Sunday 9 May 2010

Jelly fish, lamb and Lindt

We had another busy day today for Mother’s Day.

As you would have known, The Little Misses cooked me pancakes for breakfast before kelam kabut pergi Sunday school this morning. While they were at Sunday school, The Other Half and I pergi Bunnings cari a really good light globe for my ‘new’ light box. Excited giler nak cari light globes tadi, hehehe. Nasib baik lah Bunnings tu bukak on Sunday, kalau tak, sure I dah nangis sebab tak dapat guna my light box kan :-). After pergi Bunnings, The Other Half and I went for a walk along the river berdua duaan you, hikhikhik….. Pastu, bila dah malas jalan, duk melangut borak2 tepi sungai sambil cuba2 ambil gambar the many jellyfish living in the river.

We got some nice photos of a big jellyfish. And then tadi saje2 lah I pergi edit it on Picasa, terus jadi gorgeous gitu! (Well, untuk we all cantik sgt2 lah even though it’s not that refined :-)).

Ini the unedited version, I think I cuma crop it a bit kot.. I cuma ambik guna a point-n-shoot camera aje tadi, that’s why it’s a bit grainy.


Ini pulak after dah di godek2 kat Picasa, terus jadi macam rupa alien from outer space or this really eerie looking creature form the deep sea kan :-D.


Lain betul kan rupa dia after being Picasa’ed, hahahaha….

Balik from Sunday school, sambung busy marinating the lamb for dinner and buat some bread for dinner. And then bila dah siap the preps for the BBQ, sambung pulak buat the light box yang tak siap sepenuhnya lagi tu. The Other Half pun menggodek2 the lamp to find the nicest and the brightest angle for me.

Proudly presenting my mini ‘studio’ in a small corner of the sewing+gym+library+toy+ironing room, hikhikhik…..


Nak buat studio besar2an, tak mampu and tak pro lagi so buatlah kecil2an dulu just for my food kan ;-).

Sempena Mother’s Day, we had BBQ rack of lamb, lamb chops, turkish-type bread and mandarin cos salad. Obviously, The Other Half lah tukang BBQ but I did all the preps and the bread (but he cooked the bread in the Barbie) and the salad.

It was a really wonderful Mother’s Day dinner for everyone. You should see Miss 6 and The Other Half melantak the lamb, kus semangat you!!!! Muahahahahahaha….

Our honey mustard lamb rack…


Our dinner tonite (ini my plate :-))


And we finished it off with a few of this…


This is definitely the best Lindt so far….yummmmmm……..

All in all, I had a really wonderful Mother’s Day dinner. How did yours go? :-D

(by the way, all the food photos were taken in the light box. Ada beza tak you rasa?)


  1. kak min..sedapnya tgk lamb tu...jeles tul..jaja just dapat makan ayam panggang je..hehhehehappy mother's day to u...

  2. Jaja'Z, Sekali sekala makan lamb ni memang sedap kan tp I lagi suka chicken dr lamb, hehehe...

  3. baru tengok gambar, belum bc statement ada beza ke tak tu, akak dah nmpak d perbezaan!!! nmpak sharp gambar tu!! bagus la idea light box ni!! jelly fish tu nmpak so pro lepas di picasa kan!! good job dear!!!

  4. lamb tu sunggub menggiurkan!! ari ni masterchef pun masak goat..kak LG tgk masterchef tak??

  5. Kak Ain,
    I rasa light box ni kan memang boleh tolong sgt2 bila lighting tak betul like at night time. kalau during day time, I rasa guna natural lighting lagi bagus lah kot kan :-)

    I kan sentiasa terlupa nak tengok Master chef ni, sebab memang jarang tengok TV. Bila tersedar, mesti dah nak abis, hahahaha...

  6. dulu tak makan lamb tapi lepas kena trained dgn my ex. terus suker....

  7. wah.. the jellyfish pic turned out great! macam kena magic wand! i got to try picasa after this!

    about the pics with light box, i think the are a little too bright, macam silau sikit, making your food looks pale. maybe you can reduce the light for a bit? anyway, i'm not a photographer, just my humble opinion ^_^

  8. Nenekpenne,
    My hubby grew up surrounded by sheep and hari2 rasanya dok makan lamb aje so tu yg we all pun terikut2 sama lah, hehehehe

    I pun rasa mcm too bright aje sbb sebelum2 ni I dah biasa with my photos a bit less bright. Memang I kena play around lah with the camera settings and the light lagi kan :-)

  9. Kak Zai suka sangat dengan lamb tapi tak boleh makan selalu takut b/p naik.

  10. salam min..happy mothers day to romantic sungguh berdua2an ditepi sunagi..berbaloi sambut mothers day kan..sedapnya dinner you tu especially kambing tu.. gambar jelly fish sungguh cantik..

