Friday, 18 April 2008

Harini pun busy lagi, tak sabarnya menanti hari Ahad sbb boleh relax puas2, hehehe....Esok dah party so lepas the kids masuk tidur tadi, mulalah project mendekorasi b'day kek. I think adalah rupa shape yang the little miss asked for so hopefully she'll be delighted with my attempt. Tiap2 tahun buat b'day kek pun masih lagi tak lembut2 tangan ni when it comes to decorating cakes, agaknya kena rendam lama2 dlm air panas baru lembut kot!

Esok the little misses and friends want to 'main masak2' so I've made them pizza and cupcakes that they can decorate and bake. Ingat esok pagi nak buat biscuit dough so the kids can play with the cookie cutters and take their creations home but tengoklah rajin mana I esok pagi, hehehe....

Malam ni nak letak gambar my 'workplace' since kena tagged dgn cousin nana minggu lepas lagi. Sorrylah Nana ye sebab anak murid malas and busy sikit nak buat homework. I should have taken photos of the whole house sebab dah jadi home manager kan so satu rumah lah kiranya my workplace, betul tak? Tapi I'll just show you my humble kitchen and my workstation where I sit everyday to gi meronda2 blog orang, surf the net and to chat with people. The little misses and the other half have their own computers so takde sape kacau my PC which is marvellous, hehehe....

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