Monday, 10 May 2010

Darwin and NAPLAN

Esok pagi2 The Other Half will be flying off again for a few days but this time to Darwin pulaknya. Kena tinggal lagi lah we all bertiga aje, sob sob sob…. Takpe lah kan, dah namanya mencari rezeki so kenalah redha :-).

And esok Miss 11 will start her Year 7 NAPLAN tests for 3 days. It’s a bit annoying sebab kat sini the students and teachers are not too exam-focused (in primary schools) so bila ada tests macam ni, Miss 11 macam buat tak kisah aje. Kita lah yang beria2 kena push her buat extra work and questions. She does some revisions at school with the teachers but tak lah macam kat M’sia yg akan buat revisions months and months in advance kan. I ingat lagi masa I ‘kecik2’ dulu, my Mak and Abah tak bagi tengok TV for a month before any exam. Dah habis semua exams, baru lah  we all dapat kebenaran tengok TV. We’ll start doing that with her once she’s in high school, baru dia tau macam mana Mummy dia kena masa dulu2, hikhikhik.. Pastu NAPLAN ni pulak cuma test English and Maths aje pun, bukannya all subjects, kacang kan! :-D.

Miss 11 ni jenis budak yang can answer questions tapi dia malas nak baca the questions dengan teliti so her answers won’t be to the question that are being asked lah kan. We all ni selalu kena ingatkan dia to read the questions thoroughly, pastu baru lah dia dapat jawab dgn betul! Hish… Tu yang Daddy dia makin botak dari sehari ke sehari, muahahahahahaha….

Oh well, hopefully she can do her best for the next 3 days.

Petang tadi for afternoon tea budak2 ni I cuba masak bahulu kukus. I guna recipe Kak Fida from My Resipi. Ini link recipe dia. Tersangatlah senangnya nak buat and memang menjadi mekar bagai bunga bahulu I tadi! The Little Misses and The Other Half terpesona tengok kuih I tersenyum penuh makna, hahahahahhaha… I buat setengah adunan aje tapi dapat 33 biji saiz mini cupcakes tu. Memang kenyanglah we all makan tadi :-). Thanks ye Kak Fida for a marvellous recipe :-).


And for dinner pulak The Other Half minta pizza sebab dia kata dah lama dia tak makan pizza. And since dia nak terbang esok, I pun buat kan lah as per request.

Ini his pizza sebab dia suka thick and smothered with cheese. My pizza penuh dengan veges and tak banyak cheese (jaga badan kan, hikhikhik)….



  1. LG,

    i nampak pinggan antik tu.. hahaha... gambar ni ambil dlm light box tu ke..nampak mcm lighting studio...

    my boys pun start exam..adik this week n abg nx week.. i pun dah start x bagi tgk tv.. muahhahahaha.....

  2. akak doakan semoga miss 11 can do well in her exam. anak2 akak pun tgh exam sekrg ni. kita yg kat umah jd dok berdebar2 pulak.

    psst....mekar betul apam min!!! tergoda akak!!!

  3. blu4sky,
    sekarang ni kan, sebelum makan dinner, kena bawak food masuk box dulu, hikhikhik... Tak larat orang tengok ;-)...
    You pun Mak yg kejam jugak lah mcm my Mak dulu,hahahaha...

    Kak Ain,
    biasalah kan, anak2 exams, kita yg berpeluh2 kat rumah. Diaorang selamba aje kan :-).
    First time I buat apam mekar tersenyum mcm tu tau :-)

  4. Hi Lemongrass....
    I'm ur new fan since I baru berjinak2 baca blog ni. I like ur style of writing. Tell Miss 11 good luck.

    My kids pun tengah exam dan sama aje I yang terjerit2 suruh study. Diaorg toya aje.

  5. Hi Lg...
    Good luck to miss 11 and tell ur hubby ni baru miss 11 belum miss 16 nanti botak habis tau..hihihi joking ye..jangan marah..

  6. My Omar pun test NAPLAN esok. Test ke, exam ke, entah lah. Selamba derk je dia. Kalau I tak tanya or peka ttg aktiviti sekolah mmg tak tau lah langsung apa diaorg buat. Nak check buku pun bukannya ada exercise book, timetable sekolah pun I tak tau. Nak suruh study pun, nak suruh apa kejadah. Cuma yg I bagi dia weekly try buat NAPLAN sample test. Tu pun mcm nak tak nak je. Year 3, biar je lah. Told him to take it easy.

  7. it's look yummy..slalu cuba resipi pasti pandai & sedap masakan..

  8. usahkan u punya kids and ur hubby tengok terpesona, i tengok kueh bahulu tu pun terpesona...

  9. Wow!~ those bahulu kukus surely looks scrumptious. And the plate, menaik kan seri kueh yg mekar tu. Im really gonna try it too. Maklum la, kalau duduk di perantau, nak ape pun kene self-service kan. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Sama kot, satu OZ NAPLAN hari ni..exam cam tak exam jer kann..last week dah ler ramai yg pergi camp..this week NAPLAN pulak..betul la exam main2 jer..mmg bit annoying sebab kita tak tahu pencapaian diorg camne..takut nanti dah year 12 nak amik VCE simple maths pun tak tau..haruu kann..

    GOOD LUCK Little Miss 11!

    cantik btul ur bahulu kukus:)

  11. ok kak.da terima address.t sok sy poskn..mmg cukup bz skrg hihi..yg bahulu tu ovallete tu mn nak carik..da lm gak jmp resepi ni,cume x tau ovallete tu ape kah bendanyer..

