Friday, 9 May 2008

I got a surprise today which was such a sweet gesture. Today, during school hours I was busy helping a friend at the little misses' school canteen. Then suddenly, she gave me a present with a card to thank me for all the help I've given her and for being a friend. It was a huge box of chocolate and an expensive one at that :-). Bila bukak the card pulak, I found a Myers gift card inside it as well. Uish, seronok sesangat rasanya sebab dah terbayang all the things I can buy at Myers with it, hehehe.... Best sangat rasanya bila dpt unexpected gifts ni especially 1 that I can use to go shopping! Mother's Day nanti dpt lagi, yeay....yeay....

So, tadi I was telling the little misses about why I got the chocolates and the gift card, kiranya a lesson in moral lah. Told them that, hidup ni kenalah sentiasa berbudi n berbahasa n tolong menolong sesama manusia without expecting anything in return. InsyaAllah, bila kita sentiasa berbuat baik ni, orang akan take notice juga and Allah akan reward us dengan bermacam2 ganjaran and these other people will reward us too for our budi like with yummy Belgian chocolates and gift cards, hehehe...... But knowing the little misses, I'm not sure how much they learned from Mummy's little talk. Oh well, hopefully they'll learn something......

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