  11. LG..macam i yang pakai camera cikai, memang perlu juga lah mini studio tu, selalu kan kena ambik gambar waktu siang dan kena cari kws yang sesuai...ada juga yg tanya tau, cik mat ada studio ek...hahaha, i jawab..adaaaa (studio i, tepi tingkap, sebelah sinki!!!)..

  12. hepy mother's day.. cantik pic tu bila guna light box, nmpk beza dr pic sblm ni.. sgt kreatif.. suka sgt!!thumbs up \(^_^)/

    keep it up!!

  13. kak min: hari ni jaja try amik gambo my lunch ..konon2 nak buat ala2 macam gambo kak min..alih2 turn to be nampak makin tak sedap je masakan tu...

  14. wahhh kat sana ada ubur2 yea di sungai..menarik nyee..

    kak min, aritu sy mimpi jumpa akak bukan pat Perth tau..kat pun siap p rumah akak n borak2 lg.wahahah

  15. wow..marbeles photo.i ad abuat tp bab lighting fail pasal takde tiang utk masukkan lampu lam tent tuh.bgus idea u tuh.u pakai tripod utk suluh ke?

  16. LG,

    Gorgeous photos! Memang berbaloi buat light box tuh :D

    * Happy Mother's Day to you.

  17. hai kak LG..

    rasanya kan.. kalu guna light box, lagi cantik kalu pada food tu ada deco (cth mcm yg chef dok calit sos keliling pinggan tu) nmpak colorful sket. sb gambar dinner plate kak LG tu lebih nmpak meriah if compared dgn yg lamb rack seketul tu..

    btw..happy mothers day to you..
    saya slalu baca blog ni..even dah link pun ke blog saya..sbb tak nk miss cerita terbaru..hehe

  18. Waaaa.... Cantiknya....
    Nice pics ! :-)

  19. waaah, makin cantik² lah gambar kat sini lepas ni... :) happy (belated) mother's day

  20. like those pictures so much.
    good job

  21. Wah..hebat betul lah mini studio you tu. kali satu hari nanti buat lah studio yang besar sikit :D. Eh..jealous lah.

  22. alahai ...kecur air liur tgk lamb tu..gambar tu jadi lagi cantik, clear n marvelous..

  23. Salam LG,
    Selamat Hari Ibu...

  24. Kak Zai,
    I ni pun perasan masih muda tu yg makan lamb berkeping2, hehehe ;-)

    Auntie Meriam,
    Seronok jugak bila sekali sekala berdua aje ni kan, teringat kenangan lama, hahahaha

    tu lah yg I buat mini studio ni sebab lighting kat rumah ni memang hampeh betul. Kalau nak ambik gambar food, memang kena cari tempat yg strategik kan! Caya lah you, studio tepi sinki, muahaha

    Miss Layaleya,
    I terpaksa buat light box tu sebab lighting sekarang sgt lah tak bagus nya. Tapi best jugak ada benda ni sebab boleh I terperasan jadi pro, hahahaha

    Nasib baik skrg ni semua digital kan! nak ambik gamabr 100 kali pun takpe, hehehe

    semoga mimpi you menjadi kenyataan, amin..... Best weh klu dapat pergi London kan!

    I pakai tripod tu untuk camera tp I ada lamp yg ada long tiang. Pastu I beli lamp yg boleh clamp so I clamp lah kat tiang tu. Tu yg kepala lamp tu boleh masuk tent :-)

    finally dapat gak all my food cahaya lampu yg best kan, hahahaha
    Thanks for the wish :-)

    thanks ye sbb sudi singgah and baca my blog ni :-).
    I ingat konon2 nya nak drizzle olive oil kat atas pinggan tu so nampak cantik sikit, tp sifat malas lagi tinggi, wehehehe....

    thanks :-)

  25. KOG,
    InsyaAllah, kalau I rajin ambik gambar dlm box tu, hehehe
    Thanks for the wish ye :-)

    thank you :-)

    Jom lah buat jugak. It's not that difficult tau, hehehe. I think cukup lah this size aje my studio ni :-)

    thanks :-)

    nampak sgt juicy and tender lamb itu kan but dengan burnt bits at the ends ;-)

    Selamat hari ibu utk you jugak :-)

  26. salam kak LG..
    berkenan saya tengok gambar jellyfish tu. akak ambik gambar jellyfish kat sungai ke? atau bawak balik letak dalam box kat rumah??

  27. Fara,
    hikhikhik... I ambik gambar jelly fish tu dlm sungai. Pastu gambar tu I edit guna Picasa software..
    Tak kuasa my hubby nak menangkap jelly fish tu untuk I, hehehe

  28. I'm in love with your light box too...nak kena buat satu ni .

  29. Yanti,
    best kan light box ni! Jom kita beramai2 buat, hehehe
