Thursday, 17 April 2008

Another busy day with last minute shopping for the party, swimming and baking again. Mengalahkan nak buat kenduri kahwin aje, hehehe...But kalau kenduri kahwin ramai yg menolong, ini kita sorang yang organise segala benda so memanglah terasa penat nya. The other half is busy with work and the little misses setakat tolong kemas sikit2 tu bolehlah. I want to prepare and bake everything yang boleh before Saturday so nanti I can relax a bit on that day, tak lah macam lipas kudung aje. Sekarang ni pun while blogging, tengah tunggu piza dough naik sebab kononnya nak parbake the pizza bases tonite. Saturday nanti the party kids tinggal letak topping apa yg diaorang nak and tinggal masuk oven sekejap to continue baking. Tak pernah lah so far cuba parbaking my pizza base, hopefully menjadi lah hendaknya, kalau tak jadi, alamat tong sampah lah yang makan nanti!

Anyway, dinner malam ni cuma home made burger and chips. Too lazy to cook! Nak letak gambar pun segan so I letak gambar the little misses at the pool today ajelah..

Little miss 4 1/2 practicing what she learned in lesson, blowing bubbles under water. The first day of swimming, dia tak nak letak muka langsung under water, by the fourth day, dia dah boleh menyelam for a few seconds so we are quite happy with her progress.
Miss '3 days to 9' in the kids' spa area.

The two little misses together.


  1. boleh feel 'lelah' & 'penat' u nak organise party ni. juz like ms i did yaya's party. i pun bake beransur2... mana yg tahan lama bake dulu & simpan. tu blum lg penat lepas party...hehehe
    don't 4get to enjoy!

  2. hi Lia,
    the little misses can't wait for saturday. I pulak can't wait for Sunday so I can finally rest from baking and sending them swimming everyday. But hopefully everything goes well tomorrow.

  3. mata alya sebijik ikut mata abg mat..

  4. ye ke Nana? kan mata dia sepet tu, hehehe...cammata orang jawa!
