Thursday, 22 July 2010

Kenangan bersekolah

Hari ni The Little Misses brought home their class photos that were taken a while back. Kat sini, every year ada class photos and you can choose to buy the package provided. Sama ada tak nak beli, or nak beli gambar kelas aje, or nak beli gambar kelas and all the students’ photos taken individually or beli gambar kelas+all students+gambar our kid in different sizes. We all pun ambik lah the last package for both of them. Miss 11 sebab this is her last year at primary school, so adalah memento of her friends. And bila dah ambik the full package for Miss 11, Miss 6 pun kena lah bagi sama kan :-).

Ini gambar their classmates and them.

100630 School Photo Alya 1-1

Miss 11 and her classmates. Yang pakai baju biru gelap tu semua in the same year as her, Year 7. Itu baju ‘leavers’ diaorang. Every student in their final year of school will have a t-shirt with their names in the back and the year they leave school in the front (I think kat semua sekolah buat macam ni.). Yang pakai uniform sekolah tu pulak in Year 6. She’s the smallest in her class, memang jauh beza betul dengan budak2 yg lain, hehehe. Kalau kena beratur from paling pendek to paling tinggi, dia memang yang kat depan sekali lah (sama macam Mummy dia masa kat sekolah dulu, muahahahaha).

Her class is a mixed class, Year 6 & 7 class. Diaorang belajar syllabus berbeza even though they are in the same class, kesian jugak kat cikgu dia kan :-). But it worked really well.

100630 School Photo Zahra 1-1

Miss 6 and her classmates. Macam kelas kat negara Asia aje kan sebab her classmates ni majority Asians, hehehehe. Miss 6 pulak has 2 teachers, sorang ajar on Monday and Tuesday and sorang lagi ajar on Wednesday-Friday. But they communicate with each other so well so if anything happens, both teachers will know about it lah.

And ini pulak gambar The Little Misses individually :-)

100630 School Photo Zahra 3-1   100630 School Photo Alya 3-1

Masa ambik gambar ni, they were asked to smile showing their teeth, hehehehe.Nasib baik lah tak menyeringai dua2 :-). Dalam gambar ni, their hair is so reddish brown, mesti dah di photoshopped kan! hahahahaha…

And ini pulak our sempoi dinner tonite sebab I tak tau nak masak apa dah.



Mee goreng dengan chicken nuggets. Sempoi kan! :-)


  1. The class photos are so sweet! buat kenangan seumur hidup. selain dari transition from mummy to mum, hal nak meninggalkan primary school ni pun sayu jugak kan.
    sempoi pun tetap mengancam jugak mi itu, hehe

  2. Dinas,
    macam our class photos dulu2 lah kan, buat kenangan sampai sekarang, hehehe :-)

  3. rindu lah to ur girls..they are so cute!! i wish i ade adik2 perempuan like them..i xde adik perempuan..all boys and sume ganas2..haha..

  4. miss 6's smile is soooo-cut-copy-and-paste ur the-other-half.

    and miss 11's yours!

    comel jeee

  5. comelnya zahra n alya hehee leh tengok bila dah tua2 nanti kan lg

  6. Miss 6 is so cute! dengan rambut curly dia tu...

  7. hehehe..
    cute je both misses..


  8. ala,cute nye bdk2 ni.tu la,masa sekolah plg best pun tp seksa byk homework je.

  9. morning kak min :-)

    kalau kita kat sekolah dulu, cikgu dok tengah, kat sekolah ur little misses kak, cikgu dok tepi...hehhhe.

    nampak mcm cikgu takut all the students jer...hihihihi...

    miss 11 paling kecik but miss 6 paling happy...senyum lebor aje...hahahah

  10. huhuhu...anak2 u mmg cute miut...that why lah I addicted to read your blog everyday.....anyway I wish them will successfull in their whole life....cuma nak tnye cikit Is it Australia is not Asian?....

  11. cute!

    my kids punya dah siap, tapi gambar kelas je lahh..
    Betul..budak2 year 6 skang ni besar2 macam mak2 org..lagi besar dari kita haha..

  12. tak tahan lah tengok anak dara kak lemon nih! comeyla sangat kak oii...

  13. Ms. 11 tu ada iras2 muka u tapi version putih..ha ha ..sorry... (mind u, my skin pun gelap jugak...)

    kalau communication tu bagus, satu kelas ada 2 cikgu pun tak per...

  14. 2 years in 1 class, i wonder how that works out... tapi kelas dia orang tak 40 students/teacher macam kat sini kan

  15. cute nye zahra ngan alya nih...sedap nye mee kicap nih...mee nih akaka buat sendiri ke..sebab saya bila dtg time rajin buat gak mee kuning amat lah jarang nye buat sendiri...hahaha

  16. penat mengecikkan mata cari Miss 11. rupanya kecik je orgnya dok hujung skali. hehe

  17. Farah,
    Kalau you ada adik perempuan, boleh lah dress them up with girly stuff kan, hehehe :-)

    Nasib baik ada jugak iras2 senyum I kan ;-)

    macam gabar sekolah kita dolu2 lah kan. Nak tergelak I kdg2 tengok gambar sekolah dgn fashion rambut dulu2, hahaha

    Nasib baik pagi hari ambik gamabr tu, her curls behaved a bit tak serabai mcm afro, hehehe

    thanks :-)

    sekolah kat sini sgt2 best sbb takde banyak homework mcm I dulu masa kecik2 sekolah kat M'sia.

