Sunday, 14 December 2008

Today we spent the whole day at home, inside, keeping cool with the aircond on sebab it got up to 38ºC outside! Keluar kejap masa jemur kain pun dah terasa perit sangat on the skin, lagi lah kalau keluar jalan2, mau rentung terus my already tanned skin ni, hehehe. Miss 5 banyak kali asked to go bike riding, I asked her to keluar kejap to feel the sun panas ke tak on her skin, baru lah dia kata, "it's still very hot out there Mummy!". Then terus dia tak tanya lagi sebab it's so much nicer to be indoors where it's cool and comfy, hehehehe. Nak keluar pergi shopping pun tak larat sebab panas sgt and surenya all the shopping complexes are jam packed with people kan sbb dah nak dekat Christmas sgt2 ni, lagi lah tak larat. In Perth ni, from a month nak Christmas, the shoping complexes are opened every Sunday, which in Perth is a very big deal you! Tapi memang penuh lah dengan segala macam manusia yang buat last minute Christmas shopping. Everyday pun dah busy sgt2 skrg ni, nak buat normal grocery shopping pun naik menyampah sebab the supermarkets penuh dgn orang. Tu yg for the next week or so, kalau I nak buat grocery shopping, I have to do it early in the morning to avoid the madness. So before the other half pergi kerja, I can go to the shop first and leave the Little Misses with him at home and then we can stay at home the whole day and not have to deal with the heat and sesak2. But I think sesak macam mana pun, tak lah se sesak KL masa nak dekat Raya, hehehe.

Since we didn't go anywhere today, Mummy was extra baik hari ni to make Roti jala for lunch sebab meleleh air liur tengok roti jala Kak Ina buat. The adults makan dgn kari ayam and the Little Misses makan dengan susu pekat. Miss 5 tried the kari ayam, Miss 9 sikit pun tak nak cuba sbb dia takut sgt kat pedas ni! Hish.....

Then the other half was extra rajin as well, he made garlic and cheese bread sebab dia kata nak makan dgn leftover roast beef for dinner tonite. He made the dough in the breadmaker and baked it in the oven in a cake tin. Miss 9 thought Mummy was in her rajin mode, baking another cake :-). When I sliced it barulah dia tau itu roti, hehehe. we had roast beef sandwich tonite for dinner with homemade bread. Home made bread ni memang lah sedap kan :-).

Macam rupa kek kan, tu yg Miss 9 tertipu sekejap...

After it's been sliced. Lupa pulak nak ambil gmbr the sandwich, hehehe....


  1. Rajin laaaa "mat saleh" tuu...ishh i salute lahh mcm tu......

  2. wahhh comei lote roti jala... macam di'anyam' jer ;-)
    panas ye cuaca kat sana. sini hari2 hujan... sejuk jer basuh baju pun x kering!

  3. teringin nak did you do the kotak-kotak like roti jala tu ye?? Do you mind sharing it with me...or the others?

    Thank you dear and have a nice 'hot-day'!

  4. It's true your roti jala cantik sangat. Care to share garli bread recipe tak? TQ

    Kat Doha ni 38C tu dah kira "sejuk"..mid summer can be up to 50 ++..

  5. salam LG

    mami kehilangan blog baru2 nie...

    skrg ni wat blog sementara.

    sudilah kiranya meng add saya kembali ... :-)

  6. waaaa lawoo roti jala tu...guna botol sos erk..cun ler kak..isshh rasa nk wat gak ler..daging kurban bnyk lg nih :)

  7. LG..panas jugak summer kat perth yek... 38C...fuh.. dah adik beradik dubai dah tu..he..he.. tp menarik sungguh roti jala tu... cantik... kalau i sayang nak makan..ha..ha

  8. Cantiknya..roti jala tu..I come across an interesting web, sgt sesuai for yur kids to occupy their time indoor during their sch holiday, there are so many easy to make and beautiful crafts ..go to
    Harap2 yur kid suka.

  9. Cik Mat,
    dia rajin sekali sekala aje,hehehe n cuma rajin buat roti aje! Nak suruh cik mat tiup angin rajin masak dinner ke dia lah so bolehlah I rehat dr masuk dapur,wahkahkahkah..

    baru betul boleh dipanggil jala ye sbb mmng sebijik mcm bentuk jala,hehehe. 38 tu tak panas lagi,once in a while it can go up to 40+.

    I guna botol sos/kicap plastic yg ada muncung 1 tu. Pastu, just squirt kat non stick pan bentuk 4 segi. Nanti I ambil gmbr mcm mana I buat ok so snng sikit orang nak faham :-).

    Hi karimhanim,
    Garlic n cheese bread tu we all guna recipe fr the breadmaker book, hehehe. I think klu Perth ever gets to 50+ mmng lah we all tak kan keluar rumah langsung!

    Hi MommyLily,
    Sian u, mcm mana boleh hilang? I yg seriau skrg ni sbb takut tetiba jadi mcm u gak kat blog I. I've changed your link to the new one :-).

    HI Azie,
    Macam tak tau pulak rahsia nya,hehehe. Awak yg ajar camner nak buat, mmng snng banget kan guna botol sos tu, seronok aje menjala semlm! :-).

    Hi Moi,
    Kdg2 aje panas tu tp mmng lah tak larat nak keluar. Best nya u all gi jln2 sampai ke Iran, safe ke pergi situ? have a happy holiday ye!

  10. Hi Azah,
    thanks for the website ye.

  11. saya pun terpikat dengan roti jala tu. cam mana nak menjala cam gitu ekk?

  12. Oi Hanim you pun dtg ke sini ye.

    Semalam I pun tak keluar rumah. Duduk dlm rumah. Hb gi keluar beli barang2 garden dia. I tak sanggup nak ikut. Budak2 restless duduk kat dlm rumah. Hb balik siap bawak toys utk kiddies. Water sliding. So lepas dinner daddy diaorg pasang benda tu. Apa lagi jolie sakan budak2 tu. Nanti I paste gambar dlm my site. OK.

    So mcmana skrg tahap kesabaran you. I ok lagi. Sbb baru kan....

  13. kak...ingat kuih apa la..rupanya roti jala gulung...hahaha. sgt2 menarik! yummyyyyyyyyy

  14. Semuanya nampak sedap & cantik!


  15. Hi Azita,
    I dah buat entry camner nak buat roti jala tu. Lepas ni boleh lah u pulak tunjuk kehandalan menjala ye! :-).

    Hehe mallan,
    I masih ok lagi hari ni, sikit pun belum jadi singa sbb baru aje berapa hari cuti kan. Tunggu lah by end of this week, definitely bnyk kali dah jadi singa :-)

    Hehehe Sue,
    you pun tertipu ke? roti jala biasa aje tp bila digulung jadi luar biasa rupanya ;-).

    sure you tengah lapar ye bila gi blog I, tu yg nmpk semua sedap aje, hehehe
