ada fly screens utk elak all the insects masuk when we open the windows.

    Cheese meleleh2 kat pizza, terus kita pun meleleh2 air liur kan :-)

    Hehehe...we all memang minimalist in every room :-). Tak sanggup tengok bila banyak sgt benda ni :-).

    rumah sekarang memang makin lama makin mahal kan, sama lah kat sini pun. Tu yg memang kena betul2 budget income bila dah beli rumah ni kan.
    Boleh aje nak gi rumah I :-).

  13. Salam,
    dah lama tak leave comment kat comment box akak. saya jd silnet reader jap...hehehe..

    Tahniah kak dah dapat penuhi impian yang sekian lama terpendam, seronok tgk akak dok packing barang n kemas barang.. tapi saya jadi penat bila memikirkan kalau saya jadi cam akak t bila sampai masa tok moving2...

  14. uh uh.... wahhh tingkap best..terang kan...

    tempat letak baju yang mcm Ms 11 tu lah yang i sibuk nak beli kat ikea tu... tapi tak terbeli2 lagi..

    dah tengok semua entry..wahhh cosy lah rumah u dear... niceeee...

    roses pun cantik..

    nanti kalau i nak pi umah u boleh tak? errr bila tu??? ha ha ha...

  15. Bestnya all the rooms ada wide windows. Once again, selamat masuk rumah baru!!!!

  16. Akira,
    Salam. Thanks lah sbb still sudi lagi baca blog I ni :-).
    We all pun dulu 'takut' nak move sbb tau mcm mana lah akan jadi penatnya bila moving ni but bila dah beli rumah, nak tak nak, terpaksalah pindah, hehehe

    I baru terperasan yg rumah2 kat M'sia kebanyakan nya ada tingkap yg tak luas kan. Rumah2 kat sini, tingkap memang mostly besar setaman, hehehe...
    Drawer baju tu memang pun we all beli kat IKEA u! Hahahaha

    Most houses here memang tingkap besar2 so bila siang, memang terang benderang :-).

  17. kalau kita berjiran, bleh mintak tlg zack sebab umah ni pun zack yang cat kan..kat dalam umah ni ada 7 jenis warna cat..hehheheh

  18. Yes.. u memang kena cat baru la rumah U ni..

    Kasi tambah seri.

  19. sedap nye pizza! :D

    suka tgk tingkap besar. kat malaysia jgn harap buat gitu, ade je yg memanjat masuk kang

  20. LG...happy new home!! looking at those shots makes me missing my home so much...

  21. well done! the new house looks kemaser now..hehe. miss to 'cuci my mata' looking at ur food photo..yum2

  22. Kak,
    nak request la...
    kalau tak keberatan & free..
    eheheh ,
    akak tunjukkan step by step cara buat pizza for orang yg tak pernah langsung buat pizza macam saya ni.
    teringin ,tapi takot tak jadi sebab tak confident nak buah DOH die.. ;-)

  23. salam k.min...

    bestnya alya n zahra ada their own room kan.umah ayu ada 3 bilik sementara faris kecik lg ni t'paksala share bilik dgn ainnur.situ gakle mak ayu akn tido klu dia dtg umah ayu coz 1 lg bilik ayu jadikan bilik keje/stor ayu utk sementara waktu.

    la ni ayu tgh dok usha bookshelf utk letak kat corner living room,nak letak all my novel yg b'kotak2 tu.huhu....ayu ni ckp mcm esok lusa je nak pindah.pdhal urusan tak settle lg tu.uuwwaaa....

  24. Jaja,
    En. Zack tu ada share dgn kilang cat ke? Sampai 7 kaler dia guna, ala2 rainbow lah ye, hehehhe ;-)

    Kak Azie,
    Yang susahnya, hubby I jenis suka kaler cream or white aje sbb dia kata lagi nampak bright macam ni :-).
    I nak mengecat sendiri, memang tak kan buat lah, hehehe

    Madam Sooyaree,
    Tu lah kan, kalau buat tingkap besar2 kat M'sia, memang kena buat grill pun besar2 or alarm system besar2, baru lah takde sape yg memanjat masuk :-).

    Memang rasa seronok kan bila duduk rumah sendiri ni. Nanti lah, tak lama you merantau, bila dah balik nanti, bolehlah ambik gamabr ruamh puas2 :-).

    Hahaha....I think my house will never be fully kemas. But definitle much kemaser than when we first moved here kan :-).

    I ada recipe pizza doh yang sangat2 sempoi. I think I ada letak kat under shortcut 'recipes', Cuba cari ye.

    Salam. Memang seronok diaorang bila dah ada bilik sendiri ni sbb 5 tahun diaorang share bilik.
    I lah sekarang takde bilik kerja/sewing/photo room sebab dah bagi ke Zahra, hehehe. Tu yg still tak set up lightbox tu lagi sbb takde tempat nak letak. Sian kat I kan, hehehe

  25. LG,

    pheww! selamat berpindah & finally dah abis kemas umah baru ye, kak. and your roses suma sgt gorgeous!
    lain2 seeds itu hari beli dah in the ground ke? nanti jgn lupa upload picture sayur2an plak ok ;)

