Monday, 3 August 2009

Miss 10 came home today with sore eye. Selepas diteliti, memang sahih lah she’s got conjunctivitis! Wahhhhhh, lepas satu, satu pulak yang datang! I heard from a teacher at their school today yang memang a few kids dah dapat conjunctivitis since last week so memang tengah berleluasa lah kat sekolah tu. Alamat nya, memang lah I tak gi kerja the whole week ni sebab sure lah lepas Miss 10 kena conjunctivitis, we all pun kemungkinan besar akan kena jugak. Kesian jugak kat Miss 5 kalau dia kena, on top of batuk2 yang tak baik2 lagi ni. I’ve told Miss 10 to wash her hands with dettol everytime she touches her face so hopefully tak lah berjangkit kat kita orang. Like pepatah orang tua Mat Saleh kata, “it never rains but it pours”. Eh, ber proverb pulak kita hari ni ye selepas berbulan tak belajar bahasa, hehehe. But disebabkan I’m mentally tired today, I can’t think of the correct peribahasa in Malay. Ada sape2 boleh tolong tak? :-).

And to top it off, the school’s having their photo day esok! And we all dah bayar pulak tu but nak buat macam mana kan, we’ll still be getting the class photos sebab dah bayar but without The Little Misses in it lah. Tak best lah kan macam tu. First time in history, they won’t be in their class photos, sedih betul I, hehehe. Sure nya tak berseri lah gambar tu esok sebab The Little Misses takde dalam gambar, wahahaha…. Ish, diaorang ni pun, buat school photo day masa musim Winter yang memang dah sahih2 ramai yang akan absent disebabkan dek coughs and colds.

Miss 5 is still very sick. Dah berapa hari dia tak makan sangat so hari ni perut dia memberontak abis. Satu hari suntuk dia mengadu sakit perut sebab I guess bila batuk2 sure sakit perut, pastu masuk angin sebab tak makan sangat. So bila dah masuk angin, memang lah kalau makan sikit pun akan muntah balik. I said to her, “takpe biar muntah, kita makan again lepas muntah tu so at least adalah jugak makanan yang masuk”. Then she said to me, “Does that mean I can’t fast Mummy because my stomach wants food all the time and if it doesn’t get food, I’ll get tummy ache!” Lerr, kesitu pulak perginya, hehehe….. Susah jugak ye orang yang kuat makan ni nak berpuasa sebab sure asik terkenang kat food aje, hahaha…..

Today, I worked in the afternoon sebab I had to look after Miss 5 in the morning. Bila The Other Half has finished his lectures, he took over from me to jaga Miss 5, memang boleh masuk WWF jadi tag team kan, hehehe. So, knowing his ‘inability’ aka kemalasan dia nak masak dinner, I made dinner awal2 tadi before gi kerja. So, the easiest dinner yang sedap untuk di reheat is pasta bake lah. I made pasta bake with meatballs. Selalunya I mixed the meatballs with the pasta sacue and pasta. Tapi hari ni saje buat lain sikit, I put the meatballs on the pasta and covered them with mozzarella and cheddar. Yang makan cuma we all bertiga aje, Miss 5 cuma minum milo panas with bread celup milo aje. Takpe lah, bila dia dah sihat nanti, mau agaknya dia suruh I masak macam2 sebba nak qada’ makan ;-).


My pasta bake with meatballs.

p/s wehhhh, terkejut gilerss tengok my bean counter dah sampai 200 000+. Rasanya baru aje bulan March haritu I buat tetamu bertuah ke 100 000. Maybe nak kena buat tetamu bertuah lagi kot lepas ni tapi I still haven’t decided the nombor bertuah yet. Nanti lah, lepas The Little Misses baik from sakit and I’m feeling more alive and happier, I’ll let you know what the lucky number is. But in the mean time, thank you so much to everyone yang sudi menjenguk ke my blog ni :-).


  1. Aduhhh...ciannye your girls..after one another sickness pulak i pity Ms 5...dulu masa batuk ada gak minum memandangkan ur kids tak suka the taste susah juga ye?My mom always urge me to gargle salt water b4 bed time..kalau Ms 5 boleh buat without accidentaly drinking it oklah kot..tapi kl terminum sikit pun tak apa,sebab air garam..

    Your dinner seperti biasa...nampak vogue gitu walaupun simple..ahaks!Yeahhh...hadiah utk pengunjung ke berapa ratus ribu dah dlm ingatan ke?Oohh...akak jgn risau..memang i sudi menjenguk ke blog akak nih boleh dikatakan setiap hari dah!
    har har har harimau!! ekekeke ;)

  2. kak lg.. semoga the little misses cepat sembuh yer...

