Thursday, 8 May 2008

Dah seminggu ni memang malas sangat nak masuk dapur, masuk yang lama sikit pun cuma masa nak masak dinner aje. Nasib baik lah breakfast during weekdays kat rumah ni teramatlah simplenya so malas macam mana pun still senang nak buat. What we normally do in the morning lepas mandi n solat, the other half will turn on the espresso machine and it's his job every morning to make coffee before the little misses wake up so I have the energy to face the day :-). Then bila the little misses wake up, they only want toast or cereal for breakfast before school with hot milo, senang kan! Itu yg bila weekend buat waffles or scrambled eggs n croissants or pancakes for them kononnya special sikit lah, hehehe.... Nasib baik bukan jenis yg minta cooked breakfast every morning, kalau tak, memang lah tak sanggup mummy nak masak....

So, malam ni a simple dinner again. Bila buka fridge, nampak lebihan inti karipap from the other day. Made murtabak segera using the inti and spring roll wrappers ( idea dapat fr MyResipi) and buat meehoon goreng yang teramat sempoi. The other half nampak meehoon on the dining table, tak tercakap apa sbb dia tau yg I'm so not in the mood to cook seminggu ni. But dia makan lah jugak the meehoon with lots of chilli sauce to make it lagi sedap kat tekak dia, hehehehe.... Nasib baik I buat murtabak banyak so kenyang lah jugak dia makan malam ni. Miss 4 1/2 loves meehoon goreng sempoi ni sebab everytime I make it, dia yang akan makan beria. She calls it 'hot noodles' sebab memang I letak chilli sauce in it masa masak but she still loves it. Miss 9 cuma makan murtabak aje tadi because she's too scared to try the 'hot' noodles eventhough she could see her little sister eating it dengan muka selamba.

Saje nak tunjuk rupa anak mat saleh makan durian!


  1. comell je makan durian tuuu...kena paksa ngan mummy ke atau mmg miss suka..?

    always love murtabak

  2. Memang dia suka.First time we all asked her to try, pastu terus dia suka sgt2. Next time nya, dia yg berebut nak abiskan dgn daddy dia, hehe.... Memang anak melayu but muka aje yg mat saleh sikit !

  3. LG,

    Second child memang lasak sikit kan. Yg sulong je selalu manje lebih2.

    Along pun mcm tu. Yg tu tak nak, ni x makan. Tu yg kurus keding. Adik jenis x kisah, semua dia redah. W/pun gap umur 3 tahun tapi nmpk mcm beza setahun je :P

  4. tu lah kan intan, mmng agaknya 2nd child ni lasak sbb tak dimanjakan sgt sbb masa tu kita dah tak 'kisah' sbb dah expert, hehehe...

  5. heyyy you don't eat durian with spoon...pakai tanganlah baru sedap, lepas tu sehingga menjilat jari & siku! hehehe my fahmi & yaya are just crazy about durian. just imagine yaya masa demam suspect dengue ri tu bleh jadi sihat terbau durian!

  6. hehehe lia, funny lah yaya tu...
    klu mcm ni, next time dia demam ke, u beli ajelah durian, sure cepat dia baik kan!
