Saturday, 18 April 2009

Another good reason to have kids..... slave labour!

Why did I say that? Well, hari ni we spent the whole morning in our tiny garden, trimming and pruning and fertilising. And bila you trimmed and pruned 2 lemongrass plants, memang banyaklah leaves yang nak kena sapu. And since I had to do the trimming and Daddy was busy fertilising, The Little Misses lah yang kena kerah sapu the leaves and putting them in the bin. But they loved helping in the garden so ceria aje lah muka bila kena 'kerah', hehehe....

My buruh kasar tengah bekerja kuat :-).

Sempat lagi posing tu :-).

Pokok serai I lepas kena potong 'rambut' , baru lah nampak kemas sikit kan. Kalau tak, serabai aje rupanya, hahahaha.....

And then, we washed our car! If I tell you that the last time we had our car washed was in November last year, you all percaya tak? But it's the truth! Both of us love our car but we are not the types yang every week kena cuci kereta. Bukan setakat every week, once a month pun tak terbuat, hahahaha. Masa baru2 beli dulu, 2 minggu sekali we all mesti cuci sendiri and siap polish inside out lagi tu. But biasalah kan, lama kelamaan makinlah malas nya, hehehe. Nak bawak pergi car wash pun malas you! The only thing we've been doing is cleaning the windscreens every time I put petrol in the tank, other than that, memang lah tak basuh langsung. Teruk betul kan! But for the past few days, I've been complaining to The Other Half yang I dah malu sgt2 nak drive the car nowadays sebab sikit nya kotor ke and also setiap kali bergesel dengan the car, mesti kotor baju I (actually tak lah seteruk ni, but better exaggerate a bit kan, hehehe). So tadi, we all pun bergotong royong beramai2 cuci kereta. The Little Misses macam biasa lah, kerja tak banyak mana but basah kuyup! And now, I will be happy to drive the car again sebab dah cantik bersih, hehehehe.....

Ini pulak our feijoa plant, finally berbuah and dah boleh makan pun. Feijoa ni native to South America but the Kiwis have made it theirs :-). So, The Other Half happy sangat2 yang pokok kesayangan dia yang mengingatkan dia ke his childhood is finally giving out nice fruits :-). Rasa dia and bau dia memang iras2 jambu lah, that's why it's also called pineapple guava. But the taste is a bit masam and you can only it the inside so kira banyak wastage lah buah ni! The Other Half said that you can make feijoa jam from the skin.... Sape lah agaknya yang nak membuat jam tu ye? Definitely not me! Hehehehe.....


  1. You dah siap cuci kereta you boleh dtg cuci my car. My car luar tak berdebu sgt, tp dlm, mcm dumpster. Apa tak, anak2 I bila makan, choc wrappers lah, air tumpah lah, icecream meleleh lah. Last week baru bersih sikit2 sbb my friend nye mom nak tumpang I gi ke park. Kalau tak malu you.

  2. buah feijoa tu sebijik mcm jambu batu. ingatkan jambu batu td! tipah tertipu....

  3. akak pun bab cuci2 kete mmg mls. selalunya hubby je le yg buat. tu pun buat lbh kurang je. nasib kete akak merah, so kureng le nmpak kotor, kete hubby hitam, memang kotor.

    p/s....buah feijoa tu mcm jambu batu kan??

  4. Nora,
    We all cuci luar aje tadi, inside still so dusty and penuh dgn mcm2,hehehe... Malas betul lah I nak mengvacuum kereta tu!

    Kak Azita,
    I rasa adik beradik jambu jugak tp kulit dia tak boleh mkn sbb pahit abis. Yg boleh mkn cuma isi sikit dlm tu.Rasa dia mcm jambu jugak tp masam lagi.

    Kak Ain,
    we all ni cuma ada 1 kereta tu pun malas giler nak mencuci,hehehe. Nasib baik kereta kaler grey so tak lah nmpk sgt bila kotor, kalau kaler putih, mmng lah malu giler nak bwk :-).
    Feijoa tu adik beradik lah dgn jambu batu tp lagi sedap sgt2 jambu batu banding dgn feijoa ni!

  5. seronok kan sekali sekala dapat buat xtvt keluarga.. budak2 kalo dibg pilihan basuh keta paling sonok pasal bule main air sampai basah lencun... heehhehe... (jimat air ker sampai 5 bulan x basuh keta? ahahhaha) :P

  6. Nasib baik keta tuh tak pandai nak komplen, terima jelah apa yg tuan dia nak buat kat dia...hehehhehe
    Sis LG amik ler gambar buah feijoa yg dah dibelah.. curious nie nak tgk dlm dia...

