Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Hari ni panas betul kat Perth ni. Dah nak dekat end of Summer, makin naik temperature bukan makin turun. I think it got up to 38ºC today. Dah nak maghrib ni pun masih lagi berbahang kat luar tu. Selalunya bila panas2 macam ni, mood nak masak bukan sama naik macam ikut temperature outside, makin turun adalah, hehehe....

In Australia, when it's summer they love having barbies which is the shortform of barbecues. Aussies love to shorten names..BBQ to barbie, umbrella to brollie, sausages to snags or sangers, afternoon to arvo, pavlova to pav etc. It's like learning a different language altogether,hehehe....

Anyway, back to dinner or more specifically, the lack of enthusiasm in cooking dinner tonite...
Last nite we went to India in our culinary journey. I was thinking of stopping over in Malaysia tonite but like I said earlier about being malas, I straightaway 'flew' back to Australia. I opted for the easiest dinner, snags on the barbie but without the barbie since we don't have one and it's too hot to cook outdoors! I'm not too sure the origin of sausages in a bun or hot dogs. Some people say it's the Americans who invented it, some people disagree. But I guess now, every country would have some kind of dish of meat in a bread based 'holder'.

We normally have our sausages with sauteed onions, tomato sauce, mustard, grated cheese and some baby rockets in a sausage bun. And also not forgetting the most important side dish, chips. Well. we had potato nuggets instead of chips but it still originated from the potatoes once! Told you I'm so lazy to cook tonite.

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