Wednesday, 21 July 2010

From Mummy to Mum

I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way but I do. What am I feeling? A mixed emotion of sadness and happiness I guess. Sad sebab I know it’s a small step to being independent and an adult. Happy sebab my kid is getting older :-) (which means, so am I! hehehehe).

We are talking about Miss 11 here. Her transition from calling me Mummy to Mum and calling The Other Half Daddy to Dad. She’s been trying it for ages now but I resisted her attempt. Setiap kali dia panggil I Mum, I akan buat2 tak dengar aje, hikhikhik. But The Other Half tak kisah sebab for Mat Saleh, it’s a part of growing up. It’s their way to change from calling their parents Mummy and Daddy to Mum and Dad when they are in upper primary lebih kurang. I guess for them, only kids/babies/toddlers use the term Mummy and Daddy. Once they are in high school and become adults, memang lah takde sorang pun yang still panggil Mummy & Daddy ni, hehehe. Unlike kat M’sia kan, where you still call your parents Mummy and Daddy (for people yang guna this terms) sampai bila2 :-). I know a few people yang sampai dah beranak pinak pun still call their parents Mummy and Daddy. I guess it’s up to the individuals lah kan with what they are comfortable with.

Anyway….For the past few days, Miss 11 memang dah hari2 akan panggil I Mum and I think I can’t ignore her anymore or buat2 tak dengar kan :-). I guess it’s her way of showing that she’s not a kid anymore so I guess I have to resign myself to accept the inevitable, being called Mum by Miss 11 from now on. I find it a bit awkward too when I hear the word Mum sebab macam dia panggil orang lain aje and not me. Apalah I ni kan, hikhikhik. The Other Half relaxed aje bila Miss 11 panggil dia Dad instead of Daddy sebab dia kata dia lagi suka kena panggil Dad. Ye lah, dia Mat Saleh, I ni Jawa, tu yang lain! :-D

I can still remember how she used to call me Mama, sebab masa dia baby dulu, dia tak boleh sebut Mummy. Even though, hari2 I bahasakan diri I Mummy, she still called me Mama (masa tu kat M’sia kan so lidah Jawa dia tebal lagi lah, muahahaha). Until one day, out of the blue, I heard, “Mummy! Mummy!” coming out of her mouth. Masa tu, my otak still tak compute lagi yang she said Mummy instead of Mama. But then it clicked and I was so shocked but so excited at the same time, hehehehe. I was like, “did I hear Mummy?” Terus rasa nak menari nari masa tu, hahahaha.

But now….sob sob sob…….. I am a Mum instead of a Mummy :-(. As long as she doesn’t shorten it anymore, I’m happy. Mana lah tau kan, dia dah rasa tak best nak panggil I Mum, dia shorten it to M aje ke, hahahaha…… But luckily Miss 6 masih lagi suka panggil I Mummy so lega lah sikit, hikhikhikhik….

I wonder when will Miss 6 start calling me Mum? :-D

And now sebelum I terlupa lagi, our dinner tonite, fries with meatballs in a mixed up sauce with garlic bread and greens. I ingat nak buat alfredo pasta makan dengan meatballs. Meatballs tu I dah lama buat, tinggal reheat aje. But kat rumah ni, kureng sikit lah dengan alfredo sauce ni. So, tu yang I tambah sikit tomato paste and mushroom and capsicum into the Leggo’s alfredo pasta sauce. Tu yang kaler dia jadi pinkish orangey sikit, hehehehe.



Ada yang terliur tengok meatballs I ni? ;-)


  1. salam kak min, camane nak buat meatball sauce ni? tolong ajar~ hehe

  2. saya terliur tgk kuah yg kaler oren tu..ngeee

  3. rasa sayu pulak. i plak dari kecik panggil my mum 'mama' but for the past 8 years tukar panggil 'mak' pulak. kadang2 terkeluar jugak 'mama' tu tapi masa takda orang lain, kehkeh! yalah macam u cakap, it's up to the individuals, what they're most comfortable with. kalau ikut cara Oz tu, lambat bebenor la i grow up, kahkahkah! sabor jelah.

