Monday 26 October 2009

Drowning in chocolates


What is it about living/going overseas and buying chocolates when we balik ‘kampung’? I think since I was a student kot, everytime balik kampung during the holidays, mesti tak tinggal belikan all the chocolates. At that time, I can understand sebab all my adik beradik kecik2 lagi so chocolates memang lah jadi kegemaran budak2 kan. And chocolate overseas pulak tu, sure lah rasa dia lagi spesel kan even though masa student dulu yang termampu cuma beli chocs yang murah2 aje, hehehe…

But, until sekarang ni, the ‘tradition’ of buying chocolate hasn’t stopped at all. I still buy loads and loads of chocolates everytime we all balik bercuti ke M’sia. If you don’t believe me, look at the photo below, this bag is choc-a-block with funnily enough, chocolates. All types of them… Ini baru 1 bag you and I still have 1 month plus to buy more chocs, hahahaha. I tak boleh tengok chocolate sale langsung lah, mesti punya nak beli! Tension betul I, hehehe. I like buying them but I don’t eat them much. Hari tu balik in July pun we all dah bawak balik 1 big box of chocs too. Bukannya I saje2 nak beli, kalau I tak beli, adalah nanti yang panjang muncung bila jumpa we all ;-D. Almost half of these chocs dah kena booked by ‘people who shall remain nameless’ and then half lagi has already got ‘names’ on them. For those people, jangan ngences ye bila tengok gamabr kat bawah ni :-D. If suddenly, the blood sugar levels in my rellies’ blood naik mendadak2 after I balik, you tau lah who to blame kan.

Nasib baik my parents ada chest freezer so boleh lah we all sumbat segala chocolate ni in it until the right owners come along to claim them :-). And kalau masih ada lagi saki baki chocolates in that chest freezer kat kampung tu berbulan2 after we’ve come back to Perth, first come first serve, sape cepat dia dapat…..


I blame our chocolate fixation and addiction on my late arwah Atuk. When he was alive, he loved chocolate so much. But he wouldn’t eat the el cheapo chocolates sebab dia kata taste tak sedap. He would only eat imported chocolates and chocolates made with cocoa butter not vege oil. Masa dulu I selalu belikan dia chocolate when I balik kampung from OZ which he would keep in his room and eat a little bit at a time all to himself, hehehehe… Everyone knew at that time not to touch chocolate Atuk, hahahaha.. But he was very healthy and lived past his 90s. I guess sebab dia tak overindulged and dia makan the chocs sikit2 at a time as a treat (unlike his kids and grandkids nowadays :-( ).

The Little Misses pun sekarang dah tau which chocolate brand taste nice and which chocolate doesn’t but kalau dah takde langsung tu, they’ll eat anything and everything jugak! Takde diskriminasi langsung, hahahaha…

But tonite, our dinner takde langsung berunsur2 chocolates. Cuma nasi goreng sayur campur and baked chicken wings n telur goreng aje.



  1. my family tak berapa makan choc sgt.. kalau belu bar yang besar tu leh tahan sebulan.. mama zd mmg ajar makan sikit2 dr kecik.. hehehe

  2. zd,
    my family pulak loves choc but I lah yg kerja mencatu how much they can eat, hehehe

  3. Uhh! Macadamia nuts choc! My hubby always buy them in stock if he goes to Australia. Dah lama he tak gi karang ni, klu tak mesti dah order. Sedap gitu! Wow ur dinner dish besnya! Hehe.

  4. salam min.. nak bukak kedai choc ke ni? ermm ada hal sket k.nor nak sembang dgn min.. nanti bila min free kita chat ya

  5. owh i suka suka suka chocolates!!!
    rambang mata dibuatnya tengok all those chocs kat dlm beg u tu...
    kalau dapat kat i..hmmm..syoknya..:D

  6. waaa.. nice! i love cadbury freddo tu. dulu masa my elder sis study kat Melbourne, asal balik je mesti pesan dia beli banyak2 freddo yang strawberry flavoured. yumm! :)tapi memang cadbury from sana taste different from the ones kat malaysia. tatau la kenapa.. hehe

  7. k.min, mintak address kat kuala selangor, nak gi rompak chocolate! hehehe..

