Tuesday, 26 February 2008

After 'going' to Spain, Italy and Mexico for the past few days with our dinners, malam ni terasa nak 'balik' Malaysia pulaknya...Tapi instead of going straight to Malaysia, ter 'detour' ke India pulak,hehehe...The other half has asked when we are going to have rice and curry again so nak tak nak terpaksalah menyimpang ke India sekejap,hahaha...

I wanted to make a very mild curry so the little misses can have it as well without them running to the hose! The mildest of all the curries I've tasted would probably be Butter Chicken. It originated from Northern India. There's so many different versions of butter chicken, every indian restaurant has its own secret recipe. But I think it's based on butter (hence the name), cream, tomatoes and some spices. I made it even milder tonite by only using half of a green chilli just in case the little misses could actually taste the chillies. I made it from scratch, not out of a bottle,hehehe...The other half found it too mild because he felt like having a fiery curry tonite but I'll save the fiery sambal for when we 'visit' Malaysia or Thailand on our culinary journey.

I made indian style vegetables to go with the curry, poppadum and omelette. I also bought instant capati but it didn't turn out that great. It's probably me cooking it wrong. To finish dinner off, I 'made' payasam which is Indian sweet 'soup' out of a packet. I love having all these ready to cook packet stuff, it makes life so much easier for me. The payasam photo didn't turn out that great, sorry about that!

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