  4. k.min,

    mum sounds so grown up! i wonder will iman and iffah panggil I ma, instead of mama.. sob sob..

    untuk menghilangkan kesedihan i, boleh tak bagi meatball tu sikit?? meleleh2 air liur i tengok..

  5. Mrs. Rahman,
    I cheated tadi. I guna Leggo's Alfredo pasta sauce yang dalam bottle tu. I masukkan dalam periuk, campurkan sliced mushroom and campsicum and 1 sudu kecik tomato paste, masak guna api kecik. Kacau sampai veges tu masak. Kalau kuah dia pekat sikit tambah susu/air untuk bagi cair sikit. Pastu tambah gula or garam or pepper bagi lagi sedap :-).

    hehehe...kuah dia tu, rasanya kalau nakmakan dgn pasta mcm tu aje pun sedap :-).

    Memang sayu you,hehehe. you ni kira masih kanak2 dewasa lagi lah ye kalau ikut Mat saleh, hikhikhik..

    Tu yang I sedih nya sbb she's growing up and I can't stop it :-(.
    I think maybe kat M'sia lain sikit kot, people still use the same terms of endearments until they are big kan :-).
    You kan rajin pergi IKEA, pergi aje makan meatballs kat situ, hehehe

  6. Salam....Min...sedih ya....tak pa...maknanya tetap sama....dan kasih mereka tak berubah....teringat anak sedara Akak yang panggil arwah kakak Akak one point minta tukar panggilan Mama ke Mak ..atas alasan seganlah Mama macam anak manja jer bunyinya....anak2 Akak...masih lagi panggil times terkeluar jugak Ma aje...macam yang Min cakap..last2 tinggal M jer...takut pulak Akak kalau jadi cam tu kan!!! Dinner tetap menggoda!

  7. Kak Watie,
    Sedih lah jugak sbb dah makin 'jauh' dia dari kita, tak masa mcm diaorang babies dulu2, hehehe..
    kalau dia start panggil I M, memanglah akan kena cubit dgn I! hikhikhik

  8. salam puan,

    hehe, how i missed those transition moments. i cheated by making the boys call me waled after they feel the term daddy is no longer 'appropriate'. konon2 nak tepis the fact dorang dah meningkat dewasa, tak berkesan kot.

    btw meatballs tu, yum yum.

  9. Kak LG,
    i x penah tau pulak, teenagers di sana akan singkatkan panggilan ke atas parents dorg. but i know how do u feel. ye la, to me, 'mummy' sounds nicer kan n lbh mesra gitu. tp xpe la, as long as dia sygkn u and hormati u, tu dh cukup. mum or mummy, itu cuma panggilan saja kan?

    by the way, what's your kids name? i dh byk kali nak tanya...

  10. saya terliur...adoyaiiiii
    bak sketttt post to doha

  11. Noir,
    Maybe I should follow you lah. I'll ask her to call me Umi (ada ala2 Mummy jugak kan, hehehe) but I don't think it will go down well with them :-).
    btw, I can't seem to link your blog. Your updates don't come up on my blog list. I'm not sure how to rectify it.

    Mrs Rainbow,
    kat sini, semua teenagers panggil Mums and Dads, kalau ada yg panggil Mummy n Daddy tu, mostly Asians kot :-). I guess rasa mcm kebudak2an kot klu panggil Mummy n Daddy, hehehe.
    Miss 11 is Alya and Miss 6 is Zahra. Simple aje nama diaorang :-).

    Kat Doha takde IKEA ye? hehehe. Kalau tak, boleh you pergi kan sbb sure halal kat situ :-)

  12. Anak yang nak beralih umur ke remaja memang macam tu, anak sulong I Aishah tahun ni 15, very moody kejap Ok kejap merajuk and mcm2 lah..... kdg2 tu tak tahan jugak tp bila pikir dia nk periksa pmr tahun ni kena sabar....LG tunggu pulak fasa bila dia interested dgn boys...jenuh explainlah baik dan buruknya....anyway jgnlah ambik hati sgt dgn anak U tu, as long dia masih dengar cakap dan sayang mum will be ok..

