Saturday, 13 December 2008

The first day of holiday was very uneventful, Miss 9 went to Guides and we stayed at home. Baru first day aje kan, tu yg the Little Misses baik aje main sama2 with all their toys, tunggu lah 2-3 hari lagi before the fights and arguments start! Can't wait for that, NOT! Hopefully if I keep them occupied with activities and things to do, tak lah diaorang bosan gilerr sampai nak bergaduh aje kan. Tengok lah nanti kalau Mummy rajin, hehehe. The other half spent the whole morning cleaning up his office nook and the spare room. They are finally tidy! Unbelievable! :-). I can now walk in the spare room without tripping over anything and I can finally use my sewing machine and the overlocker sebab I can finally reached them, hehehe. Punyalah dah lama sangat2 tak menjahit ni, rasa gian pulak nak buat something. The last time I made something on the sewing machine was probably early this year kot. Padahal everytime pergi kedai kain, I would buy some kain dengan angan2 nak buat macam2 with them, hehehe. Kain dah bertimbun tapi project belum jugak bermula, motivation tak sampai2 lagi, hahaha. I will definitely try to make something masa cuti panjang ni so the Little Misses adalah some summer stuff to wear :-).

Today barulah terasa summer weather, the temperature went up to 30+ tak silap. Sidai kain, tak sampai 3 jam dah kering semuanya, seronok betul! Tomorrow it'll be even hotter so bolehlah I bagi some more work for the washing machine, sian dia kena kerja kuat masa weekend :-).

Orang lain bila panas2 ni terasa nak makan yang ringan2 aje like salad or BBQ but we all dinner tadi we had sliced slow cooked beef with gravy, roast potatoes and bean salad, hehehe. Roast and gravy ni is typically a winter food but biasalah kan dah tekak terasa nak makan roast beef so summer ke winter, bedal aje lah :-). And as usual, Miss 5 said, "this is the best dinner ever Mummy!" Alahai anak I yang sorang tu, memang teramat lah loves her food :-). But the other half pun makan beria jugak so I guess sedap lah tu. Sebab jarang betul I buat roast beef and gravy ni so sekali sekala makan memang lah sedap kan :-). And then when you cook it in the slow cooker, the meat was very tender but well cooked so tu yang the Little Misses makan laju aje sebab senang nak chew and telan, hehehe.....

Our dinner tonite.

p/s Fiza, I pun buat waffles jugak for breakfast pagi tadi. I had mine with fresh mangoes, hehehe. The Little Misses beria2 makan sebab Mummy dah lama gilerr tak buat waffles :-).

I had no idea why the colour is a bit reddish, hmmmm.....


  1. Salam perkenalan utk lemongrass. Your Little Misses are very cute!

  2. salam perkenalan. I had been your silent reader for quite some time now. Dah lama tercari2 cara nak buat slow cooked beef with gravy tu. Minta tolong you blogkan resepinya.

    Thank you in advance

  3. wahh, gifted betul ya..dah la pandai masak, pandai menjahit juga..I wish i had all that talents...

  4. Hi Azita,
    slm kenal, thanks :-). Mummy dia cute kan, tu yg diaorg cute, hehehe, gurau aje :-).

    Hi Hani,
    tq sbb sudi baca my blog. Recipe I tu main agak2 aje, takde sukatan but I guna garlic, mustard yg dlm jar tu, rosemary leaves n stalks, salt n pepper, olive oil and blackcurrant jam. Mix everything together jadi paste pastu sapu kat the whole beef surface. Then masukkan kat slow cooker n cook on high for about 4 hours or until cooked. You pun kat Perth jugak ye? Study kat mana?

    H Azah,
    takde lah gifted, cuma bolehlah buat sikit2 setakat utk my kids. I suka buat dresses, skirts n pants for them sbb snng nak jahit. yang lain tu, I tak rajin nak buat, hehehe.

  5. k LG,cantiknyela jala tu...pakai acuan ke?camne buat leh garis2 tepung tu tsusun cantik je camtu???
    hahaha...demam waffle sampai ke sane eh...p
    pagi tadi kite pn wat waffle x tangkap gambo la pulak sbb kelam kabut nak g spital lagi tgk mak.
    k LG pakai resepi mane?leh kongsi???eheheh...

  6. Fiza,
    I pakai botol sos plastic tu aje. pastu kita buatlah design camner kita nak kat atas non stick pan,hehehe. I guna recipe waffle fr Allrecipes tak silap.

    2 eggs (gred A)
    2 cwn plain flour
    1 3/4 cwn fresh milk
    1/2 cup oil
    1 tbsp sugar
    4 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp vanilla

    -beat everthing with hand mixer until smooth and well mixed.
    -pastu put in waffle maker.

  7. Hi lemongrass,

    I memang kat Perth, study kat UWA. Dah 3 tahun kat sini:)

  8. hai kak lemon suka tgk your kids..cute jer.. :) i adore gak your food simple tp menyelerakan.

    soalan bodoh2 sket nak tanya nie huhu..
    slow cooker tu yg mcm rice cooker tu kan..ker ada yg style lain ek..
    klu msk guna slow cooker tu nak kena letak air ker?

    p/s: saya budak baru belajar.. :p

  9. hi Hani,
    dah lama jugak lah ye u kat sini.We all pun baru genap 3 tahun kat perth ni.

    Hi Mieoney,
    A'ah, slow cooker tu yg mcm rice cooker tu, mangkuk dlm tu ceramic. I klu masak dlm slow cooker, klu buat roast chicken or beef or lamb mmng tak pernah letak air sbb nanti air dari meat tu akan keluar sendiri so dia moist lah. Klu masak yg berkuah like kari, I letak air sbb nak banyak kan kuah

  10. now i know..huhu sbb yg tau slow cooker utk masak bubur jer..tak sangka plak bleh wat roasted beef ek..
    TQ kak lemon.. :) kita exchange link ye..

  11. Mieoney,
    I tak pernah lagi guna slow cooker tu buat masak bubur sbb orang rumah ni tak mkn bubur sgt, hehehe. But masak rendang, kari, butter chicken, roast chicken, roast beef tu pernah lah. boleh aje nak exchange link :-).