    Cikgu kat sini tak larat nak duk sebelah2 rapat2 dgn anak murid dia, hahaha...
    Miss 6 nampak mcm suka giler dia pergi sekolah kan! :-D

    I think Australia ni dlm group Oceania kot, not under Asian countries kan. My kid pulak sorang Asian and sorang OZ, hehehe

    I pun slalu ambik gamabr kelas aje tp sbb tahun ni final year dia, tu yg ambik gambar sorang2 :-).
    Kawan2 yr 7 my kid tu, semua lagi tinggi dari I, hahaha

    uish, terima kasih lah ye ckp macam tu, hehehehe :-)

    Kiranya kan kat rumah we all ni, I paling gelap, pastu Miss 11 , pastu Miss 6, pastu Daddy dia, hahahahaha.....

    they have the same timetables like same time for maths, english, science and what not. Tapi the Yr 6 will do Yr 6 maths and the Yr 7 will do Yr 7 maths. Tapi tak banyak sgt beza pun, hehehe. I think kat sini max is 30 students/class kot.

  18. Meriahceria,
    Dulu I pernah buat mee kuning sendiri tp leceh giler I rasa, macma tak berbaloi berjam2 pastu tak jadi sedap, hahaha. Pastu, skrng ni beli aje lagi senang :-).

    hahahaha... we all senang aje nak cari Miss 11 tu, cari budak yg paling kecik dlm kelas tu, itulah dia :-)

  19. They are cute.

    Mee goreng je? Ahha! now I know you love to eat chili jeruk. Saya pun suka bila makan dgn Kuew Tiaw Goreng.
    Oh! yummy. Almost lunch hour now, my stomach rumbling grrrrrr while loking at the mee goreng.

  20. Kecil nya miss 11 dalam gambar ni, Oops sorry miss 11 hehehe terlepas pulak.

    Ohhh miss 6 so cute here.

  21. comel2 anak dara you...
    sorang rupa Asia..sorang rupa omputih.. hehehe

    sempoi2 pun..looks good tau..!

    *kita suka nugget

  22. alahai tetiba teringat my school time.

  23. class foto tu ln sket dr kita kn..cikgu xduduk depan mcm looks gud jugak..

  24. My girl is having her studies in Oz and could never ends telling the sweet time she had going for school visits.Hope she brings along with her those traits of Aussie trs when she comes back - work wise I mean.

  25. Gambar2 mcm ni always buat I feel sad, anak2 dah makin besar, then kita dah makin tua, bila dah ada somebody else in their life, I harap diorang tak lupa kita and treat kita lovingly mcm kita love diorang...huk huk huk

  26. Gambar2 mcm ni always buat I feel sad, anak2 dah makin besar, then kita dah makin tua, bila dah ada somebody else in their life, I harap diorang tak lupa kita and treat kita lovingly mcm kita love diorang...huk huk huk

  27. melatie,
    I makan nasi for lunch yesterday, tu yg dinner tak larat nak makan berat2, hehehe...

    memang she's the smallest, the shortest in her class, kesian dia tau, hehehehe...

    nugget tu makanan asasi we all bila I malas masak, hahaha.
    Anak2 I tu memang lain sikit rupa, sorang pan asian sorang lagi arab :-)!

    I pun teringat masa ambik gambar dolu2, muka seposen aje, hahaha

    I pun tak tau kenapa cikgu kat sini tak duk depan mcm kat M'sia, memang semua akan berdiri kat tepi :-).

    My kid pun hari tu ada student teacher dtg buat practical kat school dia. Tapi memang lain lah system kat sini dgn m'sia. I think cikgu kat sini tak se stressed cikgu kat M'sia :-).

    hehehe...every year bila tengok their school photos, nampak muka diaorang makin dewasa kan! :-)

  28. miss11 wasnt the smallest one, but the cutest one too :)
    my other half suka sangat tengok miss6 and i was told one day "nanti kalau u pregnant, u tengoklah gambar miss6 selalu, mana tau baby nanti comel macam dia.."
    adoiyaiii.. tersedak dengar.. hahaha

  29. Kenangan yang tak akan berulang kan kan zaman persekolahan ni... BEst sangat..
    Tengok gambar kelas Miss 11 & 6 tu macam2 color ada, kalau kat Msia kita boleh kata "1 Malaysia". Tapi dah dia org kat Ozi, kita pangil "1 Australia" lak.. hehehhee..
    Ngarut je i ni kan....

  30. Nana,
    aduhai your hubby, gelak I dengar sbb dia dah betul2 terpikat tengok muka Miss 6, hehehe.
    But manalah tau kan, boleh 'kenan' klu tengok hari2 masa pregnant nanti ;-).

    kat sini memang ramai sgt orang from around the world so tu yg memang segala macam kaler ada, hehehe....