  13. salam LG,
    your miss 11 call you from mummy to 4yrs old girl kekadang call me as "me" instead of mummy..nasib baik tak jadi mee maggie :D

  14. Menantu kak Zai pula kadang2 panggil mum kadang2 panggil nama aje,terkejut juga masa mula2 tu.

  15. Sayu pulak rase bile bace entry ni kak min..mesti kak min rase macam dah ade a bit gap between u and her..I believe the way she loves u will never never change..

    my son still kecik lagi..and he doesn't even called me IBU yet..tengah train die menyebut IBU..

  16. Hanizatul,
    tu yg my hubby cakap, he's so not looking forward to when the girls reach their teenage years sbb dia kata sure banyak perang besar akan berlaku, hehehehe....
    Memang hari2 akan pening kepala kan :-)

    anak you nak cepat tu, tu yg dia panggil me aje, hehehe

    Kak Zai,
    mat saleh memang biasalah. diaorang tak kan panggil Mum or Dad kat in laws. Selalunya panggil nama aje.

    tu lah yg sayu nya.Sebab the bigger/older they get, memang rasa ada gap lah kan sbb tak boleh nak letak diaorang bawah ketiak kita lagi, heheheh....

  17. Alya & Zahra...sdap la nama tu...
    ohhh...baru saya tau pggilan utk parents akan bertukar, emm...kt malaysia ni pggil la mak or mama or mummy smpai tua pun takpe...hehehe..

  18. oh gitu ye kak LG. Muffy dah panggil i mum dari kecik lagi,sebabnye my hubby always refer me as mum bila dia cakap pasal i kat Muffy. Lebih kurang bila time ngada-ngada panggil mummy, time2 serious panggil mum..haha.

  19. yes, malaysians are like ross (of friends), umur dah 30+ masih panggil mak mummy, hihihi

  20. oh..certain people bila panggil short mcm tu maybe they feel lagi mesra kan..!..oh I wish my daughter could call me dah x boleh la kan sebab she did call me Ommi already..kih2..btw..dinner tu boleh dipertimbangan untuk I jamah kat rumah i lak mlm nnt..:p

  21. Salam kak min...

    terharu lak baca entry ni...miss 11 dah membesar...pasti ada perubahan dari semua faktor :-)

    ara panggil "mak" dari kecik sampai tua ni...

  22. Mama to mummy, mummy to mum and mum to >>>>>>>>>>> tetiba surprise she call u "MAK". Cam na.. anda setuju? anda kecewa? or anda ....?????. Sila jawap.. hahahahaha..

  23. I still call my mum .. Mami and si hairi still call me Mama.. depan orang dia short form kan si Mama .. jadi Maaaaaaaaaaa hahahah..

    Anyway nanti if umur dia macam si Hairi lagi sedih cos they dont need u as much as when they are younger.. nanti rasa macam u tak important gitu eventho they will still come to u for pendapat.. entah lah maybe its just kita punya perasaan :o(

  24. mcm i ni tak ada siapa pun panggil i mum,mummy, mama, emak, umi or ibu or apa2.. lagilah teruk....

  25. LG

    I disagreed Miss 11 call you Mum. MUMMY/MAMA is very controlled word which they cannot shorted it for their own convenient. My own mother faced the same problem. I faced the same problem. I talked to them. So far so good, they still call me MAMA.

    So, talk to her lor...

  26. LG,

    Miss 11 tuh baca blog nih x?

  27. LG

    Yesterday, my elder son came back for short semester break. So this Sunday, 5 of us will be having lunch at Markethall Resto. Ikea. For sure we will have Sweedish Meatball + Cranberry Sauce, Gravard Lax, Poach Salmon..Yummy..

    Dinner may be at Marche, cross over the road.

    Sebelum makan I doakan you dapat makan kat situ bila balik Msia nanti.

