Friday, 17 April 2009

I stayed at home with The Little Misses today sbb The Other Half had work to do at uni. The only fun thing we did today was going to the library and going grocery shopping, so fun kan, hehehehe... Benda2 yang remeh temeh macam tu memang selalunya I yang kena buat so I had to drag them as well. But they love going to the library so it was fun for them and I let them pushed the trolley at the supermarket which they thought was fun too, hahahaha.... Benda macam tu pun diaorang think it's fun, what a deprived childhood they have hey :-).

And since I had the whole day at home and I was too lazy to clean the house, I baked a cake instead! Actually sebab I had to use up the cream cheese which will expire in 3 days so kenalah make something with it kan. And since I ni memang jenis yang probably setahun sekali aje buat cheesecake, I might as well make it today kan.

I made choc swirl baked cheesecake but since takde choc biscuits, I just used biskut marie aje as the base. And I only made separuh adunan and replaced some of the sugar with condensed milk. And it turned out quite good still. But probably next time I nak guna more melted butter in the biscuit crumbs sbb mcm tak cukup aje because it's still way too crumbly.

Miss 5 was sitting next to me while I was taking the cake out of the tin. She kept on saying, "It looks really yummy Mummy! I really want to have a little taste of it. Remember, you told me that I'm your food tester!" So, sebab sian kat tikus rambut brown sorang ni, I took a spoonful of it for her to taste. Nasib baik lah Daddy tikus kepala botak tu tak sedar we were having a food taste, kalau tak, sure dia dah nganga mulut sama! Hehehehe..... But he had 2 slices for dessert so I guess sedap lah agaknya tu.

Selepas kena korek dengan Mummy tikus and anak tikus :-).

And ini pulak our dinner tonite. Nasi putih makan dengan sardin, ayam goreng, masak kicap telur and sayur. Sedapnya sardin ni kan :-).

And ini saje nak tayang the lemons from our garden. Some of them gugur sendiri even still a bit green, don't ask me why! Tak tau lagi nak buat apa dengan lemons ni, kat pokok tu berlambak2 lagi yang still green.


  1. king jiya punya peberet ikan sardin. kalo masak sardin jek pon tak kesah! tahun lepas besday king, jiya masak ikan sardin jek. miahahahaha... tapi queennya plak kureng makan sardin. sanwich sardin suka la...

  2. wahkakaka Jiya,
    adake utk birthday king, masakkan sardin aje, memang lah kamu ni :-). Nasib baik lah peberet dia ye!

  3. Woohoo cheesecake gitu!One of my hubby's fav dessert(i think its the only cake dessert he loves)
    Masak lauk Mesia ek...ekekeke nak gelak i baca sentence "Daddy tikus kepala botak" tu..nasib baik dia tak paham BM kalau tak abiss akak...
    Hari tu pun i masak kari sardin..nak lepas gian makan lauk melayu..tekak ni dah takleh nak masuk makanan middle eastern dah..ntah sejak preggie my 3rd baby nih tekak ni asik nak makan lauk melayu je...tu yg payah tu!

  4. LG....ciannyer ur lil misses taktau pun dorang kena dera tolak trolley tu haha ;p btw, i pun makan lauk sardin tadi masa lunch..sama plak hehe and wot???? tikus botak??? haha why tikus? is it because they love cheese? ;)

  5. kids buat aper pun dia anggap fun. tunggu le 10 tahun akan dtg, x de nya le nk tolong kita tolak trolley. tak ayu le.hihihi

    p/s..terliur tengok cheesecake u, tp lg le terliur tengok sardin you.yummy!

  6. kali ni br nmpk kak lg masak mcm malay food hehehehe..gemokss nya lemon...

