Tuesday, 4 August 2009

You know how sometimes you have this urge to eat chocolate cake and you would spend the whole morning looking and searching for a chocolate cake recipe. In my case, pagi tadi I betul2 terasa nak makan chocolate cake. Maybe sebab I’m under a bit of stress at the moment and so obviously my body craves for something chocolatey and sweet. But punyalah banyak recipe chocolate cakes dalam simpanan, I still surfed the net nak cari recipe yang simple and tak banyak bahan, biasalah kan, nak makan tapi malas nak lama2 kat dapur :-). And surfing the net tu memang dah jadi satu kewajipan kan so tak jadi hal lah…

And then bukan setakat nak makan choc cake kosong aje, siap nak hias2 bagai, macam lah takde kerja lain I hari ni, hehehe. Sekali sekala layan ‘urge’ mentel so apalah salahnya kan ;-). Dah lah I had to stay at home hari ni looking after 2 sick kids so tu yang banyak ‘masa’ nak membaking. Bila The Other Half came home today and saw the chocolate cake, he said, “you don’t expect me to bake a cake tomorrow since I’ll be staying at home, do you? You know I’ll still have plenty of work to do even though I’m at home?” Ceh, I don’t even expect him to masak dinner esok, let alone bake a cake! Esok turn dia to look after the sick kiddies while I go to work but I doubt it very much though that he would have dinner ready by the time I get home, hehehe. I would be lucky if he remembers to feed The Little Misses their lunches esok :-), hahahahaha….. Selalunya, if he stays at home with The Little Misses, he would raid the fridge for any leftovers to give them. Kalau tak jumpa any leftovers, he would then make them toasts for lunch. Jangan harap lah dia nak masak anything for lunch ni! So, tu yang selalunya I will tell him what’s in the fridge to give to The Little Misses. Tapi The Little Misses tu pun bukannya kisah kalau dapat toasts aje for lunch, lagi diaorang suka kadang2, hmmmm…..

Lerr, jauh pulaknya melencong from the chocolate cake :-). Anyway, so I baked a chocolate cake today and decorated it with choc ganache and maltesers and rocher. But then bila I makan tadi after dinner, it didn’t really satisfy my craving, tak best betul lah. It’s not that the cake wasn’t nice, it was really chocolatey and moist but maybe my tastebuds were expecting something else kot? Entah2 I tersilap craving kot, my hati mengidam benda lain, my tastebuds mengidam benda lain, wakakakaka…..



The Other Half said that this is a ‘everyone is sick’ lift-me-up cake, hehehe. Menarik and menggiurkan rupa kek ni, betul tak, tapi my tastebuds buat pe’el pulaknya. Agaknya tastebuds ni nak makan kuih melayu kot, hehehehe…

And ini pulak rupa our dinner. I buat potato wedges makan dengan sour cream and sweet chili sauce, guacamole and chicken nuggets. I terlupa nak buat salad and then The Other Half menyampuk, “the guacamole is green already, that’s the colour of vegetable so obviously it’s vegetable lah!


And ini pulak rupa budak sakit yang dah 10% better. She’s still coughing but dah lalu sikit nak makan and dah boleh keeps her food down so Alhamdulillah lah. Tak lah dia mengadu asik sakit perut aje :-).


Serabai habis! Dah 2 hari Mummy tak brush her hair sebab it’s not that important in the scale of things to do bila tengah sakit ni. Pastu comot with tengah hari tadi nya milo. The Other Half kata muka Miss 5 dah cengkung sikit. Can you imagine betapa chubby nya dia bila tak demam, hehehe..


  1. alahai..nampak sgt muka sakit miss5 tu LG...terus runcing dagu dia...rambut menten cantik walaupun serabai...hehehe...
    astaga LG...coklat kek tu kan..terus wat nafsu makan cikmin mendadak ni...tp belum la makan lagi kek tu..esok la nak pi cari yg dah siap jek..makan kek tu selepas wat cek up...pandai x?...hehehe...

  2. ye lah min...akak tengok2 aje uper miss 5, dh tau dia abit cengkung. pity her!! tak pe, nanti kalau dh okay, suruh mummy masak sedap2 ekh, nak cover balik kilos yg hilang tu. hehe

    psst...min mcm akak gak, kdg2 ngidam sgt nak mkn something, bila dh dapat mcm bukan itu yg tekak nak sebenonya. ngada2 kan.hihihi

  3. CikMin,
    oohhh, takut ye klu makan kek coklat sebelum check up, nanti kencing ada gula ye, pandai no cengkelat :-P. Tak nak kena marah dgn nurse ye,hahaha...
    rambut serabai dia tu sure nya susah giler nak brush esok ni, adusss...