  8. hye k min :). tadi baru je makan cadbury yang giant pack tu, tapi tak la habis, separuh je. then terus tido. terasa diri macam kucing kegemukan hehehe :)

  9. saya ker yang tuan empunya coklat yg nameless tu, takyah lah susah2 akak, nanti berat nak bawa balik..hehehehe, perasan jap. No wonder ler selalu excess luggage bila balik sini sbb semua coklat akak borong bawak balik.. just joking..

  10. bestnye kalau dpt makan semua tu..i mmg penggemar choc... tp kena la controlkan.. kalau idak... mau gedebab..ha..ha.. u nak balik malaya ke??

  11. Salam LG... Nampaknya edisi keberangkatan U balik ke M'sia hampir bermula..

    Moga semua sukses..Ehh baju anak2 buah dah siap jahit ker? hmmm I like chocs too... nak ngendeng gak laaa...:D

  12. Love,
    It's so funny sbb we all yg duduk OZ ni very rarely buy the macadamia ones, we all slalu beli other flavours, hehehe

    Kak Nor,
    klu buka kedai chocolate, sure laku kan ;-)

    My kids pun bila tengok a whole bag full of chocs terus bulat mata. Jom dtg kampung I, kita kenduri chocs, hehehe...

    We all suka yg milky top freddos sbb ada both white n milk chocs :-)
    I thnk taste dia lain sbb choc kat M'sia, ingredients dia a bit different sbb tak nak bagi cepat cair.

    wakaka...nanti masa weddng tu, orang lain mkn lauk kenduri, you mkn chocs aje lah ye ;-)

    Uish... best betul kan klu dpt makan cadbury giant pack tu tanpa rasa mcm kucing kegemokan :-).

    hehehe... Nanti I check ye kot2 nama you ada terselit kat one of the chocs :-P. Tu lah, sikitnya susah ke nak make sure tak excess baggage limit sbb food mcm ni lah, hehehe

    I pulak suka choc biscuits, 1 pack I boleh mkn sorang but lepas tu rasa nak nangis lah sbb terover mkn, hehehe...
    we all insyaAllah balik this Dec

    Kak Azieazah,
    Baju anak2 buah dah siap potong, tinggal jahit aje. Tp terberenti sekejap sbb termalas pulaknya, hehe

  13. anak2 akak pun hantu choclate gak. pun jenis yg memilih choc yg baik2 aje. choc2 yg biasa2 atau yg dpt dlm hamper, mmg tak main la they all.hehehe

  14. Kak Ain,
    budak2 zaman skrg taste diaorang mmng high class sikit kan kalau compare dgn kita dulu masa kecik2, semua taram asalkan coklat, hehehe

  15. wow....chocolates! kalo lah ara dapat satu bag mcm tu, ara ajak cik min (si mak buyong) & sue jemaah makan...muahahaha....

    family ara pun kureng makan chocolates. masa pi Langkawi, maklumlah kat sana duty free buying chocolates, berminggu2 nak abiskan...hehehe....

  16. Banyak betul cokelat u!! Nyum nyum ....sedapnye. Seronok dengar cerita pasal cokelat ni. Teringat every time kakak i balik cuti dari overseas, mesti dia bawak balik cokelat macam u jugak but in less quantity. Boleh dikatakan all my family members ni hantu cokelat.

  17. Salam, k.min. Your dinner ada, tapi lambakan choc tu I tak nampak pun. Something wrong with my pc?


  18. Mcm kenal la choc yg paling depan tu!!

  19. kak min... ala. skit sgt tu.. pg beli lagi... wakakkaka

  20. ye..ingat lagi dulu2 camna arwah atuk simpan coklat2 dalam gerobok dia..hehehe...