  28. takpelah..dia panggil mummy ke..mum ke..asal dia masih ingat you mak yg lahirkan dia udahhh..!

    ish..mmg terliur ni..
    tolong buat brg semangkuk dua.. pos kat I di Cheras ni ye...

    nak yg panas2 pleaseee..!! (muahahah)

  29. Cute ye nama anak akak, Alya and Zahra. Fuh, kuah orennya sunggun menarik dan tertawan hati melihat nye..pos express kak, sampai kuala selangor...ewah ewah....hari2 saya mesti dtg umah salam dua benua nak tgk akak masak apa...seronok tgk

  30. LG,
    Nasib baik 'Mom' and not 'Mother'...which to me sounds even colder.My hubby calls his mom 'Mother' and his late dad 'Trev'...which lagi sadist..and his dad name is not even Trev by the way!!I tanya dia how that name come about and he told me it's from a TV series in the 70's yang popular kat NZ.Kesiankan his dad tak merasa langsung panggilan 'dad' or even 'father' for me,when I am talking to my MIL,I tak pernah guna apa-apa panggilan sebab I rasa kekok nak panggil dia with her name as to me(sebab I asian)it's like kurang ajar calling someone older and somemore pangkat ibu with their name saja.I also segan lah nak panggil dia 'mother' sebab dia tak pernah cakap I can call her that.I dah kahwin dengan anak dia lebih 13tahun and my son pun dah nak masuk 12.Your meatballs sebijik macam IKEA punya...rasa sama tak?

  31. Julie,
    we like the names too ;-). Senang Mat Saleh nak pronounce, hikhikhik..
    Probably 99% Mat Saleh ni tukar panggil parents ke Mum n Dad aje bila dah besar.

    Hehehehe...Tu yg Alya nak panggil I Mum tu sbb dia tak nak kena gelak dgn kawan2 dia n kena cop mengada2 n manja ;-)

    memang betul tu, very good example, hahaha.

    Your daughter boleh tukar jadi Mi bila dia dah besar nanti, singkat fr Ommi, hikhikhik

    salam. I pun panggil Mak dr kecik sampai ke tua, tak boleh nak kasi pendek lagi dah, hehehe

    kalau dia panggil I Mak, terkejut besar I sbb I rasa lidah dia akan terpanggil I Mack, hahahah

    You kan Asian, tu yg still panggil Mami, hikhikhik ;-P.
    But like you said, memang sayu aje bila diaorang makin 'renggang' from us. Not because they don't love us anymore but because they have other people in their lives kan :-).

    itu lagi sayu but maybe ada hikmah nya?

    I guess the culture here memang akan shorten it to Mum, tu yang dia buat. Not because she disrespects me but because she thinks she's reached the age where she can call me Mum. My hubby did that too, changed it from Mummy to Mum with his own Mum.
    She'll definitely get teased by her friends if she still calls Mummy. As long as she still loves me no less, I'll get used to it I guess :-).
    How's your IKEA meatballs?

    hehehehe.. berjaya jugak misi I ;-)

    ada, kadang2. And dia akan tanya I if I still feel sad nanti :-).

    tu lah kan, as long as it means the same and dia stll sayang I, ok lah tu :-).
    Sudah habislah meatballs itu, hehehe

    short n sweet aje nama diaorang, maleh I nak bagi panjang2. Mat Saleh bukan tau sebut, hahaha.
    Kalau kat K.Selangor tu ada IKEA, malam ni jugak you pergi ye! hehehe

    Ha'ah kan. I think Mother is so formal and upper class kot. When did your hubby start panggil his late Dad Trev? That's a bit funny, hehehe.
    I pun kdg2 segan silu nak panggil my MIL Mum but luckily we married young so I memang terus panggil diaorang Mum n Dad. But skrng ni, bila dah makin tua, diaorang pun rasa janggal bila I panggil diaorang Mum n Dad, hikhikhik...

  32. i baru tau.. heheh mmg la true blue msian..

    anyway... anak yg 9th years old pon dah start panggil Mi.. (shorten from Ummi), mmg mcm maggie mee... Papa dia pon slalu dia panggil Pa jer la ni... nanti karang ada org igt dia panggil Mustapa laks.. hahaha