    Kak Ain,
    hehehe..cengkung2 pun still chubby jugak kan :-). Tu lah, I dah told her yang I'll cook all her favourite food once she's better, seronok dia dengar my promise, hahaha....
    Lah, you pun sama mengada2 macam I jugak ye kadang2 ;-P

  4. Salaam kenalan, Sis LG.

    I don't how to start, but i'd like to say, i also from Ijok. I found your blog waktu blog-hopping.

    oh ya, Cikgu Arbakisyah itu, bekas cikgu mak saya. saya selalu terkeliru menyebut namanya dengan Arbakinah [the twinnie, rite?]

    Suka tengok Lil Misses. sangat cantik lorhhh...hehehe

    Your cake...so temptinglicious! hehhh nextime kalo tak kena selera lagi bolehla hulur-hulur... [iyo oo je].


  5. Frida,
    salam singgah to my blog. Lerr, orang Ijok jugak ke? :-). You still duduk Ijok lagi? btw, brapa umur you? Sebab my Mak was your Mak's cikgu so kiranya you ni still in your teens lah ye, muda belia lah ye :-).
    Ada lagi kek tu, terperuk dlm fridge, nak ke? hehehe

  6. so funyyyyyy! ur husband punya ayat ;p i've been silent reader selame ni ;p loveeee ur blog! i hope u will continue writing tauuu ;D and cooking too! lol

    i'll link ur blog ye sis :D

  7. Nadia,
    My hubby tu mmng kadang2 perasan aje lebih, mcm lah orang tak tau yg dia tu memang tak kan masak nor bake, hehehe.. Thanks ye sbb sudi singgah my blog :-). I'll link yr blog too ok!

  8. OMG LG, your cake is cruel taw .. I baru beli small non-stick moulds, and u dah siap bake? Takleh jadi nih..takleh, takleh.
    Hope ur little ones are recuperating well.

  9. Cik Som,
    hehehe, itu I guna cake tin yg beli kat Bagus hari tu, sikit nya murah ke but non stick lah. Very very comel. Pi lah cepat2 masuk dapur sana membaking :-P...
    My kids dah start gaduh so probably they are getting better lah kot, hahaha...

  10. LG, though Ms 5 still tak 100% sihat, she still look so cute dengan Milo moustache..

    And your cake tu look sooooooo divine..can share the recipe? I'm dying to have one lepas tengok your cake..

  11. salam kak LG..kek akak sangat da bomb la.. share lah resipi..at least resipi ganache nya tu..hehe..
    dengar budak2 da makin baik,lega pulak kan..da siap gaduh2 tu ..

  12. Min, hitamnya choc cake U, moist jer nampak.U pakai cocoa powder brand apa ye? I buat tak jadi ireng cam ni..brown jer. Tak appetizing

    Boleh tempek recipe?

  13. Salam sis,
    ala...sangat kesian bila tgk muka miss 5 nih...mmg nampak cengkungterserlah dagu cute dia tuh!hopefully she's getting better soon!InsyaAllah....
    and OMG akak!!!!!!!! the cake loooksssssssss so yummmiehhhhhhhhhh...........nak skettttttttttt! iskk....how i wish i live next to ur house ! hahahahahha

  14. kek cokelat? ari ni saya pun buat kek cokelat jugak. min punya nampak moist sgt keknya. mintak resepi leh tak? M5 tu wpun sakit maintain cutenya...

  15. hye sis,
    lama x drop by comment box ni :)
    the choc cake looks super duper yummy-licious!~ makes me wanna fall sick too so that i can ask you to teleport the cake to upm! ;D *i wish* hehe..

    btw, the budak sakit looks gorgeous with the messy hair. hehe. i'll pray for the their speedy recovery :)

    take care! salam.

  16. Sian u, semua sakit. Tp dlm2 sakit sempat gak masak memasak. Siap lagi ngan kek berdeco amat.

    You ni mengidam ni napa? Tak de apa2 ke? hehehehe

  17. Hi there,

    Yr multi tasking ability is impressive.. Cake looks delicious.... Any chance the recipie will be in yr shortcut of recipies?? Yr kid is still gorgeous..sick or not ;) hope she will recover 100% soon...


    Yat Maria

  18. Hi Mynn,
    I hope the kids are getting better and Zahra looks cute walaupun tak berapa sihat. Y'day I had to take the day off jaga anak I, and like you, today Papa dia jaga. Memang musim lah kot, hazy weather kat Subang Jaya nie.He is still coughing, but the paed is not too worried abt him, insya Allah.
    Cake you buat I tergoda tau...terliur semacam jer, nanti I takleh concentrate kerja :)

  19. Salam. Dah lama jd silent reader :). Comel n cantik anak2 u. Seronok baca citer dua benua ni.

  20. LG..

    Alhamdulillah anak2 u dah ok sikit..takutt kan sakit time2 mcm ni..

    Adusss kecorrr air liur nengok kek u tu..nk kena buat gak la weekend ni..hu..hu..

  21. Sis LG,
    muda belia tu idak le sangat...dah ada dua anak juga. hehehe buat masa sekarang menetap di JHB. tapi balik kampung itu kemestian!