  7. Malay cuisine..dorang mkn ke lauk2 ni atau utk mak tikus sorang je? hehe

  8. wah kak LG.. sekali sekala makan sardin sedap juga.. (dah lama gak x makan sardin.. rasa teringin pulak nak makan.. )

    kalau lemon tu byk lagi.. leh la pas kat suami hana.. hjg minggu depan kesana..hihi

  9. u jual lemonade kat depan umah.. sure lakunyer.. kekekkeke... :P

  10. kak LG...for the 1st dot com i baru perasan u masak dinner ala2 melayu..
    since u married mat saleh...most of the times u masak western ja 'kan...i rasa western punya food agak simple dan jimatkan masa utk prepare compare to malay food...apatah lagi my hubby is typical malay yg suka makan nasi dan berbagai jenis lauk-pauk for lunch n dinner...tu yg i sempat masak weekend ja...hehehehe...alasan la tu...btw kak LG...nice cheese cake....n the lemon looks beautiful banget.....

  11. post ler sket lemon tu kat jamie. kat sini sebiji jer dah seringgit lebih...

  12. alamak, nyesalnya tak gi umah u harini..hehe ;p.. the cheesecake looks so inviting. i have a cream cheese kat fridge yg probably nak expire, probably should make one too. although it won't be half as scrumptious as yours, but i guess it'll do for someone who is a cheesecake lover ;p

  13. Mira,
    Kenalah u buat cheesecake hari ni ye,hehehe.Di paham word 'botak' tu but dia sedar pun dia botak,wahaha. The baby in you tu bila besar nanti agaknya suka Malay dishes aje ye sbb skrg u suka makan lauk melayu aje, hehehehe.....

    Sedap kan sardin ni, I pun klu makan sardin seminggu sekali, I tak kisah tp sian pulak kat 'tikus botak' kat rumah ni, hehehehe ;-)

    Kak Ain,
    skrg ni kena suruh tolak trolley, senyum aje.5 tahun lagi kena suruh tolak trolley, masam mencuka aje lah, heheheh... Kak Ain, Hidup Sardin!!!! Hahahhahaa.....

    Mommy Mica,
    Lepas ni kena masak more malay food lah mcm tu, sian tekak I kan jarang dpt makanan melayu,hehe :-).

    Kak Azah,
    Daddy tikus suka sardin dgn ayam goreng.Anak2 tikus suka masak kicap dgn ayam goreng, semua happy lah mlm tadi :-).

    U tak ikut sama ke dtg sini?Berapa hari dia kat sini? Boleh aje klu nak lemons tu, hehehe. U email me yr email add to and nanti I bagi u my house phone no :-)

    wahkahkah....Tak sanggup I!Takpe, nanti I suruh Alya n Zahra yg jual, sure ramai yg berhenti beli betul tak? :P

    Mmng kan, klu masak nasi ni, kena masak 2-3 lauk tu yg I pun malas nak masak nasi kdg2.Masak western ni I rasalah lagi senang and tak banyak songeh, hehehe....

    tak sempat sampai ke u, pak posto tu dah guna dulu buat lemon kek, hehehehe

    banyak lagi tu cheesecake nya. Yg mkn mlm tadi cuma Matt n I.The kids cuma rasa sikit aje!I pun jarang buat cheesecake ni tu yg dah nak expired baru kelam kabut guna, hehehe

  14. hye sis~
    Olala.. the crumbs on the cheesecake tu nampak sangat cun sampai bleh ngences. hehe~~ fortunately ada lagi blueberry cheesecake for my mom's birthday dlm fridge.. xde la itching hands nak try buat..hehe.. slamat dapur my mom tu~ ;D

  15. Dya,
    nasib baik ada lagi cheesecake dlm fridge u tu kan, klu tak, mmng dah sahih2 you akan ngences, hahahaha...

  16. LG...i mmg muka sadin pun (ni my mom yg ckp sbb suka makan sadin hehe)btw,if u set up a lemonade stand in front of ur place and ask the gals to tend to it, mesti la laris jer kan....siap ada yang offer diri nak jadi besan u kot nanti haha ;p

  17. waa sodapnyer cheesecake tuh

    mummy tikus, daddy tikus kepala botakk..wakakaaaa

    die x marah ke akak cakap cam 2

  18. Moonie,
    dia tak boleh nak marah sbb dah mmng fact kan, hehehe
