Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The still ongoing sale

I love window shopping.

Because tak keluar duit and dapat cuci mata sambil berangan2.

And sejak lepas Christmas tu memang tak habis2 sale.

Most shops dah stop lah their mega sales but they still have small weekly sales which can be amazing sometimes.

One of them is Target.

A couple of times I masuk Target cari benda lain, keluar mesti bawak benda lain!

Susah betul bila rambang mata ni kan!

Surprised smileSemua nak beli!


The other day I masuk, I nampak benda2 ni…



Sape yang hantu gadgets comel2 macam ni sure akan ambik every single one of them kan! Smile

Tadi I masuk, I nampak benda2 ni pulak….

They sell the mixer+the thermal ice cream bowl in a pack for $249 ajerr!


I dah ada mixer but takde all this planetary action nor scraper mixer nor the alien-looking special mixer for ice cream!

Hati meronta2 nak ambik tapi mixer I yang bagak tu nak letak mana.


And they have other stuff on clearance and on sale.


Nampak mcm best aje kan the Breville grill ni!


And the Sunbeam kettle is so so cute.


Since that was what I was looking for and this happened to be on sale.

Memang dah fated lah kiranya for the kettle to join our household.


Tu sebab The Other Half seriau aje kalau bini dia kata nak pergi window shopping!

Hahahahaha.Winking smile

P/S Sape yang tanya pasal the bread recipe, I ada pernah bagi recipe sweet dough and white bread dough and pizza dough in previous entries.

But you kena kerja lebih sikit cari kat shortcut recipe tu.

And yes, I still guna tangan untuk uli all my dough sebab dah bertahun2 my BM berkubur masuk hard rubbish and sampai sekarang masih tak beli2 baru lagi.

And so far, tak lah susah mana nak menguli nya sebab the dough is quite soft so tak lah sampai berketul2 muscles naik kat tangan I akibat menguli, hikhikhik…


  1. waaaaaaaaaaaaa mcm2 ada yek kak... kalu time window shopping tuh poket tgh ada duit banyak mmg abis lah... nampak tu nk beli, nampak yg comei nk amik... aduh

  2. comel je cerek...sesuai dengan tuannya

  3. Salam Sis, dah lama sy masuk gua bertapa. Dulunya follower tegar LemonGrass. Mahu kembali menceriakan hari-hariku ini ;)
    Salam ukhuwah kembali.

  4. as salam k.mynn!!!!

    mmmuuuaaaahhhhs.....rindu kat akak.sihat ke? awat senyap je fb akak tu? merajuk ke? hehehehe

  5. Salam, akak plan nak visit adelaide dan Melbourne hujung tahun ni. Masa tu sesuai tak nak shopping? boleh bagi idea nak shopping apa? hee.......

  6. Salam kak LG,
    I am your new follower..really enjoyed reading your blog.. salam perkenalan. :)

  7. I baru belajar guna ig. Baru dua hari registered. Yippeeee. I ada add u, i la tu with 'pillpunch' as my username. Org lain dah bertahun dah kan.
    And i pon nak gi chaddy nyopping jak gi. Hubby tetiba ajak. Wah wah, pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, kecik tapak tangan periuk gajah kutadahkan, kasi betis lebih dari peha aku nakkan. Hahahah

  8. Sis LG.. memang berkenan sungguh dengan kettle mu itew .. cantik tertarik manarik daboom

  9. Wah so tempting tengok all the sale! Boleh saya order kat akak? Target please come to malaysia. hee

  10. Dana,
    memang tension kalau pergi kedai masa tgh ada sale ni! Rasa nak hangkut semua bawak balik!

    hehehe. comel kan :-)

    Petak bunga,
    tengok kedai jugak lah. Ada yg dah stop sale, ada yg still continuing. Tapi every week dia akan tukar the sale items.

    Nor Azura,
    Salam. thanks ye sbb masih sudi lagi jenguk my blog selepas keluar dr bertapa :-)

    Wassalam. Dah berbulan2 sejak dari tahun lepas I tak masuk FB sbb dah malas nak jenguk FB tu. Skrg kat Insta dgn blog aje, hehehe

    Salam. Hujung tahun ni tu bila? Stock take sale yg betul2 mega akan start the day after Xmas on the 26th of December and berlarutan sampai end of Jan. Melbourne nya sale lagi best sbb dia ada lagi bnyk kedai and factory outlets yg best.

    Salam singgah ke my blog. thanks ye sbb sudi follow blog ni :-)

    beli apa aje kat Chadwick? macam2 ke you borong? :-)

    we all pun suka retro style kettle ni, comel aje klu letak kat dapur :-)

    hahahaha. Satu yg hampeh kat Oz ni, the postage sgt2 lah mahal nya so memang tak berbaloi beli murah2 tp bayar postage mahal giler! :-)