  21. waa ~~ sodapnerr nasi oreng tue ~~ i'm eating choclate right now ~~

  22. cekelat!!! cekelat!!! nak cekelat itu!!!!! me!!!! uuwwaaa....rasa nak nangis tgk cekelat2 tu.iiisskkk....nak tumpang dua2 kaki leh tak? masukkan kaki ainnur n faris skali eh.ehehehhehee....

  23. I pun sama macam you, until now still beli choc as ole2 utk bawak balik. Masa gi ke OZ & NZ, I dok angkut banyak2 choc coz choc kat sana lebih sedap dari di Msia. Masa study dulu2 pun, ni jek lah yg mampu nak beli utk bagi kat sedara mara. My family memang suka choc esp. my father. I still miss Belgian Choc yg I makan masa study dulu, sedap gilos, tapi kat msia tak ada jual cam tu :( So, selamat angkut choc banyak2 ke Msia. Still tak cukup lagi utk bawak Msia hehehe

  24. Coklat dan Nasi Goreng yang simple tu sangat sangat lah nampak menyelerakan. Nak tanya sikit, nasi goreng yang sepinggan ni kalau dah abis boleh tambah tambah tak? Ker dah tak ada nasi tambah lagi?

  25. Chocolate?????Mmmm....I, my hubby and the 3Es mmg hantu chocolate. Mmg stock chocolate sentiasa ada ja kat peti sejuk we all.....

  26. LG...
    tak tahan tengok chocolate favorite tu...buat release tension...leka tau kalau nibble on the chocolates bit by bit...hmmm

  27. Ara,
    Jom kta sama2 kenduri coklat :-)family I pulaknya hantu coklat, I biasa aje lah, klu tak dapat pun tak nangis, hehehe...

    I rasa coklat ni boleh katakan semua orang akan suka klu dpt so tu yg senang beli ni aje :-). Tak payah susah2 fikir, hehe

    I tak boleh lah nak jawab yr soalan tu sbb I pun tak tau kenapa jadi mcm tu. Padahal I guna program yg sama n guna camera yg sama. I tanya my hubby, dia pun tak tau kenapa. Sorry ye...

    wakakaka... Rasanya ada yg ikut perangai arwah Atuk nanti, makan nyorok2 dlm bilik sorang2 sbb tak nak bagi Nuha nampak. Nasib baik lah Raina n Raisa masih tak mkn coklat lagi, hehehe

    wahahaha... Nasib baik masih ada sebulan lagi nak bersopping sakan :-P

    cucu2 dia semua tau kan, tak boleh kacau coklat Atuk, hehehe...

    You tgh makan coklat apa? :-)

    Jomlah dtg kampung Akak nanti masa wedding tu, bawak Ainnur n Faris sekali pastu kita ramai2 kenduri cekelat sampai nak muntah, hehehe

    I rasa kan, mmng semua orang slalu ternanti2 coklat fr overseas as ole ole kan. Like you said, coklat murah kat overseas and then sedap, tu yg senang nak beli :-).
    My hubby dah tak larat tengok my chocs collection yg dah nak menggunung tu, wehehehe

    hehehe... I slalu buat dinner nasi mesti berlebih untuk lunch esok nya :-). Nasi goreng pun mcm tu jugak but jarang lah tambah, hehehe

    boleh lah yr 3E join dgn Alya n Zahra mcm tu, sure makan sampai tak hengat dunia agaknya, hehehe

    samalah mcm I. Kdg2 tu, nibble sikit2 tapi bila tersedar, dah termakan banyak, hahaha..

  28. saya pung borong abes coklat masa pegi Perth aritu...anak2 suka si katak freddo tu..saya plak berpapan2 makan cardbury..pastu kirim lagi kat adik masa balik raya..tinggal satu papan lagih nih...pastu camner nih???