  12. Salam Dik Min....Good Luck buat Miss 11....selalu Miss 10....pelik pulak nak pizza tu tak banyak cheese...melimpah ruah dah tu~!!!!Min apam tu so mekar.....geram Akak nengok....TQ Min for visiting Akak....I miss you too and TQ...for being part of my life....You guys take care ya....Muaah!

    Pssst...hope it's not too late to wish a Great MUM like you...a Happy Mother's Day!!

  13. salam kak LG,
    Kacang jer math ngan BI tu kan, miss 11? hahaha. practice makes perfect dear. Gud luck!
    Takpe kena tinggal 3 orang, asalkn bukan sorang2 macam saya ni.. ;)
    Bahulu soda pandan tu tersangatlah mekarnya. best nengok, geram nak cubit2....hihi. cheese kat atas pizza tu lagila mengancam. :)

  14. Happy mothers day to u LG.. hope ur Miss will do well in her exams... maklum kat sini pun boleh terasa bahang examination period... senyap and sepi aje kat luar rumah tu.. tak de budak main main pun hehhe..

  15. salam k.min...

    happy mother's day!!! sori la coz lmbt wish.mcm biasala...busy yg ntah pape ntah.

    hm...comel la akak punya light box tu.bagus idea tu.klu dah start projek blk nnti leh la guna pakai idea ni.huhu...ntah bila nak b'projek blk.

    as usual...with or w/out light box,ur food pics ttp mengancam kalbu n perutku.iiisskkk...

    and to luck n all the best!!! masa ayu skaloh dulu tiap kali nak exam mmg takde can nak tgk tv.nak2 skolah agama (skolah ptg).bila dah sklolah menengah,dok hostel.lg jrg tgk tv

  16. Wah..cute nya cupcake tu. Betul lah macam bunga yang mekar heheh.

    Good luck and all the best to your daughter.

  17. terpesona tgk bahulu kukus tu kak,bak roses..hehehe

  18. Semoga miss 11 do well masa exam dan dapat markah yang baik.

    Anak kak Zai kat U pun tengah exam, siadik pula minggu depan, harap2 lulus dengan cemerlang.

  19. cantiknyer apam kak min tue... yummy.

  20. LG, adoi sejak ada lightbox sendiri, melampau2 gambar2 u yek. Silau mata i memandangya..hahaha!

  21. cantek tul bahulu kukus tuh.. merah menyala.. pizza tuh sgt menggoda.. coz nanie pun antu cheese gak..

  22. Hi Azah,
    welcome to the world of blogging, hope you have fun! :-).
    Biasalah kan, kita pun dulu lebih kurang diaorang jugak, mak bapak yg sibuk2 panic, kita buat selamba aje kan, hehehehe..

    Nanti kalau dia dah Miss 16, dengan I sekali botak sama you! Muahahaha....

    tu lah kan, memang tak tau timetable macam mana kan. I pun ada beli gak NAPLAN sample tests tu and itu aje lah yg we all suruh Alya buat. Itu pun seksa nak menghidupkan engine dia!
    Nasib baik only English and Maths aje kan, hehehe

    I kan selalu surf the net tengok resipi and banyak kumpul recipes but most of the recipes, tersimpan aje dlm harddrive, tak buat2, hehehehe...

    I pun masa bukak the pengukus lid, sangat2 lah terpesona jugak, hehehe

    Daily Dose of My Ramblin',
    Gabungan apam cute merah n white white the blue pinggan antik tu yg buat dia nampak lagi anggun kan :-).
    Masa kat overseas ni lah, tastebuds kita suddenly teringin nak makan everything malay kan. Sebab dah teringin, memang kena merajinkan diri masuk dapur, hehehe

    Baru this year lah diaorang buat standard test/exam for the whole country kan. Sebelum ni, every state has it's own test!
    Tapi Miss 11 has sat this test since year 3 so she thinks she's an old hand at it already, hehehe

    I jumpa ovalette ni kat kedai asian. Dia dlm bekas plastic and kaler bright orange and mcm wax aje rupa nya.

  23. Kak Watie,
    every year dia kena tukar title, hehehe...
    Thanks for the wish :-)

    Memang kacang betul! Lainlah mcm kat M'sia, sampai 10 subjects kan, hehehe.
    Kalau I kena tinggal sorang2, memang mati kutu lah I, hehehe

    Hehehe... bila tengah exams, baru lah senyap aje kan budak2 ni. Lepas habis exams, mbising mengalah kan zoo, hikhikhik...

    I pun dulu tak boleh gak tengok TV, tu yg agaknya sampai sekarang I tak kisah kalau tak tengok TV, hehehe..
    I pun dah memang jatuh hati kat my light box tu! hahhaha

    First time I buat that kuih jadi macam bunga rose! :-). So happy I, hehehe..
    Thanks for the wish ye!

    tak dpt hadiah bunga rose masa Mother's day, dapat makan kuih bahulu ala2 bunga rose pun jadi lah kan, hahahah

    Kak Zai,
    amin... ye rabbal al amin.....

    I pun suka tengok apam2 yg kembang mekar mcm ni :-)

    muahahahahaha... I pun kan sampai naik berpinar mata I bila ambik gambar :-P

    Kat rumah ni, kalau buat pizza memang kena berlambak2 letak cheese, baru diaorang suka, hehehe

  24. Salaams Min, Insya Allah Miss 11 will do well in her exams. Your pizza looks so yummy with all the cheese, macam nak makan aje.....

  25. waa..makin cun la gambo2 kat sini..dan makin meleleh la ...

  26. Kak Jamelah,
    insyaAllah, tapi next term baru tau the results, lama betul kan! :-)... We love extra cheese on our pizza :-).

    thank you :-D