  7. whoa....ghajinnya u sefamily gotong royong yer!heheehe.....suka jerr the little misses tu kena 'krah' ngan mommy yer!hahahaa..bagus2!!!!senang keje mommynye.....
    eeh sis , the fruit does look like jambu batu laa....eeii....mcm mana gamaknye rasa dia kan!this was my 1st time dgr nama tuh!huhuh

  8. Kalau Malaysia takde hujan, suruh aje my hubby basuh kereta, pasti hujan, haha. Dugaan ..

  9. Masz,
    jimat tenaga lah sbb tu tak basuh keta 5 bulan,hahahaha.... Tenaga tu boleh guna utk baking ke, masak2 ke :P

    tu lah kan, dpt tuan yg pemalas mcm we all ni, sian betul kat keta tu, hehehe... Nanti klu ada lagi yg gugur, I ambik gmbr dlm nya ye!

    sesekali aje ghajin nya tu but bila ghajin, mmng ghajin betul, hehehehe... For me feijoa ni tak sedap sgt lah, biasa aje, I lagi suka jambu batu tu! :-)

    I kena invite yr hubby dtg sini lah sbb kat sini dah lama tak hujan, hahaha.....

  10. Sesi bergotong royong membersihkan laman ye?Happy tul lil Misses bila disuruh sapu ek?Normally kids are like kids kalau suruh basuh membasuh,menyapu...berebut masing-masing nak buat!!!lepas tu kenalah upah dorang...i nya pokok serai ntah bila la nak ditrim...2 bushes plak tu!and the weeds pun dah melambai-lambai mintak ditrim..tengah diserang penyakit M nih!!!ahaks!
    Semalam kami pun seisi keluarga buat operasi membasuh kereta,haha baru spray colour baru..tu yg semangat sket nak cuci!kalau tak basuh 2 minggu or sebulan...abis kena lecture ngan father i coz he's very very fussy about car inside out!
    Lemon yg menggunung tu nak buat apa kak?Courier la sket kat i nih..boleh buat jeruk lemon utk tagine chicken...eheheh..

  11. wah bertuah ada anak-anak yang begitu rajin membantu

    dan suami mithali pun ada juga

    haha =)

    rajin la juga dia bercucuk tanam tk mcm kita ni. tanam rumput sajo haha

  12. best nya tengok..cantek jugak garden least nmpk green

  13. ni la 1st time i tgk org cantas lemongrass tree tu mcm tu, ala2 fidi-dido la plak kn. kekeke..

    BTW seronok sesekali satu family turun pdg bgotong royong cam ni kn...berat sm dipikul, ringan sm djinjing.

    P/s:sdpnye ciskek kt bwh tu..:)

  14. Mira,
    Tu lah kan,kalau suruh sapu or basuh membasuh, cepat aje angkat tangan. Cuba klu suruh kemas toys diaorang, lambat betul nak buat, hehehe. I memang teringin nak buat picked lemon the middle eastern way but nak tunggu lemon tu semua kuning sikit nya lama ke!

    Mommy Lily,
    alhamdulillah lah they all nak tolong semlm :-). Senang sikit kerja we all, hehehe

    Mommy Mica,
    Klu winter nanti, semua hidup segan mati tak mahu, skrg ni cantik green aje kan :-)

    Oh ye ke? I actually tak tau mcm mana nak cantas lemongrass tu tp sbb nmpk semak sgt2 panjang2 daunnya so I cantas bagi pendek habis, hehehe....

  15. feijoe ,,apa rase buah tu.. cam avocado ke?

    waa laman dah bersih ati pon sonang..kuarga bahgia gotong royong anak beranak

  16. moonie,
    ada rasa jambu sikit,rasa masam2 sikit. For me, sedap lagi jambu kat M'sia tu lah :-)

  17. Hi Lemongrass,

    Finally, I managed to follow your site! But, am not even know untuk apa follow tu sebenarnya hahaha sedangkan I still boleh visit and baca your blog at anywhere..anytime! lol! I tak boleh kalau sehari tak baca your blog and I started from day one you wrote which is year 2008. And now, I admire most of your dishes and believe me yang I sekarang kurang makan Asian food beacause of you! hahaha!

    Love you very much Kakak Lemongrass! (Ops, may I?? LOL! And I wonder what is your real name?)

    With lot of <3

    H O N E Y