  3. Ciann kat u LG, pas satu, satu plak yg timbul kan, mungkin mmg tgh musim bebudak sakitlah, sekolah yg cater food kat auntie pun minggu lps cuti dua hari (thu & fri) sbb 3/4 students sumer tk sehat. Auntie doakan moga menjelang Ramadhan nanti semuanya sehat2 dan dpt menjalani ibadat dgn terbaik ya, insyaAllah...kata org eloklah kalu nk sakit biar sekarang...

  4. nasib baik kerja senang on-off, kalau tak tak ada siapa yg nak jaga little misses. moga mereka cepat2 sembuh...

  5. k.min, "sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga". is that the right proverb? hehe.. the truth is, i'm blur too when it comes to berbahasa ni.

    sakit mata, ubat yg paling mujarab will be breast milk. aisey! kat mana nak cari breast milk tu? susah jugak. k.min belikan alya sanitizer. at least kalau alya malas nak cuci tangan, she can just use sanitizer to keep her hands clean and to minimize jangkitan pada org lain :)

    k.min, nampaknya shopping spree k.min kena tunggu dulu la ye. be strong, insyaAllah they will be get well soon :)

  6. kesiannya miss 10. lepas satu, satu ye min. x pe lah. dugaan.semoga miss 10 cpt sembuh dn miss 5 tak dijangkiti.

    psst...akak pun tak tau peribhs melayu yg sama ngan proverb min tu.hehe

  7. Hi LG,

    Hopefully your 2 girls will get well soon...
    How lucky for you to be able to choose your working hours..i'm still dreaming of that day..When kids are sick, its the mom they cling to, for comfort, love..isn't that nice ;)

  8. Mynn,
    Hopefully both little misses will recover soon, InsyaAllah... tak try ubat batuk traditional ke: kicap + lime... or try bg honey to both of them... just my 2 sens tho...

    ~U know who I am~

  9. moga miss 10 cpt recover yer. sana sini mcm2 wabak la..huhu.

  10. Mira,
    tu lah kan, lepas satu satu datang. Takpe, ini dugaan kecik aje dr Allah so terima ajelah dgn hati yg tabah kan :-). Klu I pun dah lama telan lemon+honey tu tp my kids ni lagi suka telan ubat batuk dr telan lemon+honey! Nanti lah, tunggu my kids baik dulu baru I boleh fikir nak buat lucky number, hahaha

    thanks ye for the wish :-)

    Kat skolah budak2 ni pun memang ramai yg tengah demam n batuk2 so rasanya kat mana2 pun bnyk sakit. InsyaAllah lah hopefully semua sihat before Ramadhan so snng lah sikit nak berpuasa kan! :-)

    Kak Ita,
    Dah nasib hidup kat perantauan, hehehe...

    wahhh, terer kamu berperibahasa, hehehe. I think so lah kan that's the equivalent peribahasa :-). We all ada the sanitiser but takpe, let her get used to washing her hands thoroughly n well.
    Mana lah weh nak cari breastmilk ni,wakakaka ;-).

    Kak Ain,
    tu lah, nak buat mcm mana, dah Allah nak bagi dugaan so terima aje lah kan :-). Makes me think more of Him betul tak, hehehe

    Yat Maria,
    The joy of doing casual flexi time hours. Masa I start kerja, that was one of the terms I gave to my boss yang I have to take time off kalau my kids are sick or during school holidays and they agreed to it so I'm very happy with it :-). Kira win win situation lah for us.

    Dah try the honey+lemon, they rejected it. I nak try honey saje but I might have to wait until Zahra tak throws up that frequently anymore. If it's me yg batuk, memang I dah try everything, hehehe

    thanks ye for the wish. Tu lah kan, kat mana2 skrg penuh dgn orang sakit...

  11. aaddeehhhh...kesian kat akak.lps 1...1 ujian yg tiba.sabar ye kak....pape pun ayu hrp both of them cepat sembuh.yg penting akak kena jaga kesihatan akak.klu tak lg susah nak handle org sakit.

  12. That's what we called 'the art of growing up'...macam2kan..demam,batuk,chicken pox, sakit mata..used to tell the kids bila demam tu tanda nak cepat besar..:) then now dah besar ada lagi penyakit lain..kaki patah, lah tangan terseliuh lah...macam2 you! Your dinner nampak cam best jer....nak try lah nanti..

  13. ciannya kat ur kiddie tuh.. lepas satu.. satu lagi.. hopefully cepat sembuh hendaknya.. n hopefully ur lil misses besemangat nak menjalani ibadah puasa.. x per sis kalau sakit time skang.. so hopefully time posa nanti dah fully recover.. mish ur miss 5 pic lah

  14. Ayu,
    jadi Mak ni memang kan kena banyak sabar,hehehe....but thanks for the doa :-).

    the joy of having children, hehehe...

    tu lah, lepas satu satu datang :-). Hopefully semua sihat lah bila Ramadhan nanti sebab baru lah best kalau semua puasa sama2 kan :-).