  22. Salam LG, selalu kak sue ni jd silent reader je..hari ni, rasa nak tulis skit..Penat sebenarnye jaga anak tak sihat ni..sabar la..Anak k sue 5 org tp alhamdulillah diorang tak penah sakit serentak, kalau tidak,,,,tak tau la camne rupa ibu diorang ni nak jd nurse..

  23. Salam LG kita baru nk buat kek ni sbb lama tak mkn..tapi tgk2 Lg dah buat dulu..ishh.kenyang layan gambar jer la kali ni ..hheh:p

  24. Alhamdulillah, anak2 dah getting better, mak anak pun dah rajin balik kedapur, kek coklat tu takder ker nak kongsi resepi? tak boleh tahan la nengok....

  25. Hanim,
    wahahahaha...semua tergoda tengok my choc cake ye. Ada 5 pcs lagi tu in the fridge, nak ke? :-)

    coklat kek ni mmng senang sgt nak menggoda orang kan, hehehe.. I pun syukur sgt diaorang dah ok sikit, tak lah risau aje :-).

    I guna 'homebrand' nya brand, kira Woolworths supermarketnya brand, hehehe... Yang paling murah :-). Maybe sbb I edit letak dlm fridge kot, tu yg nmpk ireng abis. Nanti I citer pasal recipe tu ye

    Tu lah, mmng nmpk cengkung mata dia kan, takpe, hopefully bila dah sihat nanti and appetite dia naik balik, boleh lah kumpul lemak2 again, hahaha. I wish I ada neighbour yg suka mkn kek sbb I suka baking tp tak suka sgt makan kek, hahaha...

    Kak Ita,
    wallah, kek coklat you lagi mengancam decoration nya, sayang nak makan, hehehe

    mana you pergi, lama tak dengar berita :-). Takde lerr kerja I nak mengidam sbb perut ada isi, cukuplah 2 ni, hahahaha...

    Yat Maria,
    Moms are renown for their multitasking abilities, unlike Dads who can only do 1 thing at a time, hehehe. I've got a story behind that cake recipe, I'll tell about it tonite ye ;-).

    lah, you pun in the same boat as us lah ye, having to take turns to look after the kids at home. But at least, it's just normal cough and cold ye tak.... Kek I tu memang buat ramai yang terliur, hahahaha...

    Ms Diamond,
    thanks sbb sudi singgah baca my blog :-).

    tu yg I risau aje bila diaorang start batuk2 hari tu, slalunya I tak pernah risau klu diaorang batuk n demam... Alhamdulillah lah they are getting better now. Jom kita ramai2 buat kek coklat ;-).

    How old is your Mom?Kalau my Mom pernah ajar yr Mom, sure Mak I kenal dia kan? :-). Slalu ke balik Ijok?

    Kak Sue,
    salam singgah my blog. Memang susah kan jaga anak tak sihat ni but masa ni lah anak2 kita betul2 nak kita ada dkt dgn diaorang kan :-). kalau 5 orang sekali demam or sakit, mau menangis Kak Sue agaknya ye...

    I pun dah laam jugak tak makan kek coklat ni, tu yg teringin sgt semlm...

    hehehe...meleleh tak air liur tengok kek coklat I tu? ;-P

  26. salam k.min....

    kesian ayu tgk muka zahra tu.layu je....mcm ainnur n faris gak le.muka org tak b'maya.tp la ni dorg dah sihat skit.alhamdulillah....

    uuwwaaa....bestnya cekelat kek tu.nak skit!!! huhu...dah lama tak buat cekelat kek.bila nak start enjin blk ni? hm...ayu pun mcm akak gak.w/pun resepi cekelat kek dah melambak2 dlm simpanan...tp tiap kali nak buat (mcm la slalu sgt buat..heh!) mesti surf cari resepi lain.dgn alasan....nak cari resepi yg simple tp gerenti sedap.iiisskkk....

  27. Salam..
    ayoyoyoyo Min...
    kakliza pun terlioq ngan ur cokolat kek tu..
    nampaknya akak kena buat kek cokolat la..
    boleh makan kat kelas baking this saturday....

  28. Ayu,
    heran kan, budak2 klu demam sikit, muka terus layu and terus kurus. Kita klu demam or batuk, still gemuk gak, hehehe..

    Kak Liza,
    wahhh, berjaya jugak kita buat sifu masak memasak terliur dgn kek coklat kita, hehehe... Best nya ;-)

  29. LG,
    Kalo nak buat choc ganache tu kan, i tengok kene add cream with the choc. Cream yg mcm mana ek...x leh add milk aje ke?

  30. Teratai,
    I add fresh cream sbb kat sini berlambak fresh cream. Klu kat M'sia maybe diaorang guna non dairy fresh cream kot buat choc ganache tu. Klu u guna milk, I rasa u kena tambah butter utk bagi dia kilat n smooth rasanya...
